Constants summary
string |
MvcCore application mode describing that the application is compiled in ONE BIG PHP FILE.
In PHP app mode should be packed php files or any asset files - PHTML templates, INI files
or any static files. Unknown asset files or binary files are included as binary or base64 string.
This mode has always best speed, because it should not work with hard drive if you don't want to.
Only with many or with large asset files, there may be greater demands on memory and processor,
which shouldn't be good for your application. Be aware to do that, if you have low memory limits.
Result application packed in PHP mode has special \Packager_Php_Wrapper class included
before any application content. This special class handles allowed file operations and assets
as binary or base64 encoded. Everything should be configured before PHP packing.
This mode has always four sub-modes started with PHP substring. All PHP package modes are:
- \Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_PRESERVE_HDD
- \Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_PRESERVE_PACKAGE
- \Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_STRICT_HDD
- \Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_STRICT_PACKAGE
So to check if app is in PHP package mode - check it by substr(); .
MvcCore application mode describing that the application is compiled in ONE BIG PHP FILE.
In PHP app mode should be packed php files or any asset files - PHTML templates, INI files
or any static files. Unknown asset files or binary files are included as binary or base64 string.
This mode has always best speed, because it should not work with hard drive if you don't want to.
Only with many or with large asset files, there may be greater demands on memory and processor,
which shouldn't be good for your application. Be aware to do that, if you have low memory limits.
Result application packed in PHP mode has special \Packager_Php_Wrapper class included
before any application content. This special class handles allowed file operations and assets
as binary or base64 encoded. Everything should be configured before PHP packing.
This mode has always four sub-modes started with PHP substring. All PHP package modes are:
- \Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_PRESERVE_HDD
- \Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_PRESERVE_PACKAGE
- \Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_STRICT_HDD
- \Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_STRICT_PACKAGE
So to check if app is in PHP package mode - check it by substr(); .
string |
MvcCore application mode describing that the application is compiled in ONE BIG PHAR FILE.
There could be any content included. But in this mode, there is no speed advantages, but it's
still good way to pack your app into single file tool for any web-hosting needs:-)
This mode has always lower speed then PHP mode above, because it fully emulates hard drive
for content of this file and it costs a time. But it has lower memory usage then PHP mode above.
MvcCore application mode describing that the application is compiled in ONE BIG PHAR FILE.
There could be any content included. But in this mode, there is no speed advantages, but it's
still good way to pack your app into single file tool for any web-hosting needs:-)
This mode has always lower speed then PHP mode above, because it fully emulates hard drive
for content of this file and it costs a time. But it has lower memory usage then PHP mode above.
string |
MvcCore application mode describing that the application is in THE STATE BEFORE
THEIR OWN COMPILATION INTO PHP OR PHAR archive. This mode is always used to generate final
javascript and css files into temporary directory to pack them later into result php/phar file.
Shortcut SFU means "Single File Url". Application running in this mode has to generate
single file URLs in form: "index.php?..." and everything has to work properly before
application will be compiled into PHP/PHAR package. Use this mode in index.php before
application compilation to generate and test everything necessary before app compilation by:
- TRUE means to switch application into temporary into SFU mode.
MvcCore application mode describing that the application is in THE STATE BEFORE
THEIR OWN COMPILATION INTO PHP OR PHAR archive. This mode is always used to generate final
javascript and css files into temporary directory to pack them later into result php/phar file.
Shortcut SFU means "Single File Url". Application running in this mode has to generate
single file URLs in form: "index.php?..." and everything has to work properly before
application will be compiled into PHP/PHAR package. Use this mode in index.php before
application compilation to generate and test everything necessary before app compilation by:
- TRUE means to switch application into temporary into SFU mode.
string |
MvcCore application mode describing that the application is running as STANDARD PHP PROJECT
with many files on hard drive, using auto-loading or anything else. It's also standard development mode.
MvcCore application mode describing that the application is running as STANDARD PHP PROJECT
with many files on hard drive, using auto-loading or anything else. It's also standard development mode.