Properties summary
protected static
Default constraint used for all rewrite params in request path, if no
constraint for that param has been specified in route instance.
Default value is "[^/]+" , what means "any character(s) except slash,
one or more character(s) long."
Default constraint used for all rewrite params in request path, if no
constraint for that param has been specified in route instance.
Default value is "[^/]+" , what means "any character(s) except slash,
one or more character(s) long."
protected static
Default constraint used for all rewrite params in domain pattern part, if
no constraint for that param has been specified in route instance.
Default value is "[^\.]+" , what means "any character(s) except dot,
one or more character(s) long."
Default constraint used for all rewrite params in domain pattern part, if
no constraint for that param has been specified in route instance.
Default value is "[^\.]+" , what means "any character(s) except dot,
one or more character(s) long."
protected static
Properties names with request specific values to not serialize in cache.
Properties names with request specific values to not serialize in cache.
'router' => 1, 'matchedParams' => 1,
Route base pattern to complete match pattern string to match requested
URL and to complete reverse pattern string to build back an URL address.
Route base pattern to complete match pattern string to match requested
URL and to complete reverse pattern string to build back an URL address.
To define route by this form is the most comfortable way, but a way
slower, because there is necessary every request to convert this value
into match and into reverse properties correctly. But you can specify
those both properties directly, if you can write regular expressions.
This match and reverse definition has to be in very basic form without
regular expression escaping or advanced rules:
- No regular expression border # characters, it's used in match only.
- No start ^ or end $ regular expression chars, also used in match .
- No escaping of regular expression characters: [](){}<>|=+*.!?-/ , those characters will be escaped in route match property.
- Star character inside param name (<color*> ) means greedy param matching all to the end of the URL address. It has to be the last one.
Example: "/products-list/<name>[/<color*>]" .
Route match pattern in raw form (to use it as it is) to match requested
URL. This match pattern must have the very same structure and content
as reverse pattern, because there is necessary to complete route flags
from reverse pattern string - to prepare proper regular expression
subject for this match , not just only the request path . Because those
flags is not possible to detect from raw regular expression string.
Route match pattern in raw form (to use it as it is) to match requested
URL. This match pattern must have the very same structure and content
as reverse pattern, because there is necessary to complete route flags
from reverse pattern string - to prepare proper regular expression
subject for this match , not just only the request path . Because those
flags is not possible to detect from raw regular expression string.
This is required together with route reverse property, if you have not
configured route pattern property instead.
To define the route by assigning properties route match and route
reverse together is little bit more annoying way to define it (because
you have to write almost the same information twice), but it's the best
speed solution, because there is no route internal metadata completion
and pattern parsing into match and reverse properties.
Example: "#^/products\-list/(?<name>[^/]+)(/(?<id>\d+))?/?$#"
Route reverse address replacements pattern to build url.
- No regular expression border # characters.
- No regular expression characters escaping ([](){}<>|=+*.!?-/ ).
- No start ^ or end $ regular expression characters.
Route reverse address replacements pattern to build url.
- No regular expression border # characters.
- No regular expression characters escaping ([](){}<>|=+*.!?-/ ).
- No start ^ or end $ regular expression characters.
Required together with route match property, if you have not configured
route pattern property instead. This is only very simple string with
variable section definitions defined by brackets [] and with parameters
replacement places (like <name> or <page> ) for given values by
\MvcCore\Router::Url($name, $params); method.
To define the route by assigning properties route match and route
reverse together is little bit more annoying way to define it (because
you have to write almost the same information twice), but it's the best
speed solution, because there is no route internal metadata completion
and pattern parsing into match and reverse properties.
Example: "/products-list/<name>[/<color>]"
Not required. Route name is your custom keyword/term or pascal case
combination of controller and action describing "Controller:Action"
target to be dispatched.
Not required. Route name is your custom keyword/term or pascal case
combination of controller and action describing "Controller:Action"
target to be dispatched.
By this name there is selected proper route object to complete URL string
by given params in router method: \MvcCore\Router:Url($name, $params); .
Example: "products_list" | "Products:Gallery"
Controller name/path to dispatch, in pascal case. This property is not
required. If there is controller param inside route pattern or inside
route match pattern property, it's used to define this record to dispatch
specific requested controller.
Controller name/path to dispatch, in pascal case. This property is not
required. If there is controller param inside route pattern or inside
route match pattern property, it's used to define this record to dispatch
specific requested controller.
It should contain controller class namespaces defined in standard PHP
notation. If there is backslash at the beginning - controller class will
be loaded directly from base standard controllers directory
/App/Controllers , not by any relative place defined by possible domain
route from extended router. If there are two standard slashes in the
beginning, controller class will be loaded without those two slashes
from base PHP place without any automatic MvcCore namespace prepending.
Example: "Products" - normally placed in /App/Controllers/Products.php(but it could be also in some sub-directory if there is used extended route with namespace) "\Front\Business\Products"- placed in /App/Controllers/Front/Business/Products.php "//Anywhere\Else\Controllers\Products" - placed in /Anywhere/Else/Controllers/Products.php
Action name to call in dispatched controller, in pascal case. This
property is not required. If controller instance has default method
IndexAction() , its called. If there is no such method, no method is
called. If there is action param inside route pattern or inside route
match pattern property, it's used to overwrite this record to dispatch
specific requested action.
Action name to call in dispatched controller, in pascal case. This
property is not required. If controller instance has default method
IndexAction() , its called. If there is no such method, no method is
called. If there is action param inside route pattern or inside route
match pattern property, it's used to overwrite this record to dispatch
specific requested action.
If this property has value "List" , then public method in target
controller has to be named as: public function ListAction () {...} .
Example: "List"
Route rewrite params default values and also any other query string
params default values. It could be used for any application request
param from those application inputs - $_GET , $_POST or php://input .
Route rewrite params default values and also any other query string
params default values. It could be used for any application request
param from those application inputs - $_GET , $_POST or php://input .
Example: ["name" => "default-name", "color" => "red",] .
Array with param names and their custom regular expression matching
rules. Not required, for all rewrite params there is used default
matching rules from route static properties defaultDomainConstraint or
defaultPathConstraint . It should be changed to any value. Default value
is "[^.]+" for domain part and "[^/]+" for path part.
Array with param names and their custom regular expression matching
rules. Not required, for all rewrite params there is used default
matching rules from route static properties defaultDomainConstraint or
defaultPathConstraint . It should be changed to any value. Default value
is "[^.]+" for domain part and "[^/]+" for path part.
Example: ["name" => "[^/]+", "color" => "[a-z]+",]
URL address params filters to filter URL params in and out. By route
filters you can change incoming request params into application and out
from application. For example to translate the values or anything else.
URL address params filters to filter URL params in and out. By route
filters you can change incoming request params into application and out
from application. For example to translate the values or anything else.
Filters are callable s and always in this array under keys "in" and
"out" accepting arguments:
- $params associative array with params from requested URL address for in filter and associative array with params to build URL address for out filter.
- $defaultParams associative array with default params to store any custom value necessary to filter effectively.
- $request current request instance implements \MvcCore\IRequest .
Callable filter must return associative array with filtered params.
There is possible to call any callable as closure function in variable
except forms like 'ClassName::methodName' and ['childClassName',
'parent::methodName'] and [$childInstance, 'parent::methodName'] .
Http method to only match requests with this defined method. If NULL ,
request with any http method could be matched by this route. Value has to
be in upper case.
Example: "POST" | \MvcCore\IRequest::METHOD_POST
Http method to only match requests with this defined method. If NULL ,
request with any http method could be matched by this route. Value has to
be in upper case.
Example: "POST" | \MvcCore\IRequest::METHOD_POST
Other route unique name to redirect request to. To this target route are
passed params parsed from this matched route. This property is used for
routes handling old pages or old request forms, redirecting those request
to new form.
Example: "new_route_name"
Other route unique name to redirect request to. To this target route are
passed params parsed from this matched route. This property is used for
routes handling old pages or old request forms, redirecting those request
to new form.
Example: "new_route_name"
Boolean about to generate absolute URL addresses. If TRUE , there is
always generated absolute URL form. If FALSE , absolute URL address is
generated only if pattern (or reverse ) property contains absolute
matching form.
Boolean about to generate absolute URL addresses. If TRUE , there is
always generated absolute URL form. If FALSE , absolute URL address is
generated only if pattern (or reverse ) property contains absolute
matching form.
Route group name to belongs to. Group name is always first word parsed
from request path. First word is content between two first slashes in
request path. If group name is NULL , route belongs to default group
and that group is used when no other group matching the request path.
Route group name to belongs to. Group name is always first word parsed
from request path. First word is content between two first slashes in
request path. If group name is NULL , route belongs to default group
and that group is used when no other group matching the request path.
Associative array with \stdClass objects with metadata about all
rewrite params in pattern (or reverse ) property. Every object item
has those keys about founded param place: name , greedy , sectionIndex ,
reverseStart andreverseEnd . Keys matchStart and matchEnd could
have value -1 and no real string indexes, if this metadata array is
completed only by reverse pattern (It happens if match property is
configured directly). This array is parsed automatically by route method
initMatchAndReverse(); or by route method initReverse(); after it's
necessary - to be able to complete match to match incoming request (if
match is configured as NULL ) and to complete URL address string in
method Url(); and it's sub-methods.
// For pattern /products-list/<name>[/<color*>]
'name' => (object) [
'name' => 'name', 'greedy' => FALSE,
'sectionIndex' => 0, 'reverseStart' => 15,
'reverseEnd' => 21, 'matchStart' => 15,
'matchEnd' => 21,
'color' => (object) [
'name' => 'color', 'greedy' => TRUE,
'sectionIndex' => 1, 'reverseStart' => 22,
'reverseEnd' => 30, 'matchStart' => 22,
'matchEnd' => 30,
Associative array with \stdClass objects with metadata about all
rewrite params in pattern (or reverse ) property. Every object item
has those keys about founded param place: name , greedy , sectionIndex ,
reverseStart andreverseEnd . Keys matchStart and matchEnd could
have value -1 and no real string indexes, if this metadata array is
completed only by reverse pattern (It happens if match property is
configured directly). This array is parsed automatically by route method
initMatchAndReverse(); or by route method initReverse(); after it's
necessary - to be able to complete match to match incoming request (if
match is configured as NULL ) and to complete URL address string in
method Url(); and it's sub-methods.
// For pattern /products-list/<name>[/<color*>]
[ 'name' => (object) [ 'name' => 'name', 'greedy' => FALSE, 'sectionIndex' => 0, 'reverseStart' => 15, 'reverseEnd' => 21, 'matchStart' => 15, 'matchEnd' => 21, ], 'color' => (object) [ 'name' => 'color', 'greedy' => TRUE,
'sectionIndex' => 1, 'reverseStart' => 22,
'reverseEnd' => 30, 'matchStart' => 22,
'matchEnd' => 30, ]
This associative array is used only in cloned matched route object and
there is stored all only matched rewrite params and route controller and
route action if any. All params are in raw form. Not filtered.
This associative array is used only in cloned matched route object and
there is stored all only matched rewrite params and route controller and
route action if any. All params are in raw form. Not filtered.
An array with \stdClass objects with metadata about all fixed or
variable sections in pattern (or reverse ) property. Every object item
has those keys about section: fixed , start , end and length . This
array is parsed automatically by route method initMatchAndReverse(); or
by route method initReverse(); after it's necessary - to be able to
complete match to match incoming request (if match is configured as
NULL ) and to complete URL address string in method Url(); and it's
// For pattern /products-list/<name>[/<color*>]
(object) [
'fixed' => TRUE, 'start' => 0,
'end' => 21, 'length' => 21,
(object) [
'fixed' => FALSE, 'start' => 21,
'end' => 30, 'length' => 9,
An array with \stdClass objects with metadata about all fixed or
variable sections in pattern (or reverse ) property. Every object item
has those keys about section: fixed , start , end and length . This
array is parsed automatically by route method initMatchAndReverse(); or
by route method initReverse(); after it's necessary - to be able to
complete match to match incoming request (if match is configured as
NULL ) and to complete URL address string in method Url(); and it's
// For pattern /products-list/<name>[/<color*>]
[ (object) [ 'fixed' => TRUE, 'start' => 0, 'end' => 21, 'length' => 21, ], (object) [ 'fixed' => FALSE, 'start' => 21, 'end' => 30, 'length' => 9, ]
Optional, param name, which is founded in internal initialization process
inside pattern or inside reverse property as the last one. And after
it's value, there could be only trailing slash or nothing (pattern end).
This trailing slash param definition is used to automatically trim last
param value from right site when route is matched and rewrite params parsed.
Optional, param name, which is founded in internal initialization process
inside pattern or inside reverse property as the last one. And after
it's value, there could be only trailing slash or nothing (pattern end).
This trailing slash param definition is used to automatically trim last
param value from right site when route is matched and rewrite params parsed.
Array with route reverse pattern flags. First item is integer flag about
defined scheme in pattern (or reverse ), second flag is about domain parts
founded in pattern (or reverse ) and third flag is about existing query
string part in pattern (or in reverse )
absolute or relative reverse form and second item is about query string
inside reverse string.
Array with route reverse pattern flags. First item is integer flag about
defined scheme in pattern (or reverse ), second flag is about domain parts
founded in pattern (or reverse ) and third flag is about existing query
string part in pattern (or in reverse )
absolute or relative reverse form and second item is about query string
inside reverse string.
Router instance reference used mostly in route URL building process.
Router instance reference used mostly in route URL building process.
This array contains data from route constructor. If route is initialized
with all params (not only by single array), this array contains the fourth
param with advanced route configuration. If route is initialized only with
one single array argument, this array contains that whole configuration
single array argument. Data in this array are without no change against
initialization moment. This could be used for any advanced property to
define in extended class.
This array contains data from route constructor. If route is initialized
with all params (not only by single array), this array contains the fourth
param with advanced route configuration. If route is initialized only with
one single array argument, this array contains that whole configuration
single array argument. Data in this array are without no change against
initialization moment. This could be used for any advanced property to
define in extended class.
Copied and cached value from router configuration property:
\MvcCore\Router::$trailingSlashBehaviour .
Copied and cached value from router configuration property:
\MvcCore\Router::$trailingSlashBehaviour .