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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Modules\Route;
trait UrlBuilding {
* Complete route URL by given params array and route internal reverse
* replacements pattern string. If there are more given params in first
* argument than total count of replacement places in reverse pattern,
* then create URL with query string params after reverse pattern,
* containing that extra record(s) value(s). Returned is an array with two
* strings - result URL in two parts - first part as scheme, domain and base
* path and second as path and query string.
* Example:
* Input (`$params`):
* `[
* "name" => "cool-product-name",
* "color" => "blue",
* "variants" => ["L", "XL"],
* ];`
* Input (`\MvcCore\Route::$reverse`):
* `"/products-list/<name>/<color*>"`
* Output:
* `[
* "https://example.com/any/app/base/path",
* "/products-list/cool-product-name/blue?variant[]=L&variant[]=XL"
* ]`
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request
* Currently requested request object.
* @param array $params
* URL params from application point completed
* by developer.
* @param array $defaultUrlParams
* Requested URL route params and query string
* params without escaped HTML special chars:
* `< > & " ' &`.
* @param string $queryStringParamsSepatator
* Query params separator, `&` by default. Always
* automatically completed by router instance.
* @param bool $splitUrl
* Boolean value about to split completed result URL
* into two parts or not. Default is FALSE to return
* a string array with only one record - the result
* URL. If `TRUE`, result url is split into two
* parts and function return array with two items.
* @return \string[] Result URL address in array. If last argument is
* `FALSE` by default, this function returns only
* single item array with result URL. If last
* argument is `TRUE`, function returns result URL
* in two parts - domain part with base path and
* path part with query string.
public function Url (\MvcCore\IRequest $request, array & $params = [], array & $defaultUrlParams = [], $queryStringParamsSepatator = '&', $splitUrl = FALSE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Modules\Route */
// check reverse initialization
if ($this->reverseParams === NULL) $this->initReverse();
// complete and filter all params to build reverse pattern
if (count($this->reverseParams) === 0) {
$allParamsClone = array_merge([], $params);
} else {// complete params with necessary values to build reverse pattern (and than query string)
$emptyReverseParams = array_fill_keys(array_keys($this->reverseParams), NULL);
$allMergedParams = array_merge($this->defaults, $defaultUrlParams, $params);
// all params clone contains only keys necessary to build reverse
// pattern for this route and all given `$params` keys, nothing more
// from currently requested URL
$allParamsClone = array_merge(
$emptyReverseParams, array_intersect_key($allMergedParams, $emptyReverseParams), $params
// filter params
list(,$filteredParams) = $this->Filter($allParamsClone, $defaultUrlParams, \MvcCore\IRoute::CONFIG_FILTER_OUT);
$filteredParams = $filteredParams ?: [];
// convert all domain param values to lower case
$router = $this->router;
foreach ($filteredParams as $paramName => & $paramValue) {
if ($paramName == $router::URL_PARAM_BASEPATH) continue;
if (is_string($paramValue)) $paramValue = mb_strtolower($paramValue);
// split params into domain params array and into path and query params array
$domainPercentageParams = $this->urlGetAndRemoveDomainPercentageParams($filteredParams);
// build reverse pattern
$result = $this->urlComposeByReverseSectionsAndParams(
return $this->urlAbsPartAndSplit($request, $result, $domainPercentageParams, $splitUrl);