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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom FlĂdr (https://github.com/mvccore/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/4.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore;
* Core view:
* - static doctype storage
* - static storage for dir names with view scripts
* - possible to use for any controller/subcontroller/control/\MvcCore\Ext\Form
* - view prerender preparing and rendering
* - direct code evaluation
* - view helpers management
* - creating by predefined class names bases
* - instance storing and calling
* - views sub scripts relative path solving
* - Url() proxy method, AssetUrl() proxy method
* - magic calls:
* - __call() - helpers handling
* - __set() - to set anything in controller to get it back in view
* - __get() - to get anything in view previously completed in controller
* - no special view language implemented... why to use such stupid things...
class View
* View output document type HTML4
* @var string
const DOCTYPE_HTML4 = 'HTML4';
* View output document type XHTML
* @var string
* View output document type HTML5
* @var string
const DOCTYPE_HTML5 = 'HTML5';
* View script files extenion in Views application directory
* @var string
const EXTENSION = '.phtml';
* Document type (HTML, XHTML or anything you desire)
* @var string
public static $Doctype = self::DOCTYPE_HTML5;
* Controller action templates directory placed in '/App/Views' dir. For read & write.
* @var string
public static $ScriptsDir = 'Scripts';
* views helpers directory placed in '/App/Views' dir. For read & write.
* @var string
public static $HelpersDir = 'Helpers';
* Layout templates directory placed in '/App/Views' dir. For read & write.
* @var string
public static $LayoutsDir = 'Layouts';
* Helpers classes - base class names. For read & write.
* @var array
public static $HelpersClassBases = array(/*'\MvcCore\Ext\View\Helpers\'*/);
* Rendered content
* @var \MvcCore\Controller|mixed
public $Controller;
* Rendered content
* @var string
private $_content = '';
* Currently rendered php/html file path
* @var array
private $_renderedFullPaths = array();
* Originaly declared dynamic properties to protect from __set() magic method
* @var string
protected static $originalyDeclaredProperties = array(
'Controller' => 1,
'_content' => 1,
'_renderedFullPaths'=> 1,
* Helpers instances storrage
* @var array
private static $_helpers = array();
* Static initialization - complete static::$HelpersClassBases by app configuration.
* @return void
public static function StaticInit () {
$app = \MvcCore::GetInstance();
static::$HelpersClassBases = array(
// '\App\Views\Helpers\'
'\\' . implode('\\', array(
)) . '\\',
* Add view helpers class base name(s),
* example: \MvcCore\View::AddHelpersClassBases('\Any\Other\ViewHelpers\Place\', '...');
* @param string $helper,... View helper class base name(s)
* @return void
public static function AddHelpersClassBases (/*...$helper*/) {
$args = func_get_args();
foreach ($args as $arg) {
static::$HelpersClassBases[] = '\\' . trim($arg, '\\') . '\\';
* Get view script full path
* @param string $typePath
* @param string $corectedRelativePath
* @return string
public static function GetViewScriptFullPath ($typePath = '', $corectedRelativePath = '') {
$app = \MvcCore::GetInstance();
return implode('/', array(
$corectedRelativePath . \MvcCore\View::EXTENSION
* Create new view instance.
* @param \MvcCore\Controller $controller
public function __construct (\MvcCore\Controller & $controller) {
$this->Controller = $controller;
* Set up all keys/fields/properties in given array/stdclass/instance into current view context.
* @param mixed $paramsInstance
public function SetUp (& $paramsInstance) {
$params = get_object_vars($paramsInstance);
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
if (isset(static::$originalyDeclaredProperties[$key])) continue;
$this->$key = $value;
* Return rendered controller/action template content.
* @return string
public function GetContent () {
return $this->_content;
* Return controller instance.
* @return \MvcCore\Controller
public function GetController () {
return $this->Controller;
* Render controller/action template script and return it's result.
* @param string $relativePath
* @return string
public function RenderScript ($relativePath = '') {
return $this->Render(static::$ScriptsDir, $relativePath);
* Render layout template script and return it's result.
* @param string $relativePath
* @return string
public function RenderLayout ($relativePath = '') {
return $this->Render(static::$LayoutsDir, $relativePath);
* Render layout template script and return it's result with inner rendered content.
* @param string $relativePatht.
* @param string $content
* @return string
public function RenderLayoutAndContent ($relativePath = '', $content = '') {
$this->_content = $content;
return $this->Render(static::$LayoutsDir, $relativePath);
* Render controller template and all necessary layout templates and return rendered result.
* @param string $typePath
* @param string $relativePath
* @throws \Exception
* @return string
public function Render ($typePath = '', $relativePath = '') {
if (!$typePath) $typePath = self::$ScriptsDir;
$result = '';
$relativePath = $this->_correctRelativePath($this->Controller->GetRequest()->AppRoot, $typePath, $relativePath);
$viewScriptFullPath = static::GetViewScriptFullPath($typePath, $relativePath);
if (!file_exists($viewScriptFullPath)) {
throw new \Exception('['.__CLASS__."] Template not found in path: '$viewScriptFullPath'.");
$this->_renderedFullPaths[] = $viewScriptFullPath;
$result = ob_get_clean();
array_pop($this->_renderedFullPaths); // unset last
return $result;
* Evaluate given code as PHP in current view context,
* any $this keyword will be used as view context.
* @param string $content
* @return string
public function Evaluate ($content = '') {
try {
eval(' ?'.'>'.$content.'<'.'?php ');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
* Generates url by:
* - 'Controller:Action' name and params array
* (for routes configuration when routes array has keys with 'Controller:Action' strings
* and routes has not controller name and action name defined inside)
* - route name and params array
* (route name is key in routes configuration array, should be any string
* but routes must have information about controller name and action name inside)
* Result address should have two forms:
* - nice rewrited url by routes configuration
* (for apps with .htaccess supporting url_rewrite and when first param is key in routes configuration array)
* - for all other cases is url form: index.php?controller=ctrlName&action=actionName
* (when first param is not founded in routes configuration array)
* @param string $controllerActionOrRouteName Should be 'Controller:Action' combination or just any route name as custom specific string
* @param array $params optional
* @return string
public function Url ($controllerActionOrRouteName = 'Index:Index', $params = array()) {
return \MvcCore\Router::GetInstance()->Url($controllerActionOrRouteName, $params);
* Get asset url - proxy method into \MvcCore\Controller::AssetUrl();
* @param string $path
* @return string
public function AssetUrl ($path = '') {
return $this->Controller->AssetUrl($path);
* Set any value into view context except system keys declared in static::$originalyDeclaredProperties.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @throws \Exception
public function __set ($name, $value) {
if (isset(static::$originalyDeclaredProperties[$name])) {
throw new \Exception(
'['.__CLASS__."] It's not possible to change property: '$name' originaly declared in class ".__CLASS__.'.'
$this->$name = $value;
* Try to call view helper.
* If view helper doesn't exist in global helpers store - create new helper instance.
* If helper already exists in global helpers store - do not create it again - use instance from store.
* Then call it's public method named in the same way as helper and return result
* as it is without any conversion! So then there could be called any other helper method if helper instance was returned.
* @param string $method
* @param mixed $arguments
* @return string|mixed
public function __call ($method, $arguments) {
$result = '';
foreach (static::$HelpersClassBases as $helperClassBase) {
$className = $helperClassBase . ucfirst($method);
if (class_exists($className)) {
if (isset(self::$_helpers[$method]) && get_class(self::$_helpers[$method]) == $className) {
$instance = self::$_helpers[$method];
$result = call_user_func_array(array($instance, $method), $arguments);
} else {
$instance = new $className($this);
$result = call_user_func_array(array($instance, $method), $arguments);
return $result;
* If relative path declared in view starts with "./anything-else.phtml",
* then change relative path to correct "./" context and return full path.
* @param string $appRoot
* @param string $typePath
* @param string $relativePath
* @return string full path
private function _correctRelativePath ($appRoot, $typePath, $relativePath) {
$result = str_replace('\\', '/', $relativePath);
if (substr($relativePath, 0, 2) == './') {
$app = \MvcCore::GetInstance();
$typedViewDirFullPath = implode('/', array(
$appRoot, $app->GetAppDir(), $app->GetViewsDir(), $typePath
$lastRenderedFullPath = $this->_renderedFullPaths[count($this->_renderedFullPaths) - 1];
$renderedRelPath = substr($lastRenderedFullPath, strlen($typedViewDirFullPath));
$renderedRelPathLastSlashPos = strrpos($renderedRelPath, '/');
if ($renderedRelPathLastSlashPos !== FALSE) {
$result = substr($renderedRelPath, 0, $renderedRelPathLastSlashPos + 1).substr($relativePath, 2);
$result = ltrim($result, '/');
return $result;