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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom FlĂdr (https://github.com/mvccore/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/4.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core;
use MvcCore\Ext\Form;
abstract class Base
* Initialized state. You can call $form->Init(); method any time you want,
* it automaticly recognize, if it is already initialized or not, but there is
* necessary to call at Init() function begin parent::Init(); call to do it.
* Sometimes you need to work with feelds before rendering outside of form
* and there is necessary to call $form->Init() menthod by yourself, but normaly
* it's called internaly after it is realy needed, so only for render process
* and submit process. This initialization state property has three values:
* 0 - not initialized
* 1 - initialized, but fields are not prepared internaly for rendering
* 2 - all fieds are prepared for rendering (it is processed internaly in
* $form->Render() function, state 2 is not necessary to know.
* @var int
protected $initialized = 0;
* Temporary collection of js files to add after form (directly into html output
* or by external renderer, doesn't metter), this serves only for purposes how to
* determinate to add supporting javascript by field type only once. Keys are relative
* javascript file paths and values are simple dummy booleans.
* @var array
protected static $js = array();
* Temporary collection of css files to add after form (directly into html output
* or by external renderer, doesn't metter), this serves only for purposes how to
* determinate to add supporting css by field type only once. Keys are relative
* css file paths and values are simple dummy booleans.
* @var array
protected static $css = array();
* Simple form javascript assets root directory.
* After \MvcCore\Ext\Form instance is created, this value is completed to library internal
* assets directory. If you want to create any custom field with custom javascript,
* you can do it by loading github package mvccore/simpleform-cusom-js somewhere
* create there any other custom javascript for any custom field and change this value
* to that directory. All supporting javascript for \MvcCore\Ext\Form fields will be loaded from there.
* @var string
protected $jsAssetsRootDir = '';
* Simple form css assets root directory.
* After \MvcCore\Ext\Form instance is created, this value is completed to library internal
* assets directory. If you want to create any custom field with custom css,
* you can do it by creating an empty directory somewhere, by copying every css file from
* library assets directory into it, by creating any other custom css for any custom field
* and by change this value to that directory. All supporting css for \MvcCore\Ext\Form
* fields will be loaded from there.
* @var string
protected $cssAssetsRootDir = '';
* Collection with callable handlers to process anytime CSRF checking cause an error inside form.
* @var array
protected static $csrfErrorHandlers = array();
* Absolutize assets path. Every field has cofigured it's supporting css or js file with
* absolute path replacement inside file path string by '__MVCCORE_FORM_DIR__'.
* Replace now the replacement by prepared properties $form->jsAssetsRootDir or $form->cssAssetsRootDir
* to set path into library assets folder by default or to any other user defined paths.
* @param string $path
* @param string $assetsKey
* @return string
protected function absolutizeAssetPath ($path = '', $assetsKey = '') {
$assetsRootDir = $assetsKey == 'js' ? $this->jsAssetsRootDir : $this->cssAssetsRootDir;
return str_replace(
array('__MVCCORE_FORM_DIR__', '\\'),
array($assetsRootDir, '/'),
* Clean up after rendering.
* - clean session errors
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form|\MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core\Base
protected function cleanUpRenderIfNecessary () {
$this->Errors = array();
Helpers::SetSessionErrors($this->Id, array());
return $this;
* Complete css or js supporting files to add after rendered form
* or to add them by external renderer. This function process all
* added assets and filter them to add them finally only one by once.
* @param string $assetsKey
* @return array
protected function completeAssets ($assetsKey = '') {
$files = array();
$assetsKeyUcFirst = ucfirst($assetsKey);
foreach ($this->$assetsKeyUcFirst as $item) {
$files[$this->absolutizeAssetPath($item[0], $assetsKey)] = TRUE;
$files = array_keys($files);
foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
if (isset(static::${$assetsKey}[$file])) {
} else {
static::${$assetsKey}[$file] = TRUE;
return array_values($files);
* Get request path with protocol, domain, port, part but without any possible query string.
* @return string
protected function getRequestPath () {
$requestUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$lastQuestionMark = mb_strpos($requestUri, '?');
if ($lastQuestionMark !== FALSE) $requestUri = mb_substr($requestUri, 0, $lastQuestionMark);
$protocol = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on') ? 'https:' : 'http:';
return $protocol . '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $requestUri;
* Prepare for rendering.
* - process all defined fields and call $field->setUp();
* to prepare field for rendering process.
* - load any possible error from session and set up
* errors into fields and into form object to render them properly
* - load any possible previously submitted or stored data
* from session and set up form with them.
* - set initialized state to 2, which means - prepared for rendering
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form|\MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core\Base
protected function prepareRenderIfNecessary () {
if ($this->initialized == 2) return $this;
if (!$this->initialized) $this->Init();
foreach ($this->Fields as & $field) {
// translate fields if necessary and do any rendering preparation stuff
$errors = Helpers::GetSessionErrors($this->Id);
foreach ($errors as & $errorMsgAndFieldName) {
if (!isset($errorMsgAndFieldName[1])) $errorMsgAndFieldName[1] = '';
list($errorMsg, $fieldName) = $errorMsgAndFieldName;
$this->AddError($errorMsg, $fieldName);
if (isset($this->Fields[$fieldName])) {
// add error classes into settings config where necessary
$fieldInstance = & $this->Fields[$fieldName];
if (method_exists($fieldInstance, 'AddGroupCssClass')) {
$data = Helpers::GetSessionData($this->Id);
if ($data) $this->SetDefaults($data);
$this->View = new View($this);
$this->initialized = 2;
return $this;
* Render supporting js/css file. Add it after renderer form content or call extenal renderer.
* @param string $content
* @param callable $renderer
* @param bool $loadContent
* @param string $absPath
* @return void
protected function renderAssetFile (& $content, & $renderer, $loadContent, $absPath) {
if ($loadContent) {
$content .= trim(file_get_contents($absPath), "\n\r;") . ';';
} else {
call_user_func($renderer, new \SplFileInfo($absPath));
* Process single field configured validators and add errors where necessary.
* Clean client value to safe value by configured validator classes for this field.
* Return safe value.
* @param string $fieldName
* @param array $rawRequestParams
* @param \MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core\Field $field
* @return string|array
protected function submitField ($fieldName, & $rawRequestParams, \MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core\Field & $field) {
$result = null;
if (!$field->Validators) {
$submitValue = isset($rawRequestParams[$fieldName]) ? $rawRequestParams[$fieldName] : $field->GetValue();
$result = $submitValue;
} else {
foreach ($field->Validators as $validatorKey => $validator) {
if ($validatorKey > 0) {
$submitValue = $result; // take previous
} else {
// take submitted or default by SetDefault(array()) call in first verification loop
$submitValue = isset($rawRequestParams[$fieldName]) ? $rawRequestParams[$fieldName] : $field->GetValue();
if ($validator instanceof \Closure) {
$safeValue = $validator(
$submitValue, $fieldName, $field, $this
} else /*if (gettype($validator) == 'string')*/ {
$validatorInstance = Validator::Create($this, $validator);
$safeValue = $validatorInstance->Validate(
$submitValue, $fieldName, $field
// set safe value as field submit result value
$result = $safeValue;
if (is_null($safeValue)) $safeValue = '';
// add required error message if necessary
if (
(gettype($safeValue) == 'string' && strlen($safeValue) === 0) ||
(gettype($safeValue) == 'array' && count($safeValue) === 0)
) && $field->Required
) {
$errorMsg = Configuration::$DefaultMessages[Configuration::REQUIRED];
if ($this->Translate) {
$errorMsg = call_user_func($this->Translator, $errorMsg);
$errorMsg = View::Format(
$errorMsg, array($field->Label ? $field->Label : $fieldName)
$errorMsg, $fieldName
return $result;
* Process all fields configured validators and add errors where necessary.
* Clean client values to safe values by configured validator classes for each field.
* After all fields are processed, store clean values and error messages into session
* to use them in any possible future request, where is necessary to fill and submit
* the form again, for example by any error and redirecting to form error url.
* @param array $rawRequestParams
* @return void
protected function submitFields ($rawRequestParams = array()) {
foreach ($this->Fields as $fieldName => & $field) {
/** @var $field \MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core\Field */
if ($field->Readonly || $field->Disabled) {
$safeValue = $field->GetValue(); // get by SetDefaults(array()) call
} else {
$safeValue = $this->submitField($fieldName, $rawRequestParams, $field);
if (is_null($safeValue)) $safeValue = '';
if (!($field instanceof Form\Button)) {
$this->Data[$fieldName] = $safeValue;
Helpers::SetSessionErrors($this->Id, $this->Errors);
Helpers::SetSessionData($this->Id, $this->Data);