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namespace MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Basics\User;
trait Auth {
protected static $sessionIdentity = NULL;
protected static $sessionAuthorization = NULL;
private static $_sessionClass = NULL;
public static function SetUpUserBySession () {
$sessionIdentity = static::GetSessionIdentity();
$sessionAuthorization = static::GetSessionAuthorization();
$userNameStr = \MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Basics\IUser::SESSION_USERNAME_KEY;
$authorizedStr = \MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Basics\IUser::SESSION_AUTHORIZED_KEY;
if (
isset($sessionIdentity->{$userNameStr}) &&
isset($sessionAuthorization->{$authorizedStr}) &&
) {
$user = static::GetByUserName($sessionIdentity->{$userNameStr});
$user->passwordHash = NULL;
if (is_array($user->initialValues) && array_key_exists('passwordHash', $user->initialValues))
$user->initialValues['passwordHash'] = NULL;
return $user;
return NULL;
public static function LogIn ($userName = '', $password = '') {
$user = static::GetByUserName($userName);
if ($user) {
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50500){
$authenticated = password_verify($password, $user->passwordHash);
} else {
$hashedPassword = static::EncodePasswordToHash($password);
$authenticated = static::hashEquals($user->passwordHash, $hashedPassword);
if ($authenticated) {
$sessionIdentity = static::GetSessionIdentity();
$sessionAuthorization = static::GetSessionAuthorization();
$userNameStr = \MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Basics\IUser::SESSION_USERNAME_KEY;
$authorizedStr = \MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Basics\IUser::SESSION_AUTHORIZED_KEY;
$sessionIdentity->{$userNameStr} = $user->userName;
$sessionAuthorization->{$authorizedStr} = TRUE;
$user->passwordHash = NULL;
if (is_array($user->initialValues) && array_key_exists('passwordHash', $user->initialValues))
$user->initialValues['passwordHash'] = NULL;
return $user;
return NULL;
public static function LogOut ($destroyWholeSession = FALSE) {
$sessionIdentity = static::GetSessionIdentity();
$sessionAuthorization = static::GetSessionAuthorization();
if ($destroyWholeSession) {
} else {
$authorizedStr = \MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Basics\IUser::SESSION_AUTHORIZED_KEY;
$sessionAuthorization->{$authorizedStr} = FALSE;
public static function EncodePasswordToHash ($password = '', $options = []) {
if (!isset($options['salt'])) {
$configuredSalt = \MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Basic::GetInstance()->GetPasswordHashSalt();
if ($configuredSalt !== NULL) {
$options['salt'] = $configuredSalt;
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'['.get_class().'] No option `salt` given by second argument `$options`'
." or no salt configured by `\MvcCore\Ext\Auth::GetInstance()->SetPasswordHashSalt('...')`."
if (isset($options['cost']) && ($options['cost'] < 4 || $options['cost'] > 31))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'['.get_class().'] `cost` option has to be from `4` to `31`, `' . $options['cost'] . '` given.'
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50500) {
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && isset($options['salt']))
$result = @password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $options);
} else {
$cost = isset($options['cost']) ? $options['cost'] : 10;
$hashPrefix = sprintf("$2y$%02d$", $cost);
$hash = $hashPrefix . $options['salt'] . '$';
$result = crypt($password, $hash);
if (!$result || strlen($result) < 60)
throw new \RuntimeException(
'['.get_class().'] Hash computed by `password_hash()` is invalid. Try a little bit longer salt.'
return $result;
public static function GetSessionIdentity () {
if (static::$sessionIdentity === NULL) {
$sessionClass = self::$_sessionClass ?: (
self::$_sessionClass = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetSessionClass()
static::$sessionIdentity = $sessionClass::GetNamespace('MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Identity');
return static::$sessionIdentity;
public static function SetSessionIdentity (\MvcCore\ISession $sessionIdentity) {
return static::$sessionIdentity = $sessionIdentity;
public static function GetSessionAuthorization () {
if (static::$sessionAuthorization === NULL) {
$sessionClass = self::$_sessionClass ?: (
self::$_sessionClass = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetSessionClass()
static::$sessionAuthorization = $sessionClass::GetNamespace('MvcCore\Ext\Auths\Authorization');
return static::$sessionAuthorization;
public static function SetSessionAuthorization (\MvcCore\ISession $sessionAuthorization) {
return static::$sessionAuthorization = $sessionAuthorization;
protected static function hashEquals ($hash1, $hash2) {
if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
return hash_equals($hash1, $hash2);
} else {
if (strlen($hash1) != strlen($hash2)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
$res = $hash1 ^ $hash2;
$ret = 0;
for ($i = strlen($res) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
$ret |= ord($res[$i]);
return !$ret;