Trait RewriteRoutingChecks
Methods summary
rewriteRoutingCheckRoute( MvcCore\IRoute $route, array $additionalInfo )
Return TRUE if there is possible (or not) by additional info array
records to route incoming request by given route as first argument.
Check, if route object has defined any http method and if the request has
the same method or not, check if route has defined any allowed module and
if routed module name is presented in allowed module names array and
check if route object is localized route instance and if there is also
any localization found in request. If there is a conflict, return
FALSE , if there is everything OK, return TRUE .
Return TRUE if there is possible (or not) by additional info array
records to route incoming request by given route as first argument.
Check, if route object has defined any http method and if the request has
the same method or not, check if route has defined any allowed module and
if routed module name is presented in allowed module names array and
check if route object is localized route instance and if there is also
any localization found in request. If there is a conflict, return
FALSE , if there is everything OK, return TRUE .
- $route
- $additionalInfo
Array with request method as string, localization found in
request as bool, route is localized as bool and boolean
about not skip localized routes matching when request has no
localization in path and other conditions described inside
this function.