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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom FlĂdr (https://github.com/mvccore/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/4.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core;
abstract class FieldGroup extends Field
* Form group pseudo control type,
* unique type accross all form field types.
* @var string
public $Type = '';
* Form control value,
* always as array of string or
* numbers for group of controls.
* @var array
public $Value = array();
* Form group control options to render
* more subcontrol attributes for specified
* submitted values (array keys).
* This property configuration is required.
* Examples:
* To configure radio buttons named: 'gender' for 'Female' and 'Male':
* <label for="gender-f">Female:</label>
* <input id="gender-f" type="radio" name="gender" value="f" />
* <label for="gender-m">Male:</label>
* <input id="gender-m" type="radio" name="gender" value="m" />
* use configuration:
* $field->Id = 'gender';
* $field->Options = array(
* 'f' => 'Female',
* 'm' => 'Male',
* );
* To configure radio buttons named: 'gender' for 'Female' and 'Male':
* <label for="gender-f" class="female">Female:</label>
* <input id="gender-f" type="radio" name="gender" value="f" class="female" data-any="female-values" />
* <label for="gender-m" class="male">Male:</label>
* <input id="gender-m" type="radio" name="gender" value="m" class="male" data-any="male-values" />
* use configuration:
* $field->Id = 'gender';
* $field->Options = array(
* 'f' => array(
* 'text' => 'Female',
* 'class' => 'female',
* 'attrs' => array('data-any' => 'female-values'),
* ),
* 'm' => array(
* 'text' => 'Male',
* 'class' => 'male',
* 'attrs' => array('data-any' => 'male-values'),
* ),
* );
* @requires
* @var array
public $Options = array();
* Css class for group label.
* @var string[]
public $GroupCssClasses = array();
* Any additional attributes for group label, defined
* as key (for attribute name) and value (for attribute value).
* @var string[]
public $GroupLabelAttrs = array();
* Internal common templates how to render field group elements naturaly.
* @var array|\stdClass
public static $Templates = array(
'label' => '<label for="{id}"{attrs}>{label}</label>',
'control' => '<input id="{id}" name="{name}" type="{type}" value="{value}"{checked}{attrs} />',
'togetherLabelLeft' => '<label for="{id}"{attrs}><span>{label}</span>{control}</label>',
'togetherLabelRight'=> '<label for="{id}"{attrs}>{control}<span>{label}</span></label>',
/* setters *******************************************************************************/
* Set form group control options to render
* more values for more specified submitted keys.
* Examples:
* To configure radio buttons named: 'gender' for 'Female' and 'Male':
* <label for="gender-f">Female:</label>
* <input id="gender-f" type="radio" name="gender" value="f" />
* <label for="gender-m">Male:</label>
* <input id="gender-m" type="radio" name="gender" value="m" />
* use configuration:
* $field->SetId('gender')
* ->SetOptions(array(
* // field values will be translated if configured
* 'f' => 'Female',
* 'm' => 'Male',
* ));
* To configure radio buttons named: 'gender' for 'Female' and 'Male':
* <label for="gender-f" class="female">Female:</label>
* <input id="gender-f" type="radio" name="gender" value="f" class="female" data-any="female-values" />
* <label for="gender-m" class="male">Male:</label>
* <input id="gender-m" type="radio" name="gender" value="m" class="male" data-any="male-values" />
* use configuration:
* $field->SetId('gender')
* ->SetOptions(array(
* 'f' => array(
* 'text' => 'Female', // text keys will be translated if configured
* 'class' => 'female',
* 'attrs' => array('data-any' => 'female-values'),
* ),
* 'm' => array(
* 'text' => 'Male', // text keys will be translated if configured
* 'class' => 'male',
* 'attrs' => array('data-any' => 'male-values'),
* ),
* ));
* @param array $options
public function SetOptions ($options) {
$this->Options = $options;
return $this;
* Set css class(es) for group label,
* as array of strings or string with classes
* separated by space.
* @var string|string[]
public function SetGroupCssClasses ($cssClasses) {
if (gettype($cssClasses) == 'array') {
$this->GroupCssClasses = $cssClasses;
} else {
$this->GroupCssClasses = explode(' ', (string)$cssClasses);
return $this;
* Add css class(es) for group label,
* as array of strings or string with classes
* separated by space.
* @var string|string[]
public function AddGroupCssClass ($cssClasses) {
if (gettype($cssClasses) == 'array') {
$groupCssClasses = $cssClasses;
} else {
$groupCssClasses = explode(' ', (string)$cssClasses);
$this->GroupCssClasses = array_merge($this->GroupCssClasses, $groupCssClasses);
return $this;
* Set any additional attributes for group label, defined
* as key (for attribute name) and value (for attribute value).
* Any previously defined attributes will be replaced.
* @var string[]
public function SetGroupLabelAttrs ($attrs = array()) {
$this->GroupLabelAttrs = $attrs;
return $this;
* Add any additional attributes for group label, defined
* as key (for attribute name) and value (for attribute value).
* All additional attributes will be completed as array merge
* with previous values and new values.
* @var string[]
public function AddGroupLabelAttr ($attr = array()) {
$this->GroupLabelAttrs = array_merge($this->GroupLabelAttrs, $attr);
return $this;
/* core methods **************************************************************************/
// use this constructor in extended class to merge control or label automatic templates
public function __construct(array $cfg = array()) {
static::$Templates = (object) array_merge((array)parent::$Templates, (array)self::$Templates);
* This method is called internaly from \MvcCore\Ext\Form after field
* is added into form by $form->AddField(); method. Do not use it
* if you are only user of this library.
* - check if there are any options for current controls group
* Parent method:
* - check if field has any name, which is required
* - set up form and field id attribute by form id and field name
* - set up required
* @param \MvcCore\Ext\Form $form
* @throws \MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core\Exception
* @return void
public function OnAdded (\MvcCore\Ext\Form & $form) {
if (!$this->Options) {
$clsName = get_class($this);
throw new \MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core\Exception("No 'Options' defined for form field: '$clsName'.");
* Set up field properties before rendering process.
* - translate all option texts
* Parent method:
* - set up field render mode
* - set up translation boolean
* - translate label if any
* @return void
public function SetUp () {
if (!$this->Translate) return;
$lang = $this->Form->Lang;
$translator = $this->Form->Translator;
foreach ($this->Options as $key => $value) {
if (gettype($value) == 'string') {
// most simple key/value array options configuration
if ($value) $this->Options[$key] = call_user_func($translator, (string)$value, $lang);
} else if (gettype($value) == 'array') {
// advanced configuration with key, text, css class, and any other attributes for single option tag
$optObj = (object) $value;
$text = isset($optObj->text) ? $optObj->text : $key;
if ($text) {
$this->Options[$key]['text'] = call_user_func($translator, (string)$text, $lang);
/* rendering ******************************************************************************/
* Render field naturaly by render mode.
* Field shoud be rendered with label beside, label around
* or without label by local field configuration. Also there
* could be rendered specific field errors before or after field
* if field form is configured in that way.
* @return string
public function RenderNaturally () {
$result = '';
if (
$this->Label && (
$this->RenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::FIELD_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL ||
$this->RenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::FIELD_RENDER_MODE_LABEL_AROUND
) {
$result = $this->RenderLabelAndControl();
} else if ($this->RenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::FIELD_RENDER_MODE_NO_LABEL || !$this->Label) {
$result = $this->RenderControl();
$errors = $this->RenderErrors();
if ($this->Form->ErrorsRenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::ERROR_RENDER_MODE_BEFORE_EACH_CONTROL) {
$result = $errors . $result;
} else if ($this->Form->ErrorsRenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::ERROR_RENDER_MODE_AFTER_EACH_CONTROL) {
$result .= $errors;
return $result;
* Render field control inside label by local configuration, render field
* errors beside if form is configured to render specific errors beside controls.
* @return string
public function RenderControlInsideLabel () {
if ($this->RenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::FIELD_RENDER_MODE_NO_LABEL) return $this->RenderControl();
$attrsStr = $this->renderAttrsWithFieldVars(
array(), $this->GroupLabelAttrs, $this->GroupCssClasses, TRUE
$template = $this->LabelSide == 'left' ? static::$Templates->togetherLabelLeft : static::$Templates->togetherLabelRight;
$result = View::Format($template, array(
'id' => $this->Id,
'label' => $this->Label,
'control' => $this->RenderControl(),
'attrs' => $attrsStr ? " $attrsStr" : '',
$errors = $this->RenderErrors();
if ($this->Form->ErrorsRenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::ERROR_RENDER_MODE_BEFORE_EACH_CONTROL) {
$result = $errors . $result;
} else if ($this->Form->ErrorsRenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::ERROR_RENDER_MODE_AFTER_EACH_CONTROL) {
$result .= $errors;
return $result;
* Render all subcontrols by multiple calls of $field->RenderControlItem();
* @return string
public function RenderControl () {
$result = '';
foreach ($this->Options as $key => $value) {
$result .= $this->RenderControlItem($key, $value);
return $result;
* Render label tag only without control or specific errors.
* @return string
public function RenderLabel () {
if ($this->RenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::FIELD_RENDER_MODE_NO_LABEL) return '';
$attrsStr = $this->renderAttrsWithFieldVars(
array(), $this->GroupLabelAttrs, $this->GroupCssClasses
return View::Format(static::$Templates->label, array(
'id' => $this->Id,
'label' => $this->Label,
'attrs' => $attrsStr ? " $attrsStr" : '',
* Render subcontrols with each subcontrol label tag
* and without group label or without group specific errors.
* @return string
public function RenderControlItem ($key, $option) {
$result = '';
$itemControlId = implode(\MvcCore\Ext\Form::HTML_IDS_DELIMITER, array(
$this->Form->Id, $this->Name, $key
) = $this->renderControlItemCompleteAttrsClassesAndText($key, $option);
// render control, render label and put it together if necessary
$checked = FALSE;
if (gettype($this->Value) == 'array') {
$checked = in_array($key, $this->Value);
} else {
$checked = $this->Value === $key;
$itemControl = View::Format(static::$Templates->control, array(
'id' => $itemControlId,
'name' => $this->Name,
'type' => $this->Type,
'value' => $key,
'checked' => $checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'attrs' => $controlAttrsStr ? " $controlAttrsStr" : '',
if ($this->RenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::FIELD_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL) {
// control and label
$itemLabel = View::Format(static::$Templates->label, array(
'id' => $itemControlId,
'label' => $itemLabelText,
'attrs' => $labelAttrsStr ? " $labelAttrsStr" : '',
$result = ($this->LabelSide == 'left') ? $itemControl . $itemLabel : $itemLabel . $itemControl;
} else if ($this->RenderMode == \MvcCore\Ext\Form::FIELD_RENDER_MODE_LABEL_AROUND) {
// control inside label
$result = View::Format(
static::$Templates->{'togetherLabel' . (($this->LabelSide == 'left') ? 'Right' : 'Left')},
'id' => $itemControlId,
'label' => $itemLabelText,
'control' => $itemControl,
'attrs' => $labelAttrsStr ? " $labelAttrsStr" : '',
return $result;
/* protected renderers *******************************************************************/
* Complete by $field->Options key and option value:
* - label text
* - label attributes string
* - control attributes string
* @param string $key
* @param string|array $option
* @return array
protected function renderControlItemCompleteAttrsClassesAndText ($key, $option) {
$optionType = gettype($option);
$labelAttrsStr = '';
$controlAttrsStr = '';
$itemLabelText = '';
$originalRequired = $this->Required;
if ($this->Type == 'checkbox') $this->Required = FALSE;
if ($optionType == 'string') {
$itemLabelText = $option ? $option : $key;
$labelAttrsStr = $this->renderLabelAttrsWithFieldVars();
$controlAttrsStr = $this->renderControlAttrsWithFieldVars();
} else if ($optionType == 'array') {
$itemLabelText = $option['text'] ? $option['text'] : $key;
$attrsArr = $this->ControlAttrs;
$classArr = $this->CssClasses;
if (isset($option['attrs']) && gettype($option['attrs']) == 'array') {
$attrsArr = array_merge($this->ControlAttrs, $option['attrs']);
if (isset($option['class'])) {
$classArrParam = array();
if (gettype($option['class']) == 'array') {
$classArrParam = $option['class'];
} else if (gettype($option['class']) == 'string') {
$classArrParam = explode(' ', $option['class']);
foreach ($classArrParam as $clsValue) if ($clsValue) $classArr[] = $clsValue;
$labelAttrsStr = $this->renderAttrsWithFieldVars(
array(), $attrsArr, $classArr
$controlAttrsStr = $this->renderAttrsWithFieldVars(
array(), $attrsArr, $classArr, TRUE
if ($this->Type == 'checkbox') $this->Required = $originalRequired;
return array($itemLabelText, $labelAttrsStr, $controlAttrsStr);