Trait MetaData
Methods summary
protected static
getMetaData( integer $propsFlags = 0, int[] $additionalMaps = [] )
Return cached data about properties in current class to not create
and parse reflection objects every time. Returned data is always array
list list() indexes into separate variables. First result record is
always metadata array with numeric indexes, where each value is property
metadata. Second and every next result record is properties map, where
keys are property names (or column names) and values are integer keys into
first result record with metadata.
Return cached data about properties in current class to not create
and parse reflection objects every time. Returned data is always array
list list() indexes into separate variables. First result record is
always metadata array with numeric indexes, where each value is property
metadata. Second and every next result record is properties map, where
keys are property names (or column names) and values are integer keys into
first result record with metadata.
Every key in metadata array in first result record is integer key,
which is necessary to complete from any properties map and every value
is array with metadata:
- 0 boolean TRUE for private property.
- 1' boolean TRUEto allow NULLvalues.
- 2 string[]Property types from code or from doc comments or empty array.
- 3 stringPHP code property name.
- 4 string|NULLDatabase column name (if defined) or NULL.
- 5 mixedAdditional convertsion data (if defined) or NULL.
- 6 bool TRUEif column is in primary key.
- 7 bool TRUEif column has auto increment feature.
- 8 bool|string|NULL TRUE` if column is in unique key or name of the unique key in database. private properties manipulation.
Possible reading flags: - \MvcCore\IModel::PROPS_INHERIT - \MvcCore\IModel::PROPS_PRIVATE - \MvcCore\IModel::PROPS_PROTECTED - \MvcCore\IModel::PROPS_PUBLIC
- $propsFlags
- $additionalMaps
protected static
parseMetaData( string $classFullName, integer $accessModFlags, boolean $inclInherit )
Parse called class metadata with reflection.
Parse called class metadata with reflection.
- $classFullName
- $accessModFlags
- $inclInherit
protected static
parseMetaDataProperty( ReflectionProperty $prop, boolean $phpWithTypes, boolean $phpWithUnionTypes, string $toolClass, boolean $attributesAnotation )
Return array with property metadata:
- 0 boolean TRUE for private property.
- 1' boolean TRUEto allow NULLvalues.
- 2 string[]Property types from code or from doc comments or empty array.
- 3 stringPHP code property name.
- 4 string|NULLDatabase column name (if defined) or NULL.
- 5 mixedAdditional convertsion data (if defined) or NULL.
- 6 bool TRUEif column is in primary key.
- 7 bool TRUEif column has auto increment feature.
- 8 bool|string|NULL TRUE` if column is in unique key or name
of the unique key in database.
Return array with property metadata:
- 0 boolean TRUE for private property.
- 1' boolean TRUEto allow NULLvalues.
- 2 string[]Property types from code or from doc comments or empty array.
- 3 stringPHP code property name.
- 4 string|NULLDatabase column name (if defined) or NULL.
- 5 mixedAdditional convertsion data (if defined) or NULL.
- 6 bool TRUEif column is in primary key.
- 7 bool TRUEif column has auto increment feature.
- 8 bool|string|NULL TRUE` if column is in unique key or name of the unique key in database.
- $prop
- $phpWithTypes
- $phpWithUnionTypes
- $toolClass
- $attributesAnotation