Responsibility: configurable protected properties with getters and setters, internal protected properties and internal methods used in most extended routers implementations bellow.
Trait for classes:
- \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Media
- \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localization
- \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\MediaAndLocalization
Methods summary
GetRouteGetRequestsOnly( )
Get TRUE to route site version only for GET requests.
FALSE to process advanced routing on all requests.
Get TRUE to route site version only for GET requests.
FALSE to process advanced routing on all requests.
MvcCore\Router |MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended
SetRouteGetRequestsOnly( boolean $routeGetRequestsOnly = TRUE )
Set TRUE to route site version only for GET requests.
FALSE to process advanced routing on all requests.
Set TRUE to route site version only for GET requests.
FALSE to process advanced routing on all requests.
GetStricModeBySession( )
Get TRUE (default is FALSE ) to prevent user to be able to switch site version
only by requesting different url with different site version prefix. If he does it
and this configuration is TRUE , he is redirected back to his remembered site
version by session.
But if you really want to switch site version for your users, you need to add into
url special param to switch the version. But if you are creating url in controller
or in template, it's added automatically, when you put into second argument $params
key with different site version:
$this->Url('self', ['media_version' => 'mobile', 'lang' => 'de']); .
Get TRUE (default is FALSE ) to prevent user to be able to switch site version
only by requesting different url with different site version prefix. If he does it
and this configuration is TRUE , he is redirected back to his remembered site
version by session.
But if you really want to switch site version for your users, you need to add into
url special param to switch the version. But if you are creating url in controller
or in template, it's added automatically, when you put into second argument $params
key with different site version:
$this->Url('self', ['media_version' => 'mobile', 'lang' => 'de']); .
MvcCore\Router |MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended
SetStricModeBySession( boolean $stricModeBySession = TRUE )
Set TRUE (default is FALSE ) to prevent user to be able to switch site version
only by requesting different url with different site version prefix. If he does it
and this configuration is TRUE , he is redirected back to his remembered site
version by session.
But if you really want to switch site version for your users, you need to add into
url special param to switch the version. But if you are creating url in controller
or in template, it's added automatically, when you put into second argument $params
key with different site version:
$this->Url('self', ['media_version' => 'mobile', 'lang' => 'de']); .
Set TRUE (default is FALSE ) to prevent user to be able to switch site version
only by requesting different url with different site version prefix. If he does it
and this configuration is TRUE , he is redirected back to his remembered site
version by session.
But if you really want to switch site version for your users, you need to add into
url special param to switch the version. But if you are creating url in controller
or in template, it's added automatically, when you put into second argument $params
key with different site version:
$this->Url('self', ['media_version' => 'mobile', 'lang' => 'de']); .
GetSessionExpirationSeconds( )
Get session expiration in seconds to remember previously detected site version by user
agent or headers from previous requests. To not recognize site version by user agent
or headers every time, because it's time consuming. Default value is 0 - "until the
browser is closed". Session record is always used to compare, if user is requesting the
same or different site version. If request by url is into the same site version,
session record expiration is enlarged by this value. If request by url is into
current session place, session different site version, then new different
site version is stored in expiration is enlarged by this value and user is
redirected to different place. But if router is configured into session strict mode,
than to redirect user into new site version, there is necessary to add special
url switch param (always automatically added by Url() method). Because without it,
user is redirected strictly back into the same version.
Get session expiration in seconds to remember previously detected site version by user
agent or headers from previous requests. To not recognize site version by user agent
or headers every time, because it's time consuming. Default value is 0 - "until the
browser is closed". Session record is always used to compare, if user is requesting the
same or different site version. If request by url is into the same site version,
session record expiration is enlarged by this value. If request by url is into
current session place, session different site version, then new different
site version is stored in expiration is enlarged by this value and user is
redirected to different place. But if router is configured into session strict mode,
than to redirect user into new site version, there is necessary to add special
url switch param (always automatically added by Url() method). Because without it,
user is redirected strictly back into the same version.
MvcCore\Router |MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended
SetSessionExpirationSeconds( integer $sessionExpirationSeconds = 0 )
Set session expiration in seconds to remember previously detected site version by user
agent or headers from previous requests. To not recognize site version by user agent
or headers every time, because it's time consuming. Default value is 0 - "until the
browser is closed". Session record is always used to compare, if user is requesting the
same or different site version. If request by url is into the same site version,
session record expiration is enlarged by this value. If request by url is into
current session place, session different site version, then new different
site version is stored in expiration is enlarged by this value and user is
redirected to different place. But if router is configured into session strict mode,
than to redirect user into new site version, there is necessary to add special
url switch param (always automatically added by Url() method). Because without it,
user is redirected strictly back into the same version.
Set session expiration in seconds to remember previously detected site version by user
agent or headers from previous requests. To not recognize site version by user agent
or headers every time, because it's time consuming. Default value is 0 - "until the
browser is closed". Session record is always used to compare, if user is requesting the
same or different site version. If request by url is into the same site version,
session record expiration is enlarged by this value. If request by url is into
current session place, session different site version, then new different
site version is stored in expiration is enlarged by this value and user is
redirected to different place. But if router is configured into session strict mode,
than to redirect user into new site version, there is necessary to add special
url switch param (always automatically added by Url() method). Because without it,
user is redirected strictly back into the same version.
- $sessionExpirationSeconds