preDispatchNullOptionText( )
Automatically translate nullOptionText property if necessary
in PreDispatch() field rendering moment.
Automatically translate nullOptionText property if necessary
in PreDispatch() field rendering moment.
GetNullOptionText( )
This attribute is a text placeholder for <select> controls,
when no option is selected yet. Typically: --- please select an option --- .
It's rendered every time this placeholder has any text value, doesn't matter,
if <select> tag has already any value selected or not yet . It's rendered usually
as first <option> sub-element with an empty value, as disabled and selected
<option> tag. NULL value means no placeholder <option> tag will be rendered.
This attribute is a text placeholder for <select> controls,
when no option is selected yet. Typically: --- please select an option --- .
It's rendered every time this placeholder has any text value, doesn't matter,
if <select> tag has already any value selected or not yet . It's rendered usually
as first <option> sub-element with an empty value, as disabled and selected
<option> tag. NULL value means no placeholder <option> tag will be rendered.
SetNullOptionText( string|null $nullOptionText, boolean|null $translateNullOptionText = NULL )
This attribute is a text placeholder for <select> controls,
when no option is selected yet. Typically: --- please select an option --- .
It's rendered every time this placeholder has any text value, doesn't matter,
if <select> tag has already any value selected or not yet . It's rendered usually
as first <option> sub-element with an empty value, as disabled and selected
<option> tag. NULL value means no placeholder <option> tag will be rendered.
This attribute is a text placeholder for <select> controls,
when no option is selected yet. Typically: --- please select an option --- .
It's rendered every time this placeholder has any text value, doesn't matter,
if <select> tag has already any value selected or not yet . It's rendered usually
as first <option> sub-element with an empty value, as disabled and selected
<option> tag. NULL value means no placeholder <option> tag will be rendered.
- $nullOptionText
- $translateNullOptionText