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class Packager_Common_StaticCopies extends Packager_Common_Base
protected $staticallyCopiedFiles = [];
private static $_isWindows = NULL;
private static $_winDirsLinkItems = [];
protected function cleanReleaseDir () {
$releaseDir = $this->cfg->releaseDir;
if (!is_dir($releaseDir))
mkdir($releaseDir, 0777);
$this->cfg->sourcesDir = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($this->cfg->sourcesDir));
$releaseDir = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($releaseDir));
$this->cfg->releaseDir = $releaseDir;
$rdi = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($releaseDir);
$rii = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi);
$dirsFullPaths = [];
foreach ($rii as $item) {
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $item->getPath());
$fileName = $item->getFilename();
$parentDir = $fileName == '..';
if ($parentDir) continue;
$isDir = $fileName == '.';
$baseDir = $isDir && $releaseDir === $path;
if ($baseDir) continue;
if ($isDir) {
$dirsFullPaths[$path] = TRUE;
$fullPath = $path . '/' . $fileName;
clearstatcache(TRUE, $fullPath);
if (file_exists($fullPath)) {
"Unable to remove a file to clean whole release directory first:",
"Full path to the file:<br /><br />'$fullPath'",
$dirsFullPaths = array_keys($dirsFullPaths);
foreach ($dirsFullPaths as $dirFullPath) {
clearstatcache(TRUE, $dirFullPath);
if (file_exists($dirFullPath)) {
"Unable to remove a directory to clean whole release directory first:",
"Full path to the directory:<br /><br />'$dirFullPath'",
protected function copyStaticFilesAndFolders () {
if (!$this->cfg->staticCopies) return;
try {
$sourcesDir = $this->cfg->sourcesDir;
$releaseDir = $this->cfg->releaseDir;
$sourcesDirLength = mb_strlen($sourcesDir);
foreach ($this->cfg->staticCopies as $key => $value) {
$source = $sourcesDir . (is_numeric($key) ? $value : $key);
$destination = $releaseDir . $value;
$i = 0;
while ($i < 5) {
$sourceSpl = new \SplFileInfo($source);
if (self::_isLink($sourceSpl)) {
$source = self::_readLink($sourceSpl);
} else {
if (is_dir($source)) {
$this->_copyDirectoryRecursively($source, $destination);
} else if (is_file($source)) {
$this->_copyFile($source, $destination, mb_substr($source, $sourcesDirLength));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
"Unable to copy a file/directory into release directory:",
$e->getMessage(), 'error'
private function _copyDirectoryRecursively ($sourceDirFullPath, $destinationBaseDirFullPath) {
$rdi = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(
$rii = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi);
$dirsFullPaths = [];
$filesFullPaths = [];
foreach ($rii as $item) {
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $item->getPath());
$isDir = $item->isDir();
$baseDir = $isDir && $sourceDirFullPath === $path;
if ($baseDir) continue;
if ($isDir) {
$dirsFullPaths[$path] = TRUE;
} else {
$filesFullPaths[$path . '/' . $item->getFilename()] = TRUE;
$dirsFullPaths = array_keys($dirsFullPaths);
$filesFullPaths = array_keys($filesFullPaths);
$sourceDirFullPathLength = mb_strlen($sourceDirFullPath);
$sourceBaseDirFullPathLength = mb_strlen($this->cfg->sourcesDir);
foreach ($dirsFullPaths as $dirsFullPath) {
$sourceRelativePath = mb_substr($dirsFullPath, $sourceDirFullPathLength);
$destinationDirFullPath = $destinationBaseDirFullPath . $sourceRelativePath;
mkdir($destinationDirFullPath, 640, TRUE);
foreach ($filesFullPaths as $fileFullPath) {
$sourceRelativePath = mb_substr($fileFullPath, $sourceDirFullPathLength);
$destinationFileFullPath = $destinationBaseDirFullPath . $sourceRelativePath;
$this->_copyFile($fileFullPath, $destinationFileFullPath, mb_substr($fileFullPath, $sourceBaseDirFullPathLength));
private function _copyFile ($sourceFileFullPath, $destinationFileFullPath, $sourceFileRelPath) {
$destinationDirFullPath = dirname($destinationFileFullPath);
if (!is_dir($destinationDirFullPath))
mkdir($destinationDirFullPath, 640, TRUE);
$success = copy($sourceFileFullPath, $destinationFileFullPath);
if ($success) {
$this->staticallyCopiedFiles[] = $sourceFileRelPath;
} else {
"Unable to copy a file into release directory:",
"Source file full path:<br /><br />'$sourceFileFullPath'<br /><br /><br />"
."Destination file full path:<br /><br />'$destinationFileFullPath'",
private static function _isLink (\SplFileInfo $spl) {
$splFileName = $spl->getFilename();
if (self::_isWindows()) {
$dirPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $spl->getPath());
$linkItems = self::_getItemDirWinSymLinks($dirPath);
return isset($linkItems[$splFileName]);
} else {
return is_link($spl->getPath() . '/' . $splFileName);
private static function _readLink (\SplFileInfo $spl) {
$splFileName = $spl->getFilename();
if (self::_isWindows()) {
$dirPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $spl->getPath());
$linkItems = self::_getItemDirWinSymLinks($dirPath);
return $linkItems[$splFileName];
} else {
return readlink($spl->getPath() . '/' . $splFileName);
private static function _isWindows () {
if (self::$_isWindows === NULL) {
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
self::$_isWindows = TRUE;
} else {
self::$_isWindows = FALSE;
return self::$_isWindows;
private static function _getItemDirWinSymLinks ($dirPath) {
if (isset(self::$_winDirsLinkItems[$dirPath])) {
$linkItems = self::$_winDirsLinkItems[$dirPath];
} else {
$linkItems = [];
$sysOut = self::_system('dir /A:L', $dirPath);
if ($sysOut !== FALSE) {
$sysOutLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $sysOut);
foreach ($sysOutLines as $sysOutLine) {
if (mb_strlen($sysOutLine) === 0) continue;
$firstChar = mb_substr($sysOutLine, 0, 1);
if ($firstChar === ' ') continue;
$fileNameWithTarget = mb_substr($sysOutLine, 36);
$fileNameWithTargetLength = mb_strlen($fileNameWithTarget);
$fileNameEndPos = mb_strrpos($fileNameWithTarget, ' [');
if ($fileNameEndPos === FALSE) {
$fileNameEndPos = mb_strlen($fileNameWithTarget);
} else {
$fileNameEndPos += 2;
$fileName = mb_substr($fileNameWithTarget, 0, $fileNameEndPos - 2);
$target = str_replace('\\', '/',
$fileNameWithTargetLength - $fileNameEndPos - 1
$linkItems[$fileName] = $target;
self::$_winDirsLinkItems[$dirPath] = $linkItems;
return $linkItems;
private static function _system ($cmd, $dirPath = NULL) {
if (!function_exists('system')) return FALSE;
$dirPathPresented = $dirPath !== NULL && mb_strlen($dirPath) > 0;
$cwd = '';
if ($dirPathPresented) {
$cwd = getcwd();
$sysOut = ob_get_clean();
if ($dirPathPresented) chdir($cwd);
return $sysOut;