Methods summary
GetId( )
Get form id, required to configure.
Used to identify session data, error messages,
CSRF tokens, html form attribute id value and much more.
Get form id, required to configure.
Used to identify session data, error messages,
CSRF tokens, html form attribute id value and much more.
GetAction( )
Get form submitting URL value.
It could be relative or absolute, anything
to complete classic html form attribute action .
Get form submitting URL value.
It could be relative or absolute, anything
to complete classic html form attribute action .
GetMethod( )
Get form http submitting method. POST by default.
Use GET only if form data contains only ASCII characters.
Possible values: 'POST' | 'GET'
You can use constants:
- \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_POST
- \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_GET
Get form http submitting method. POST by default.
Use GET only if form data contains only ASCII characters.
Possible values: 'POST' | 'GET'
You can use constants:
- \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_POST
- \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_GET
GetTitle( )
Get form title, global HTML attribute, optional.
Get form title, global HTML attribute, optional.
GetEnctype( )
Get form enctype attribute - how the form values will be encoded
to send them to the server. Possible values are:
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
By default, it means all form values will be encoded to
key1=value1&key2=value2... string.
Constant: \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_URLENCODED .
- multipart/form-data
Data will not be encoded to URL string form, this value is required,
when you are using forms that have a file upload control.
Constant: \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_MULTIPART .
- text/plain
Spaces will be converted to + symbols, but no other special
characters will be encoded.
Constant: \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_PLAINTEXT .
Get form enctype attribute - how the form values will be encoded
to send them to the server. Possible values are:
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded By default, it means all form values will be encoded to key1=value1&key2=value2... string. Constant: \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_URLENCODED .
- multipart/form-data Data will not be encoded to URL string form, this value is required, when you are using forms that have a file upload control. Constant: \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_MULTIPART .
- text/plain Spaces will be converted to + symbols, but no other special characters will be encoded. Constant: \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_PLAINTEXT .
GetTarget( )
Get form target attribute - where to display the response that is
received after submitting the form. This is a name of, or keyword for,
a browsing context (e.g. tab, window, or inline frame). Default value
is NULL to not render any <form> element target attribute.
The following keywords have special meanings:
- _self : Load the response into the same browsing context as the
current one. This value is the default if the attribute
is not specified.
- _blank : Load the response into a new unnamed browsing context.
- _parent : Load the response into the parent browsing context of
the current one. If there is no parent, this option
behaves the same way as _self .
- _top : Load the response into the top-level browsing context
(i.e. the browsing context that is an ancestor of the
current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent,
this option behaves the same way as _self .
- iframename : The response is displayed in a named <iframe> .
Get form target attribute - where to display the response that is
received after submitting the form. This is a name of, or keyword for,
a browsing context (e.g. tab, window, or inline frame). Default value
is NULL to not render any <form> element target attribute.
The following keywords have special meanings:
- _self : Load the response into the same browsing context as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified.
- _blank : Load the response into a new unnamed browsing context.
- _parent : Load the response into the parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self .
- _top : Load the response into the top-level browsing context (i.e. the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self .
- iframename : The response is displayed in a named <iframe> .
GetAutoComplete( )
Indicates whether input elements can by default have their values automatically
completed by the browser. This setting can be overridden by an autocomplete
attribute on an element belonging to the form. Possible values are:
- FALSE ('off' ): The user must explicitly enter a value into each field for
every use, or the document provides its own auto-completion
method; the browser does not automatically complete entries.
- TRUE ('on' ): The browser can automatically complete values based on
values that the user has previously entered in the form.
- NULL Do not render the attribute.
For most modern browsers setting the autocomplete attribute will not prevent
a browser's password manager from asking the user if they want to store login
fields (username and password), if the user permits the storage the browser will
autofill the login the next time the user visits the page. See The autocomplete
attribute and login fields.
Indicates whether input elements can by default have their values automatically
completed by the browser. This setting can be overridden by an autocomplete
attribute on an element belonging to the form. Possible values are:
- FALSE ('off' ): The user must explicitly enter a value into each field for every use, or the document provides its own auto-completion method; the browser does not automatically complete entries.
- TRUE ('on' ): The browser can automatically complete values based on values that the user has previously entered in the form.
- NULL Do not render the attribute.
For most modern browsers setting the autocomplete attribute will not prevent
a browser's password manager from asking the user if they want to store login
fields (username and password), if the user permits the storage the browser will
autofill the login the next time the user visits the page. See The autocomplete
attribute and login fields.
GetNoValidate( )
This Boolean attribute indicates that the form is not to be validated when
submitted. If this attribute is not specified (and therefore the form is
validated), this default setting can be overridden by a formnovalidate
attribute on a <button> or <input> element belonging to the form.
Only TRUE renders the form attribute.
This Boolean attribute indicates that the form is not to be validated when
submitted. If this attribute is not specified (and therefore the form is
validated), this default setting can be overridden by a formnovalidate
attribute on a <button> or <input> element belonging to the form.
Only TRUE renders the form attribute.
GetAcceptCharsets( )
A list of character encodings that the server accepts. The browser
uses them in the order in which they are listed. The default value,
the reserved string 'UNKNOWN' , indicates the same encoding as that
of the document containing the form element.
A list of character encodings that the server accepts. The browser
uses them in the order in which they are listed. The default value,
the reserved string 'UNKNOWN' , indicates the same encoding as that
of the document containing the form element.
GetLang( )
Get lang property to complete optional translator language argument automatically.
If you are operating in multi-language project and you want to use
translator in \MvcCore\Ext\Form , this lang property with target language code
serves to translate every visible text into target lang. Use this property
with $form->translator property.
Get lang property to complete optional translator language argument automatically.
If you are operating in multi-language project and you want to use
translator in \MvcCore\Ext\Form , this lang property with target language code
serves to translate every visible text into target lang. Use this property
with $form->translator property.
GetLocale( )
Get $form->locale , upper case locale code or NULL , usually used to create
proper validator for zip codes, currencies etc...
If you are operating in multi-language project and you want to use
in \MvcCore\Ext\Form form field validators for locale specific needs,
$form->locale property helps you to process validation functionality
with proper validator by locale code.
Get $form->locale , upper case locale code or NULL , usually used to create
proper validator for zip codes, currencies etc...
If you are operating in multi-language project and you want to use
in \MvcCore\Ext\Form form field validators for locale specific needs,
$form->locale property helps you to process validation functionality
with proper validator by locale code.
GetCssClasses( )
Get form field HTML element css classes strings as array.
Default value is an empty array to not render HTML class attribute.
Get form field HTML element css classes strings as array.
Default value is an empty array to not render HTML class attribute.
GetAttributes( )
Get form html element additional attributes.
To add any other attribute for html <form> element,
set here key/value array, keys will be used as attribute names,
values as attribute values, simple. All previously configured additional
attributes will be replaced by given attributes to this function.
Get form html element additional attributes.
To add any other attribute for html <form> element,
set here key/value array, keys will be used as attribute names,
values as attribute values, simple. All previously configured additional
attributes will be replaced by given attributes to this function.
GetSuccessUrl( )
Get form success submit URL string to redirect after, relative or absolute,
to specify, where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully.
It's required to use \MvcCore\Ext\Form like this, if you want to use method
$form->SubmittedRedirect(); , at the end of custom Submit() method implementation,
you need to specify at least success and error URL strings.
Get form success submit URL string to redirect after, relative or absolute,
to specify, where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully.
It's required to use \MvcCore\Ext\Form like this, if you want to use method
$form->SubmittedRedirect(); , at the end of custom Submit() method implementation,
you need to specify at least success and error URL strings.
GetPrevStepUrl( )
Get form success submit previous step URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully and submit button
will be recognized as submit type to switch form result property $form->result to value 2 .
Which means "previous step" redirection after successful submit. This functionality
to switch result value to 2 is up to you. This field is designed only for you as empty.
It's not required to use \MvcCore\Ext\Form like this, but if you want to use method
$form->SubmittedRedirect(); at the end of custom Submit() method implementation,
and you want to go to "previous step" by one submit button or stay in the same page by
another submit button, this is very good and comfortable pattern.
Get form success submit previous step URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully and submit button
will be recognized as submit type to switch form result property $form->result to value 2 .
Which means "previous step" redirection after successful submit. This functionality
to switch result value to 2 is up to you. This field is designed only for you as empty.
It's not required to use \MvcCore\Ext\Form like this, but if you want to use method
$form->SubmittedRedirect(); at the end of custom Submit() method implementation,
and you want to go to "previous step" by one submit button or stay in the same page by
another submit button, this is very good and comfortable pattern.
GetNextStepUrl( )
Get form success submit next step URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully and submit button
will be recognized as submit type to switch form result property $form->result to value 3 .
Which means "next step" redirection after successful submit. This functionality
to switch result value to 3 is up to you. This field is designed only for you as empty.
It's not required to use \MvcCore\Ext\Form like this, but if you want to use method
$form->SubmittedRedirect(); at the end of custom Submit() method implementation,
and you want to go to "next step" by one submit button or stay in the same page by
another submit button, this is very good and comfortable pattern.
Get form success submit next step URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully and submit button
will be recognized as submit type to switch form result property $form->result to value 3 .
Which means "next step" redirection after successful submit. This functionality
to switch result value to 3 is up to you. This field is designed only for you as empty.
It's not required to use \MvcCore\Ext\Form like this, but if you want to use method
$form->SubmittedRedirect(); at the end of custom Submit() method implementation,
and you want to go to "next step" by one submit button or stay in the same page by
another submit button, this is very good and comfortable pattern.
GetErrorUrl( )
Get form error submit URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
where to redirect user after has not been submitted successfully.
It's not required to use \MvcCore\Ext\Form like this, but if you want to use method
$form->SubmittedRedirect(); at the end of custom Submit() method implementation,
you need to specify at least success and error URL strings.
Get form error submit URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
where to redirect user after has not been submitted successfully.
It's not required to use \MvcCore\Ext\Form like this, but if you want to use method
$form->SubmittedRedirect(); at the end of custom Submit() method implementation,
you need to specify at least success and error URL strings.
GetResult( )
Get form submit result state. Submit could have two basic values (or three values - for next step):
NULL - No Submit() method has been called yet. Call $form->Submit(); before.
0 - Submit has errors. User will be redirected after submit to error url.
1 - Submit was successful. User will be redirected after submit to success url.
2 - Submit was successful. User will be redirected after submit to next step url.
Get form submit result state. Submit could have two basic values (or three values - for next step):
NULL - No Submit() method has been called yet. Call $form->Submit(); before.
0 - Submit has errors. User will be redirected after submit to error url. \MvcCore\Ext\Form::RESULT_ERRORS
1 - Submit was successful. User will be redirected after submit to success url. \MvcCore\Ext\Form::RESULT_SUCCESS
2 - Submit was successful. User will be redirected after submit to next step url. \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::RESULT_NEXT_PAGE
GetTranslator( )
Get translator to translate field labels, options, placeholders and error messages.
Translator has to be callable (it could be closure function or array
with class_name/instance and method name string). First argument
of callable has to be a translation key and second argument
has to be array with numeric replacements to replace them in translated value.
Result of callable object has to be a string - translated key for called language.
Get translator to translate field labels, options, placeholders and error messages.
Translator has to be callable (it could be closure function or array
with class_name/instance and method name string). First argument
of callable has to be a translation key and second argument
has to be array with numeric replacements to replace them in translated value.
Result of callable object has to be a string - translated key for called language.
GetTranslate( )
Get internal flag to quickly know if form fields will be translated or not.
Automatically completed to TRUE if $form->translator is not NULL and also if
$form->translator is callable . FALSE otherwise. Default value is FALSE .
Get internal flag to quickly know if form fields will be translated or not.
Automatically completed to TRUE if $form->translator is not NULL and also if
$form->translator is callable . FALSE otherwise. Default value is FALSE .
GetDefaultRequired( )
Get default switch how to set every form control to be required by default.
If you define directly any control to NOT be required, it will NOT be required.
This is only value used as DEFAULT VALUE for form fields, not to strictly define
required flag value in controls. Default value is FALSE .
Get default switch how to set every form control to be required by default.
If you define directly any control to NOT be required, it will NOT be required.
This is only value used as DEFAULT VALUE for form fields, not to strictly define
required flag value in controls. Default value is FALSE .
GetValues( )
Get multiple fields values as key/value array.
Get multiple fields values as key/value array.
GetErrors( )
Get all form errors. Returned collection is array with arrays.
Every array in collection have first item as error message
string and second argument (optional) as field name string or
array with field names strings, where error happened.
Get all form errors. Returned collection is array with arrays.
Every array in collection have first item as error message
string and second argument (optional) as field name string or
array with field names strings, where error happened.
GetSessionExpiration( )
Get session expiration in seconds. Default value is zero seconds (0 ).
Zero value (0 ) means "until the browser is closed" if there is
no higher namespace expiration in any other session namespace.
If there is found any autorization service and authenticated user,
default value is set by authorization expiration time.
Get session expiration in seconds. Default value is zero seconds (0 ).
Zero value (0 ) means "until the browser is closed" if there is
no higher namespace expiration in any other session namespace.
If there is found any autorization service and authenticated user,
default value is set by authorization expiration time.
GetBaseTabIndex( )
Get base tab-index value for every field in form, which has defined tab-index value (different from NULL ).
This value could move tab-index values for each field into higher or lower values by needs,
where is form currently rendered.
Get base tab-index value for every field in form, which has defined tab-index value (different from NULL ).
This value could move tab-index values for each field into higher or lower values by needs,
where is form currently rendered.
GetFieldNextAutoTabIndex( )
This method is INTERNAL, used by fields in pre-dispatch rendering moment.
This method returns next automatic tab-index value for field.
This method is INTERNAL, used by fields in pre-dispatch rendering moment.
This method returns next automatic tab-index value for field.
GetDefaultFieldsRenderMode( )
Get default control/label rendering mode for each form control/label.
Default values is string normal , it means label will be rendered
before control, only label for checkbox and radio button will be
rendered after control.
Get default control/label rendering mode for each form control/label.
Default values is string normal , it means label will be rendered
before control, only label for checkbox and radio button will be
rendered after control.
GetErrorsRenderMode( )
Get errors rendering mode, by default configured as string: all-together .
It means all errors are rendered naturally at form begin together in one HTML div.errors element.
If you are using custom template for form - you have to call after form beginning: echo $this->RenderErrors();
to get all errors into template.
Get errors rendering mode, by default configured as string: all-together .
It means all errors are rendered naturally at form begin together in one HTML div.errors element.
If you are using custom template for form - you have to call after form beginning: echo $this->RenderErrors();
to get all errors into template.
GetViewScript( )
Get custom form view script relative path without .phtml extension.
View script could be TRUE /FALSE to render or not form by view script name
completed automatically with form id and configured view extension (.phtml) or explicit
relative view script path defined by string. Automatically completed form view
script path and also explicitly defined form view script path by string are
located in directory /App/Views/Forms by default. If you want to change this
base directory - use \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\View::SetFormsDir(); static method.
Get custom form view script relative path without .phtml extension.
View script could be TRUE /FALSE to render or not form by view script name
completed automatically with form id and configured view extension (.phtml) or explicit
relative view script path defined by string. Automatically completed form view
script path and also explicitly defined form view script path by string are
located in directory /App/Views/Forms by default. If you want to change this
base directory - use \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\View::SetFormsDir(); static method.
GetViewClass( )
Get form custom template full class name to create custom view object.
Default value is \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\View extended from \MvcCore\View .
Get form custom template full class name to create custom view object.
Default value is \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\View extended from \MvcCore\View .
GetJsSupportFiles( )
Get supporting javascript files configuration.
Every record in returned array is an array with:
0 - string - Supporting javascript file relative path from protected \MvcCore\Ext\Form::$jsAssetsRootDir .
1 - string - Supporting javascript full class name inside supporting file.
2 - array - Supporting javascript constructor params.
Get supporting javascript files configuration.
Every record in returned array is an array with: 0 - string - Supporting javascript file relative path from protected \MvcCore\Ext\Form::$jsAssetsRootDir . 1 - string - Supporting javascript full class name inside supporting file. 2 - array - Supporting javascript constructor params.
GetCssSupportFiles( )
Get supporting css files configuration, an array with supporting
css file relative paths from protected \MvcCore\Ext\Form::$cssAssetsRootDir .
Get supporting css files configuration, an array with supporting
css file relative paths from protected \MvcCore\Ext\Form::$cssAssetsRootDir .
GetJsSupportFilesRenderer( )
Get javascript support files external renderer. Given callable has
to accept first argument to be \SplFileInfo about external javascript
supporting file. Javascript renderer must add given supporting javascript
file into HTML only once.
Get javascript support files external renderer. Given callable has
to accept first argument to be \SplFileInfo about external javascript
supporting file. Javascript renderer must add given supporting javascript
file into HTML only once.
GetCssSupportFilesRenderer( )
Get css support files external renderer. Given callable has
to accept first argument to be \SplFileInfo about external css
supporting file. Css renderer must add given supporting css
file into HTML only once.
Get css support files external renderer. Given callable has
to accept first argument to be \SplFileInfo about external css
supporting file. Css renderer must add given supporting css
file into HTML only once.
GetFormTagRenderingStatus( )
This is INTERNAL method for rendering fields.
Value TRUE means <form> tag is currently rendered inside, FALSE otherwise.
This is INTERNAL method for rendering fields.
Value TRUE means <form> tag is currently rendered inside, FALSE otherwise.
GetPhpIniSizeLimit( string $iniVarName )
Get PHP data limit as integer value by given
PHP INI variable name. Return NULL for empty
or non-existing values.
Get PHP data limit as integer value by given
PHP INI variable name. Return NULL for empty
or non-existing values.
public static
ConvertBytesIntoHumanForm( integer $bytes, integer $precision = 1 )
Converts a long integer of bytes into a readable format e.g KB, MB, GB, TB, YB.
Converts a long integer of bytes into a readable format e.g KB, MB, GB, TB, YB.
- $bytes
- The number of bytes.
- $precision
- Default
1 .
public static
ConvertBytesFromHumanForm( string $humanValue )
Converts readable bytes format e.g KB, MB, GB, TB, YB into long integer of bytes.
Converts readable bytes format e.g KB, MB, GB, TB, YB into long integer of bytes.
- $humanValue
- Readable bytes format e.g KB, MB, GB, TB, YB.
public static
GetJsSupportFilesRootDir( )
Get MvcCore Form javascript support files root directory.
After \MvcCore\Ext\Form instance is created, this value is completed to library internal
assets directory. If you want to create any custom field with custom javascript file(s),
you can do it by loading github package mvccore/form-js to your custom directory,
you have to create there any other custom javascript support file for any custom field
and change this property value to that javascripts directory. All supporting javascripts
for \MvcCore\Ext\Form fields will be loaded now from there.
Get MvcCore Form javascript support files root directory.
After \MvcCore\Ext\Form instance is created, this value is completed to library internal
assets directory. If you want to create any custom field with custom javascript file(s),
you can do it by loading github package mvccore/form-js to your custom directory,
you have to create there any other custom javascript support file for any custom field
and change this property value to that javascripts directory. All supporting javascripts
for \MvcCore\Ext\Form fields will be loaded now from there.
public static
GetCssSupportFilesRootDir( )
Get MvcCore Form css support files root directory.
After \MvcCore\Ext\Form instance is created, this value is completed to library internal
assets directory. If you want to create any custom field with custom css file(s),
you can do it by creating an empty directory somewhere, by copying every css file from
library assets directory into it, by creating any other custom css for any custom field
and by change this property value to that directory. All supporting css for \MvcCore\Ext\Form
fields will be loaded now from there.
Get MvcCore Form css support files root directory.
After \MvcCore\Ext\Form instance is created, this value is completed to library internal
assets directory. If you want to create any custom field with custom css file(s),
you can do it by creating an empty directory somewhere, by copying every css file from
library assets directory into it, by creating any other custom css for any custom field
and by change this property value to that directory. All supporting css for \MvcCore\Ext\Form
fields will be loaded now from there.
public static
GetValidatorsNamespaces( )
Get form validators base namespaces to create validator instance by it's class name.
Validator will be created by class existence in this namespaces order.
Get form validators base namespaces to create validator instance by it's class name.
Validator will be created by class existence in this namespaces order.
public static
GetById( string $formId )
Get form instance by form id string.
If no form instance found, thrown an RuntimeException .
Get form instance by form id string.
If no form instance found, thrown an RuntimeException .
public static
GetAutoFocusedFormField( )
Get form field instance with defined autofocus boolean attribute.
If there is no field in any form with this attribute, return NULL .
Get form field instance with defined autofocus boolean attribute.
If there is no field in any form with this attribute, return NULL .