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class Packager_Phar_ResultCompleter extends Packager_Common_StaticCopies
private static $_pharNotAllowedMsg = [
"It is not allowed to create PHAR archive on your computer.",
"Go to 'php.ini' and allow PHAR archive creation by set up 'phar.readonly = 0'."
private $_jsonResult;
protected function mainJob ($params = []) {
$firstJobResult = $this->executeJobAndGetResult(
'completingJob', []
if ($firstJobResult instanceof stdClass && $firstJobResult->success) {
$pharAbsPath = $firstJobResult->data->phar;
$phpAbsPath = $firstJobResult->data->php;
$secondJobResult = $this->executeJobAndGetResult(
'phar' => $pharAbsPath,
'php' => $phpAbsPath,
if ($secondJobResult instanceof stdClass && $secondJobResult->success) {
} else {
if ($secondJobResult->type == 'json') {
$secondJobResult->data[0], $secondJobResult->data[1], 'error'
} else {
$secondJobResult->message, $secondJobResult->data, 'error'
} else {
if ($firstJobResult->type == 'json') {
$firstJobResult->data[0], $firstJobResult->data[1], 'error'
} else {
$firstJobResult->message, $firstJobResult->data, 'error'
protected function completingJob ($params = []) {
$this->_jsonResult = (object) [
'success' => TRUE,
'data' => [],
list($releaseDir, $releaseFileNameWithoutExt) = $this->_completeBuildPaths();
$this->_buildPharArchive($releaseDir, $releaseFileNameWithoutExt);
protected function renameJob ($params = []) {
$result = (object) [
'success' => TRUE,
'data' => [],
try {
clearstatcache(TRUE, $params['phar']);
clearstatcache(TRUE, $params['php']);
rename($params['phar'], $params['php']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result->success = FALSE;
$result->data = [
private function _processPhpCode () {
foreach ($this->files as $fullPath => $fileInfo) {
if ($fileInfo->extension != 'php' && !in_array($fileInfo->extension, static::$templatesExtensions, TRUE)) continue;
if ($this->cfg->patternReplacements) {
foreach ($this->cfg->patternReplacements as $pattern => $replacement) {
if (is_numeric($pattern)) {
$patternLocal = $replacement;
while (preg_match($patternLocal, $fileInfo->content)) {
$fileInfo->content = preg_replace($patternLocal, '', $fileInfo->content);
} else {
while (preg_match($pattern, $fileInfo->content)) {
$fileInfo->content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $fileInfo->content);
if ($this->cfg->stringReplacements) {
foreach ($this->cfg->stringReplacements as $from => $to) {
$fileInfo->content = str_replace($from, $to, $fileInfo->content);
if ($this->cfg->minifyPhp) {
$fileInfo->content = $this->shrinkPhpCode($fileInfo->content);
if ($this->cfg->minifyTemplates && in_array($fileInfo->extension, static::$templatesExtensions, TRUE)) {
$fileInfo->content = Minify_HTML::minify($fileInfo->content);
$this->files[$fullPath] = $fileInfo;
private function _completeBuildPaths () {
$releaseDir = $this->cfg->releaseDir;
$releaseFileName = $this->cfg->releaseFileName;
$releaseFileNameExpl = explode('.', $releaseFileName);
unset($releaseFileNameExpl[count($releaseFileNameExpl) - 1]);
$releaseFileNameWithoutExt = implode('.', $releaseFileNameExpl);
$releaseFilePhp = $releaseDir . '/' . $releaseFileNameWithoutExt . '.php';
$releaseFilePhar = $releaseDir . '/' . $releaseFileNameWithoutExt . '.phar';
clearstatcache(TRUE, $releaseFilePhp);
clearstatcache(TRUE, $releaseFilePhar);
if (file_exists($releaseFilePhp)) unlink($releaseFilePhp);
if (file_exists($releaseFilePhar)) unlink($releaseFilePhar);
return [
$releaseDir, $releaseFileNameWithoutExt
private function _buildPharArchive ($releaseDir, $releaseFileNameWithoutExt) {
$archive = NULL;
try {
$archive = new Phar(
$releaseDir . '/' . $releaseFileNameWithoutExt . '.phar',
$releaseFileNameWithoutExt . '.phar'
} catch (UnexpectedValueException $e1) {
$m = $e1->getMessage();
if (mb_strpos($m, 'disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly') !== FALSE) {
$this->_jsonResult->success = FALSE;
$phpIniLoadedFile = str_replace('\\', '/', php_ini_loaded_file());
$this->_jsonResult->data = [
str_replace('php.ini', $phpIniLoadedFile, self::$_pharNotAllowedMsg[1]),
} else {
$this->_jsonResult->success = FALSE;
$this->_jsonResult->data = [
} catch (Exception $e2) {
$this->_jsonResult->success = FALSE;
$this->_jsonResult->data = [
} finally {
if ($this->_jsonResult->data) return;
$incScripts = [];
$incStatics = [];
foreach ($this->files as $fileInfo) {
$archive[$fileInfo->relPath] = $fileInfo->content;
if ($fileInfo->extension == 'php') {
$incScripts[] = $fileInfo->relPath;
} else {
$incStatics[] = $fileInfo->relPath;
$archive->setStub('<'.'?php '
.'include_once("phar://' . $releaseFileNameWithoutExt . '.phar/index.php");'
$this->_jsonResult->data = [
'phar' => $releaseDir . '/' . $releaseFileNameWithoutExt . '.phar',
'php' => $releaseDir . '/' . $releaseFileNameWithoutExt . '.php',
'incl' => [
'scripts' => $incScripts,
'statics' => $incStatics,
protected function notify ($incFiles) {
$scriptsCount = count($incFiles->scripts);
$staticsCount = count($incFiles->statics);
$staticallyCopiedCount = count($this->staticallyCopiedFiles);
$totalCount = $scriptsCount + $staticsCount;
if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
$content = "Total included PHP and static files in package: $totalCount\n"
. "Statically copied files into release directory: $staticallyCopiedCount\n\n"
. "\nIncluded PHP files in package ($scriptsCount):\n\n"
. implode("\n", $incFiles->scripts)
. "\n\n\nIncluded static files in package ($staticsCount):\n\n"
. implode("\n", $incFiles->statics)
. "\n\n\nStatically copied files into release directory ($staticallyCopiedCount):\n\n"
. implode("\n", $this->staticallyCopiedFiles)
. "\n\n\nDONE";
$this->sendResult('Successfully packed', $content);
} else {
$content = "<div>Total included PHP and static files in package: $totalCount</div>"
. "<div>Statically copied files into release directory: $staticallyCopiedCount</div>"
. "<h2>Included PHP files in package ($scriptsCount):</h2>"
. '<div class="files">'
. implode('<br />', $incFiles->scripts)
. "</div>"
. "<h2>Included static files in package ($staticsCount):</h2>"
. '<div class="files">'
. implode('<br />', $incFiles->statics)
. "</div>"
. "<h2>Statically copied files into release directory ($staticallyCopiedCount):</h2>"
. '<div class="files">'
. implode('<br />', $this->staticallyCopiedFiles)
. "</div>"
. "<h2>DONE</h2>";
$this->sendResult('Successfully packed', $content, 'success');