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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Application;
* Trait as partial class for `\MvcCore\Application`:
* - Main application objects container (request, response, controller, etc.).
* - MvcCore compile mode managing (single file mode, php, phar, or no package).
* - Global store for all main core class names, to use them as modules,
* to be changed any time (request class, response class, debug class, etc.).
trait Props {
* `\MvcCore\Application` - Properties *
* Application instance for current request. Singleton instance storage.
* @var \MvcCore\Application
protected static $instance;
* Describes if application is running as standard php project or as single file application.
* It should has values from:
* - `\MvcCore\IApplication::COMPILED_PHP`
* - `\MvcCore\IApplication::COMPILED_PHAR`
* - `\MvcCore\IApplication::COMPILED_SFU`
* - `\MvcCore\IApplication::NOT_COMPILED`
* Read more about every mode in interface: `\MvcCore\IApplication`.
* @var string
protected $compiled = NULL;
* Environment detection instance.
* @var \MvcCore\Environment
protected $environment = NULL;
* Top most parent controller instance currently dispatched by application.
* @var \MvcCore\Controller
protected $controller = NULL;
* Request object - parsed URI, query params, app paths...
* @var \MvcCore\Request
protected $request = NULL;
* Response object - storage for response headers and rendered body.
* @var \MvcCore\Response
protected $response = NULL;
* Application http router to route request and build URL addresses.
* @var \MvcCore\Router
protected $router = NULL;
* Pre route custom closure calls storage.
* Every item in this array has to be `callable`.
* Params in callable should be two with following types:
* - `\MvcCore\Request`
* - `\MvcCore\Response`
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->AddPreRouteHandler(function(
* \MvcCore\Request $request,
* \MvcCore\Response $response
* ) {
* $request->customVar = 'custom_value';
* });`
* @var \array[]
protected $preRouteHandlers = [];
* Post route custom closure calls storage.
* Every item in this array has to be `callable`.
* Params in callable should be two with following types:
* - `\MvcCore\Request`
* - `\MvcCore\Response`
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->AddPostRouteHandler(function(
* \MvcCore\Request $request,
* \MvcCore\Response $response
* ) {
* $request->customVar = 'custom_value';
* });`
* @var \array[]
protected $postRouteHandlers = [];
* Pre dispatch custom calls storage.
* Every item in this array has to be `callable`.
* Params in `callable` should be two with following types:
* - `\MvcCore\Request`
* - `\MvcCore\Response`
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->AddPreDispatchHandler(function(
* \MvcCore\Request $request,
* \MvcCore\Response $response
* ) {
* $request->customVar = 'custom_value';
* });`
* @var \array[]
protected $preDispatchHandlers = [];
* Post dispatch custom calls storage.
* Every item in this array has to be `callable`.
* Params in `callable` should be two with following types:
* - `\MvcCore\Request`
* - `\MvcCore\Response`
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->AddPostDispatchHandler(function(
* \MvcCore\Request $request,
* \MvcCore\Response $response
* ) {
* $request->customVar = 'custom_value';
* });`
* @var \array[]
protected $postDispatchHandlers = [];
* Post terminate custom calls storage.
* Every item in this array has to be `callable`.
* Params in `callable` should be two with following types:
* - `\MvcCore\Request`
* - `\MvcCore\Response`
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->AddPostTerminateHandler(function(
* \MvcCore\Request $request,
* \MvcCore\Response $response
* ) {
* // close connection by previously configured
* // header: header('Connection: close');
* // and run background process now:
* });`
* @var \array[]
protected $postTerminateHandlers = [];
* Class to detect and manage environment name.
* @var string
protected $environmentClass = '\MvcCore\Environment';
* Class to load and parse (system) config(s).
* @var string
protected $configClass = '\MvcCore\Config';
* Class to create default controller for request targeting views only
* and to handle small assets inside packed application.
* @var string
protected $controllerClass = '\MvcCore\Controller';
* Class to handle any application error to render the error in browser or log in HDD.
* @var string
protected $debugClass = '\MvcCore\Debug';
* Class to create describing HTTP request object.
* @var string
protected $requestClass = '\MvcCore\Request';
* Class to create HTTP response object to store response headers and response content.
* @var string
protected $responseClass = '\MvcCore\Response';
* Class to describe single route with match and replace pattern,
* controller, action, params default values and params constraints.
* @var string
protected $routeClass = '\MvcCore\Route';
* Class to store all routes, dispatch request by routes and generate URL addresses by routes.
* @var string
protected $routerClass = '\MvcCore\Router';
* Class to configure session namespaces, session opening, writing and expirations.
* @var string
protected $sessionClass = '\MvcCore\Session';
* Class to handle helper calls from MvcCore core modules.
* @var string
protected $toolClass = '\MvcCore\Tool';
* Class to prepare and render controller view, sub-views and wrapper layout.
* @var string
protected $viewClass = '\MvcCore\View';
* Application scripts and views directory name as `"App"` by default,
* where are following subdirectories by default:
* - `/App/Controllers`
* - `/App/Models`
* - `/App/Views`
* It should by reconfigured to custom value in the very application beginning.
* @var string
protected $appDir = 'App';
* Controllers directory name as `"Controllers"` by default, for all controller classes,
* it's placed directly in application directory by default.
* It should by reconfigured to custom value in the very application beginning.
* @var string
protected $controllersDir = 'Controllers';
* Views directory name as `"views"` by default, for all view elements,
* it's placed directly in application directory above by default.
* It should by reconfigured to custom value in the very application beginning.
* @var string
protected $viewsDir = 'Views';
* Default controller name, `"Index"` by default.
* @var string
protected $defaultControllerName = 'Index';
* Default controller default action name, `"Index"` by default.
* @var string
protected $defaultControllerDefaultActionName = 'Index';
* Default controller error action name, `"Error"` by default.
* @var string
protected $defaultControllerErrorActionName = 'Error';
* Default controller not found error action name, `"NotFound"` by default.
* @var string
protected $defaultControllerNotFoundActionName = 'NotFound';
* Boolean flag if request has been already terminated or not
* to process `\MvcCore\Application::Terminate();` only once.
* Default value is `FALSE`.
* @var bool
protected $terminated = FALSE;