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namespace MvcCore\Debug;
trait Initializations {
public static function Init ($forceDevelopmentMode = NULL) {
if (static::$debugging !== NULL) return;
if (static::$strictExceptionsMode === NULL)
$app = static::$app ?: (static::$app = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance());
static::$requestBegin = $app->GetRequest()->GetStartTime();
if (gettype($forceDevelopmentMode) == 'boolean') {
static::$debugging = $forceDevelopmentMode;
} else {
$environment = $app->GetEnvironment();
static::$debugging = !$environment->IsProduction();
static::$originalDebugClass = ltrim($app->GetDebugClass(), '\\') == get_class();
$initGlobalShortHandsHandler = static::$InitGlobalShortHands;
public static function SetStrictExceptionsMode ($strictExceptionsMode, array $errorLevelsToExceptions = []) {
if ($strictExceptionsMode && !static::$strictExceptionsMode) {
$errorLevels = array_fill_keys($errorLevelsToExceptions, TRUE);
$allLevelsToExceptions = isset($errorLevels[E_ALL]);
$prevErrorHandler = NULL;
$prevErrorHandler = set_error_handler(
$errLevel, $errMessage, $errFile, $errLine
) use (
& $prevErrorHandler, $errorLevels, $allLevelsToExceptions
) {
if ($errFile === '' && defined('HHVM_VERSION'))
$errFile = func_get_arg(5)[1]['file'];
if ($allLevelsToExceptions || isset($errorLevels[$errLevel]))
throw new \ErrorException($errMessage, $errLevel, $errLevel, $errFile, $errLine);
return $prevErrorHandler
? call_user_func_array($prevErrorHandler, func_get_args())
self::$prevErrorHandler = & $prevErrorHandler;
} else if (!$strictExceptionsMode && static::$strictExceptionsMode) {
if (self::$prevErrorHandler !== NULL) {
} else {
return static::$strictExceptionsMode = $strictExceptionsMode;
protected static function initStrictExceptionsMode ($strictExceptionsMode) {
$errorLevelsToExceptions = [];
if ($strictExceptionsMode !== FALSE) {
$sysCfgDebug = static::getSystemCfgDebugSection();
if (isset($sysCfgDebug['strictExceptions'])) {
$rawStrictExceptions = $sysCfgDebug['strictExceptions'];
if (
$rawStrictExceptions === 0 ||
$rawStrictExceptions === FALSE
) {
$strictExceptionsMode = FALSE;
} else {
$strictExceptionsMode = TRUE;
$rawStrictExceptions = is_array($rawStrictExceptions)
? $rawStrictExceptions
: explode(',', trim($rawStrictExceptions, '[]'));
$errorLevelsToExceptions = array_map(
function ($rawErrorLevel) {
$rawErrorLevel = trim($rawErrorLevel);
if (is_numeric($rawErrorLevel)) return intval($rawErrorLevel);
return constant($rawErrorLevel);
}, $rawStrictExceptions
} else {
$strictExceptionsMode = TRUE;
$errorLevelsToExceptions = static::$strictExceptionsModeDefaultLevels;
return static::SetStrictExceptionsMode($strictExceptionsMode, $errorLevelsToExceptions);
protected static function initHandlers () {
$className = get_called_class();
foreach (static::$handlers as $key => $value) {
static::$handlers[$key] = [$className, $value];
protected static function initLogDirectory () {
$sysCfgDebug = static::getSystemCfgDebugSection();
$logDirConfiguredPath = isset($sysCfgDebug['logDirectory'])
? $sysCfgDebug['logDirectory']
: static::$LogDirectory;
if (mb_substr($logDirConfiguredPath, 0, 1) === '~') {
$app = static::$app ?: (static::$app = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance());
$logDirAbsPath = $app->GetRequest()->GetAppRoot() . '/' . ltrim(mb_substr($logDirConfiguredPath, 1), '/');
} else {
$logDirAbsPath = $logDirConfiguredPath;
static::$LogDirectory = $logDirAbsPath;
try {
if (!is_dir($logDirAbsPath)) {
if (!mkdir($logDirAbsPath, 0777, TRUE))
throw new \RuntimeException(
'['.get_class()."] It was not possible to create log directory: `".$logDirAbsPath."`."
if (!is_writable($logDirAbsPath))
if (!chmod($logDirAbsPath, 0777))
throw new \RuntimeException(
'['.get_class()."] It was not possible to setup privileges to log directory: `".$logDirAbsPath."` to writeable mode 0777."
} catch (\Exception $e) {
die('['.get_class().'] ' . $e->getMessage());
static::$logDirectoryInitialized = TRUE;
return $logDirAbsPath;
protected static function getSystemCfgDebugSection () {
if (self::$systemConfigDebugValues !== NULL) return self::$systemConfigDebugValues;
$result = [];
$app = static::$app ?: (static::$app = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance());
$configClass = $app->GetConfigClass();
$cfg = $configClass::GetSystem();
if ($cfg === FALSE) return $result;
$cfgProps = (object) static::$systemConfigDebugProps;
if (!isset($cfg->{$cfgProps->sectionName})) return $result;
$cfgDebug = & $cfg->{$cfgProps->sectionName};
if (isset($cfgDebug->{$cfgProps->emailRecepient}))
$result['emailRecepient'] = $cfgDebug->{$cfgProps->emailRecepient};
if (isset($cfgDebug->{$cfgProps->logDirectory}))
$result['logDirectory'] = $cfgDebug->{$cfgProps->logDirectory};
if (isset($cfgDebug->{$cfgProps->strictExceptions}))
$result['strictExceptions'] = $cfgDebug->{$cfgProps->strictExceptions};
self::$systemConfigDebugValues = $result;
return $result;