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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Basics;
* Responsibility - base authentication sign-in/sign-out form class specification.
interface IForm {
* Default html `<form>` element id for authentication sign in form.
const HTML_ID_SIGNIN = 'authentication_signin';
* Default html `<form>` element id for authentication sign out form.
const HTML_ID_SIGNOUT = 'authentication_signout';
* Set form id, required to configure.
* Used to identify session data, error messages,
* CSRF tokens, html form attribute id value and much more.
* @requires
* @param string $id
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetId ($id);
* Set form submitting URL value.
* It could be relative or absolute, anything
* to complete classic html form attribute `action`.
* @param string|NULL $url
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetAction ($url = NULL);
* Set form http submitting method.`POST` by default.
* Use `GET` only if form data contains only ASCII characters.
* Possible values: `'POST' | 'GET'`
* You can use constants:
* - `\MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_POST`
* - `\MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_GET`
* @param string $method
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetMethod ($method = \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_POST);
* Set form HTML element css classes strings.
* All previously defined css classes will be removed.
* Default value is an empty array to not render HTML `class` attribute.
* You can define css classes as single string, more classes separated
* by space or you can define css classes as array with strings.
* @param string|\string[] $cssClasses
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetCssClasses ($cssClasses);
* Set form success submit URL string to redirect after, relative or absolute,
* to specify, where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully.
* It's required to use `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` like this, if you want to use method
* `$form->SubmittedRedirect();`, at the end of custom `Submit()` method implementation,
* you need to specify at least success and error URL strings.
* @param string|NULL $url
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetSuccessUrl ($url = NULL);
* Set form error submit URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
* where to redirect user after has not been submitted successfully.
* It's not required to use `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` like this, but if you want to use method
* `$form->SubmittedRedirect();` at the end of custom `Submit()` method implementation,
* you need to specify at least success and error URL strings.
* @param string|NULL $url
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetErrorUrl ($url = NULL);
* Set translator to translate field labels, options, placeholders and error messages.
* Translator has to be `callable` (it could be `closure function` or `array`
* with `class_name/instance` and `method name` string). First argument
* of `callable` has to be a translation key and second argument
* has to be language string (`en`, `de` ...) to translate the key into.
* Result of `callable` object has to be a string - translated key for called language.
* @param callable|NULL $handler
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetTranslator (callable $translator = NULL);
* Render whole `<form>` with all content into HTML string to display it.
* - If form is not initialized, there is automatically
* called `$form->Init();` method.
* - If form is not pre-dispatched for rendering, there is
* automatically called `$form->PreDispatch();` method.
* - Create new form view instance and set up the view with local
* context variables.
* - Render form naturally or by custom template.
* - Clean session errors, because errors should be rendered
* only once, only when it's used and it's now - in this rendering process.
* @return string
public function Init ();
* Add multiple fully configured form field instances,
* function have infinite params with new field instances.
* @param \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Field[] $fields,... Any `\MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField` fully configured instance to add into form.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function AddFields ($fields);
* Add fully configured form field instance.
* @param \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Field $field
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function AddField (\MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField $field);
* Process standard low level submit process.
* If no params passed as first argument, all params from object
* `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetRequest()` are used.
* - If fields are not initialized - initialize them by calling `$form->Init();`.
* - Check maximum post size by php configuration if form is posted.
* - Check cross site request forgery tokens with session tokens.
* - Process all field values and their validators and call `$form->AddError()` where necessary.
* `AddError()` method automatically switch `$form->Result` property to zero - `0`, it means error submit result.
* Return array with form result, safe values from validators and errors array.
* @param array $rawRequestParams optional
* @return array Array to list: `array($form->Result, $form->Data, $form->Errors);`
public function Submit (array & $rawRequestParams = []);
* Clear form values to empty array and clear form values in form session namespace,
* clear form errors to empty array and clear form errors in form session namespace and
* clear form CSRF tokens clear CRSF tokens in form session namespace.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function ClearSession ();
* Call this function in custom `\MvcCore\Ext\Form::Submit();` method implementation
* at the end of custom `Submit()` method to redirect user by configured success/error/prev/next
* step URL address into final place and store everything into session.
* You can also to redirect form after submit by yourself.
* @return void
public function SubmittedRedirect ();
* Rendering process alias for `\MvcCore\Ext\Form::Render();`.
* @return string
public function __toString ();
* Render whole `<form>` with all content into HTML string to display it.
* - If form is not initialized, there is automatically
* called `$form->Init();` method.
* - If form is not pre-dispatched for rendering, there is
* automatically called `$form->PreDispatch();` method.
* - Create new form view instance and set up the view with local
* context variables.
* - Render form naturally or by custom template.
* - Clean session errors, because errors should be rendered
* only once, only when it's used and it's now - in this rendering process.
* @return string
public function Render ($controllerDashedName = '', $actionDashedName = '');