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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom FlĂdr (https://github.com/mvccore/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/4.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore;
* Core request:
* - linear request url parsing from $_SERVER into local properties describing url sections
* - params reading from $_GET/$_POST or direct input (in JSON or in query string)
* - params cleaning by developer rules
class Request
const PROTOCOL_HTTP = 'http:';
const PROTOCOL_HTTPS = 'https:';
const METHOD_GET = 'GET';
* Language international code, lowercase, not used by default.
* To use this variable - install \MvcCore\Router extension \MvcCoreExt\Router\Lang
* Example: 'en'
* @var string
public $Lang = '';
* Country/locale code, uppercase, not used by default.
* To use this variable - install \MvcCore\Router extension \MvcCoreExt\Router\Locale
* Example: 'US'
* @var string
public $Locale = '';
* Http protocol: 'http:' | 'https:'
* Example: 'http:'
* @var string
public $Protocol = '';
* Application server name - domain without any port.
* Example: 'localhost'
* @var string
public $ServerName = '';
* Application host with port if there is any.
* Example: 'localhost:88'
* @var string
public $Host = '';
* Http port parsed by parse_url().
* Example: '88'
* @var string
public $Port = '';
* Requested path in from application root (if mod_rewrite enabled), never with query string.
* Example: '/products/page/2'
* @var string
public $Path = '';
* Uri query string without question mark.
* Example: 'param-1=value-1¶m-2=value-2¶m-3[]=value-3-a¶m-3[]=value-3-b'
* @var string
public $Query = '';
* Uri fragment parsed by parse_url()
* Example: '#any-sublink-path'
* @var mixed
public $Fragment = '';
* Php requested script name path from application root.
* Example: '/index.php'
* @var string
public $ScriptName = '';
* Application root path in hard drive: C:/www/my/development/direcotry/www
* @var string
public $AppRoot = '';
* Base app directory path after domain, if application is placed in domain subdirectory
* Example:
* full url: 'http://localhost:88/my/development/direcotry/www/requested/path/after/domain?with=possible&query=string'
* base path: '/my/development/direcotry/www'
* @var string
public $BasePath = '';
* Request path after domain with possible query string
* Example: '/requested/path/after/app/root?with=possible&query=string'
* @var string
public $RequestPath = '';
* Url to requested domain and possible port.
* Example: 'http://domain:88'
* @var string
public $DomainUrl = '';
* Base url to application root.
* Example: 'http://domain:88/my/development/direcotry/www'
* @var string
public $BaseUrl = '';
* Request url including scheme, domain, port, path, without any query string
* Example: ''http://localhost:88/my/development/direcotry/www/requested/path/after/domain'
* @var string
public $RequestUrl = '';
* Request url including scheme, domain, port, path and with query string
* Example: 'http://localhost:88/my/development/direcotry/www/requested/path/after/domain?with=possible&query=string'
* @var string
public $FullUrl = '';
* Http method (uppercase) - GET, POST, PUT, HEAD...
* Example: 'GET'
* @var string
public $Method = '';
* Referer url if any, safely readed by:
* Example: 'GET'
* @var string
public $Referer = '';
* Request params array, with keys defined in route or by query string,
* always with controller and action keys completed by router.
* Example: array('controller' => 'default', 'action' => 'default', 'user' => "' OR 1=1;-- with raw danger value!");
* To get safe param value - use: $request->GetParam('user', 'a-zA-Z0-9');
* @var array
public $Params = array();
* Media site key - 'full' | 'tablet' | 'mobile'
* To use this variable - install \MvcCore\Router extension \MvcCoreExt\Router\Media
* Example: 'full'
* @var string
public $MediaSiteKey = '';
* Content of $_SERVER global variable
* @var array
protected $serverGlobals = array();
* Content of $_GET global variable
* @var array
protected $getGlobals = array();
* Content of $_POST global variable
* @var array
protected $postGlobals = array();
* Requested script name
* @var array
protected $indexScriptName = '';
* Request flag if request targets internal package asset or not,
* - 0 - request is Controller:Asset call for internal package asset
* - 1 - request is classic application request
* @var mixed
protected $appRequest = -1;
* Get everytime new instance of http request,
* global variables should be changed and injected here
* to get different request object from currently called real request.
* @param array $server
* @param array $get
* @param array $post
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public static function GetInstance (array & $server, array & $get, array & $post) {
$requestClass = \MvcCore::GetInstance()->GetRequestClass();
return new $requestClass($server, $get, $post);
* Get everytime new instance of http request,
* global variables should be changed and injected here
* to get different request object from currently called real request.
* @param array $server
* @param array $get
* @param array $post
public function __construct (array & $server, array & $get, array & $post) {
$this->serverGlobals = $server;
$this->getGlobals = $get;
$this->postGlobals = $post;
unset($this->serverGlobals, $this->getGlobals, $this->postGlobals);
* Sets any custom property ('PropertyName') by $request->SetPropertyName('value'),
* which is not necessary to define previously or gets previously defined
* property ('PropertyName') by $request->GetPropertyName(); Throws exception
* if no property defined by get call or if virtual call begins with anything
* different from 'set' or 'get'.
* This method returns custom value for get and $request instance for set.
* @param string $rawName
* @param array $arguments
* @throws \Exception
* @return mixed|\MvcCore\Request
public function __call ($rawName, $arguments = array()) {
$nameBegin = strtolower(substr($rawName, 0, 3));
$name = substr($rawName, 3);
if ($nameBegin == 'get' && isset($this->$name)) {
return $this->$name;
} else if ($nameBegin == 'set') {
$this->$name = isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : NULL;
return $this;
} else {
throw new \Exception('['.__CLASS__."] No property with name '$name' defined.");
* Universal getter, if property not defined, NULL is returned.
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public function __get ($name) {
return isset($this->$name) ? $this->$name : NULL ;
* Universal setter, if property not defined, it's automaticly declarated.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @return void
public function __set ($name, $value) {
$this->$name = $value;
* Set directly raw param value without any change
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function SetParam ($name = "", $value = "") {
$this->Params[$name] = $value;
return $this;
* Get param value, filtered for characters defined as second argument to use them in preg_replace().
* @param string $name
* @param string $pregReplaceAllowedChars
* @return string
public function GetParam ($name = "", $pregReplaceAllowedChars = "a-zA-Z0-9_/\-\.\@") {
$result = '';
$params = $this->Params;
if (isset($params[$name])) {
$rawValue = trim($params[$name]);
if (mb_strlen($rawValue) > 0) {
if (!$pregReplaceAllowedChars || $pregReplaceAllowedChars == ".*") {
$result = $rawValue;
} else {
$pattern = "#[^" . $pregReplaceAllowedChars . "]#";
$result = preg_replace($pattern, "", $rawValue);
return $result;
* Return boolean flag if request target
* is anything different than 'Controller:Asset'
* @return bool
public function IsAppRequest () {
if ($this->appRequest == -1) {
$this->appRequest = 1;
$ctrl = 'controller';
$action = 'action';
if (isset($this->Params[$ctrl]) && isset($this->Params[$action])) {
if ($this->Params[$ctrl] == $ctrl && $this->Params[$action] == 'asset') {
$this->appRequest = 0;
return (bool) $this->appRequest;
* Initialize index.php script name.
* @return void
protected function initScriptName () {
$this->indexScriptName = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->serverGlobals['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$this->ScriptName = '/' . substr($this->indexScriptName, strrpos($this->indexScriptName, '/') + 1);
* Initialize application root directory.
* @return void
protected function initAppRoot () {
// $appRootRelativePath = mb_substr($this->indexScriptName, 0, strrpos($this->indexScriptName, '/') + 1);
// ucfirst - cause IIS has lower case drive name here - different from __DIR__ value
$indexFilePath = ucfirst(str_replace('\\', '/', $this->serverGlobals['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
if (strpos(__FILE__, 'phar://') === 0) {
$appRootFullPath = 'phar://' . $indexFilePath;
} else {
$appRootFullPath = substr($indexFilePath, 0, mb_strrpos($indexFilePath, '/'));
$this->AppRoot = str_replace(array('\\', '//'), '/', $appRootFullPath);
* Initialize http method.
* @return void
protected function initMethod () {
$this->Method = strtoupper($this->serverGlobals['REQUEST_METHOD']);
* Complete base application path like: /localhost/my/development/direcotry/www
* @return void
protected function initBasePath () {
$lastSlashPos = mb_strrpos($this->indexScriptName, '/');
if ($lastSlashPos !== FALSE) {
$this->BasePath = mb_substr($this->indexScriptName, 0, $lastSlashPos);
} else {
$this->BasePath = '';
* Initialize http protocol.
* @return void
protected function initProtocol () {
$this->Protocol = static::PROTOCOL_HTTP;
if (isset($this->serverGlobals['HTTPS']) && strtolower($this->serverGlobals['HTTPS']) == 'on') {
$this->Protocol = static::PROTOCOL_HTTPS;
* Initialize url segments parsed by parse_url() php method.
* @return void
protected function initParsedUrlSegments () {
$absoluteUrl = $this->Protocol . '//' . $this->serverGlobals['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->serverGlobals['REQUEST_URI'];
$parsedUrl = parse_url($absoluteUrl);
$keyUc = '';
foreach ($parsedUrl as $key => $value) {
$keyUc = ucfirst($key);
if (isset($this->$keyUc)) {
$this->$keyUc = (string) $value;
$this->ServerName = $this->serverGlobals['SERVER_NAME'];
$this->Host = $this->serverGlobals['HTTP_HOST'];
* Initialize params from global $_GET and (global $_POST or direct 'php://input').
* @return void
protected function initHttpParams () {
$params = array_merge($this->getGlobals);
if ($this->Method == self::METHOD_POST) {
$postValues = array();
if (count($this->postGlobals) > 0) {
$postValues = $this->postGlobals;
} else {
$postValues = $this->initParamsCompletePostData();
$params = array_merge($params, $postValues);
$this->Params = $params;
* Read and return direct php post input from 'php://input'.
* @return array
private function initParamsCompletePostData () {
$result = array();
$rawPhpInput = file_get_contents('php://input');
$decodedJsonResult = \MvcCore\Tool::DecodeJson($rawPhpInput);
if ($decodedJsonResult->success) {
$result = (array) $decodedJsonResult->data;
} else {
$rows = explode('&', $rawPhpInput);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $row);
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;
* Initialize request path.
* @return void
protected function initPath () {
$requestUrl = $this->serverGlobals['REQUEST_URI'];
$path = '/' . ltrim(mb_substr($requestUrl, mb_strlen($this->BasePath)), '/');
if (mb_strpos($path, '?') !== FALSE) $path = mb_substr($path, 0, mb_strpos($path, '?'));
$this->Path = $path;
* Initialize referer safely if any.
* @return void
protected function initReferer () {
$referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';
if ($referer) {
$referer = filter_var($referer, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$this->Referer = $referer ? $referer : '';
* Initialize url compositions.
* @return void
protected function initUrlCompositions () {
$this->RequestPath = $this->Path . (($this->Query) ? '?' . $this->Query : '') . $this->Fragment;
$this->DomainUrl = $this->Protocol . '//' . $this->Host;
$this->BaseUrl = $this->DomainUrl . $this->BasePath;
$this->RequestUrl = $this->BaseUrl . $this->Path;
$this->FullUrl = $this->RequestUrl . (($this->Query) ? '?' . $this->Query : '');