Trait UrlBuilding
Methods summary
Url( MvcCore\IRequest $request, array & $params = [], array & $defaultUrlParams = [], string $queryStringParamsSepatator = '&', boolean $splitUrl = FALSE )
Complete route URL by given params array and route internal reverse
replacements pattern string. If there are more given params in first
argument than total count of replacement places in reverse pattern,
then create URL with query string params after reverse pattern,
containing that extra record(s) value(s). Returned is an array with two
strings - result URL in two parts - first part as scheme, domain and base
path and second as path and query string.
Input ($params ):
"name" => "cool-product-name",
"color" => "blue",
"variants" => ["L", "XL"],
Input (\MvcCore\Route::$reverse ):
Complete route URL by given params array and route internal reverse
replacements pattern string. If there are more given params in first
argument than total count of replacement places in reverse pattern,
then create URL with query string params after reverse pattern,
containing that extra record(s) value(s). Returned is an array with two
strings - result URL in two parts - first part as scheme, domain and base
path and second as path and query string.
Input ($params ): [ "name" => "cool-product-name", "color" => "blue", "variants" => ["L", "XL"], ];
Input (\MvcCore\Route::$reverse ): "/products-list/<name>/<color*>"
Output: [ "", "/products-list/cool-product-name/blue?variant[]=L&variant[]=XL" ]
- $request
- Currently requested request object.
- $params
URL params from application point completed
by developer.
- $defaultUrlParams
Requested URL route params and query string
params without escaped HTML special chars:
< > & " ' & .
- $queryStringParamsSepatator
Query params separator, & by default. Always
automatically completed by router instance.
- $splitUrl
Boolean value about to split completed result URL
into two parts or not. Default is FALSE to return
a string array with only one record - the result
URL. If TRUE , result url is split into two
parts and function return array with two items.
string[] Result URL address in array. If last argument is
FALSE by default, this function returns only
single item array with result URL. If last
argument is TRUE , function returns result URL
in two parts - domain part with base path and
path part with query string.