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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Application;
interface IConstants {
* `\MvcCore\Application` - Constants *
* MvcCore application mode describing that the application is compiled in <b>ONE BIG PHP FILE</b>.
* In PHP app mode should be packed php files or any asset files - PHTML templates, INI files
* or any static files. Unknown asset files or binary files are included as binary or base64 string.
* This mode has always best speed, because it should not work with hard drive if you don't want to.
* Only with many or with large asset files, there may be greater demands on memory and processor,
* which shouldn't be good for your application. Be aware to do that, if you have low memory limits.
* Result application packed in PHP mode has special `\Packager_Php_Wrapper` class included
* before any application content. This special class handles allowed file operations and assets
* as binary or base64 encoded. Everything should be configured before PHP packing.
* This mode has always four sub-modes started with PHP substring. All PHP package modes are:
* - `\Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_PRESERVE_HDD`
* - `\Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_PRESERVE_PACKAGE`
* - `\Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_STRICT_HDD`
* - `\Packager_Php_Wrapper::PHP_STRICT_PACKAGE`
* So to check if app is in PHP package mode - check it by `substr();`.
* @var string
* MvcCore application mode describing that the application is compiled in <b>ONE BIG PHAR FILE</b>.
* There could be any content included. But in this mode, there is no speed advantages, but it's
* still good way to pack your app into single file tool for any web-hosting needs:-)
* This mode has always lower speed then `PHP` mode above, because it fully emulates hard drive
* for content of this file and it costs a time. But it has lower memory usage then `PHP` mode above.
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/phar.creating.php
* @var string
* MvcCore application mode describing that the application is in <b>THE STATE BEFORE
* THEIR OWN COMPILATION INTO `PHP` OR `PHAR`</b> archive. This mode is always used to generate final
* javascript and css files into temporary directory to pack them later into result php/phar file.
* Shortcut `SFU` means "Single File Url". Application running in this mode has to generate
* single file URLs in form: "index.php?..." and everything has to work properly before
* application will be compiled into PHP/PHAR package. Use this mode in index.php before
* application compilation to generate and test everything necessary before app compilation by:
* `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->Dispatch();`
* - `TRUE` means to switch application into temporary into SFU mode.
* @var string
* MvcCore application mode describing that the application is running as <b>STANDARD PHP PROJECT</b>
* with many files on hard drive, using auto-loading or anything else. It's also standard development mode.
* @var string
const NOT_COMPILED = '';