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namespace MvcCore\Ext\Form\Validators;
class CompanyId extends Core\Validator
protected static $errorMessageKey = \MvcCore\Ext\Form::TAX_ID;
public static $Validators = array();
public function StaticInit () {
self::$Validators = array(
'AT'=> 'U(\d{8})',
'BE'=> '(0?\d{9})',
'BG'=> '(\d{9,10})',
'CY'=> '([0-5|9]\d{7}[A-Z])',
'CZ'=> function ($id = '') {
$id = preg_replace('#\s+#', '', $id);
if (!preg_match('#^\d{8}$#', $id)) return FALSE;
$a = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) $a += $id[$i] * (8 - $i);
$a = $a % 11;
if ($a === 0) $c = 1;
elseif ($a === 10) $c = 1;
elseif ($a === 1) $c = 0;
else $c = 11 - $a;
return (int) $id[7] === $c;
'DE'=> '([1-9]\d{8})',
'DK'=> '(\d{8})',
'EL'=> '(10\d{7})',
'ES'=> array(
'EU'=> '(\d{9})',
'FI'=> '(\d{8})',
'FR'=> array(
'GB'=> array(
'GR'=> '(\d{8,9})',
'HR'=> '(\d{11})',
'HU'=> '(\d{8})',
'IE'=> array(
'IT'=> '(\d{11})',
'LV'=> '(\d{11})',
'LT'=> '(\d{9}|\d{12})',
'LU'=> '(\d{8})',
'MT'=> '([1-9]\d{7})',
'NL'=> '(\d{9})B\d{2}',
'NO'=> '(\d{9})',
'PL'=> '(\d{10})',
'PT'=> '(\d{9})',
'RO'=> '([1-9]\d{1,9})',
'RS'=> '(\d{9})',
'SI'=> '([1-9]\d{7})',
'SK'=> '([1-9]\d[(2-4)|(6-9)]\d{7})',
'SE'=> '(\d{10}01)',
public function Validate ($submitValue, $fieldName, \MvcCore\Ext\Form\Core\Field & $field) {
$submitValue = trim($submitValue);
$safeValue = preg_replace("#[^0-9A-Z\*\+]#", '', strtoupper($submitValue));
$formLocale = strtoupper($this->Form->Locale);
$result = FALSE;
if (!$formLocale) {
throw new Core\Exception(
"[".__CLASS__."] Unable to validate company ID without configured form 'Locale' property. "
. "Use \$form->SetLocale('[A-Z]{2}'); to create proper company ID validator."
} else {
$formLocale = strtoupper($formLocale);
if (!isset(static::$Validators[$formLocale])) {
throw new Core\Exception(
"[".__CLASS__."] Unable to create company ID validator for locale '$formLocale'. "
. "Function to check company ID for locale '$formLocale' is not implemented yet. "
. "Use different localization or put custom closure function to validate this field."
} else {
$validator = self::$Validators[$formLocale];
if (is_callable($validator)) {
$result = call_user_func($validator, $safeValue);
} else if (is_array($validator)) {
foreach ($validator as $validatorItem) {
if ($this->checkCompanyIdByRegExpBase($validatorItem, $formLocale, $safeValue)) {
$result = TRUE;
} else if (is_string($validator)) {
$result = $this->checkCompanyIdByRegExpBase($validator, $formLocale, $safeValue);
if ((strlen($safeValue) > 0 && !$result) || strlen($safeValue) !== strlen($submitValue)) {
$this->addError($field, Form::$DefaultMessages[static::$errorMessageKey], function ($msg, $args) {
return Core\View::Format($msg, $args);
return $safeValue;
protected function checkCompanyIdByRegExpBase ($regExpBase, $locale, $id) {
preg_match("#^$regExpBase$#", $id, $matches);
return count($matches) > 0;