Trait PreAndPostRouting
Methods summary
routeDetectStrategy( )
Process normal route strategy detection from core router and than process
domain routing, if request is not internal.
Return array with possible query string controller name and action.
Process normal route strategy detection from core router and than process
domain routing, if request is not internal.
Return array with possible query string controller name and action.
LogicException Route configuration property is missing.
InvalidArgumentException Wrong route pattern format.
routeSetUpDefaultForHomeIfNoMatch( )
After routing is done, check if there is any current domain route and
remember it's possible namespace value. Then check if there is any current
If there is no current route found by any strategy, there is possible to
create automatically new default route into current route property by
configured default controller/action values. Then it's necessary to check
if request is targeting homepage or if router is configured to route
request to default controller and action. If those two conditions are OK,
create new route with default controller and action but in module router,
create that new route with controller in namespace by domain route if
there is any) and set this new route as current route to process default
controller and action even if there is no route for it.
If there is current route defined and domain route namespace is not
NULL , there is necessary to prepend domain route namespace into routed
controller name and redefine routed target. But prepend domain route
namespace into routed controller only if routed controller definition is
defined relatively and if it not start with two slashes (// ) or with
single backslash (\ ).
After routing is done, check if there is any current domain route and
remember it's possible namespace value. Then check if there is any current
If there is no current route found by any strategy, there is possible to
create automatically new default route into current route property by
configured default controller/action values. Then it's necessary to check
if request is targeting homepage or if router is configured to route
request to default controller and action. If those two conditions are OK,
create new route with default controller and action but in module router,
create that new route with controller in namespace by domain route if
there is any) and set this new route as current route to process default
controller and action even if there is no route for it.
If there is current route defined and domain route namespace is not
NULL , there is necessary to prepend domain route namespace into routed
controller name and redefine routed target. But prepend domain route
namespace into routed controller only if routed controller definition is
defined relatively and if it not start with two slashes (// ) or with
single backslash (\ ).