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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Form;
* Trait for class `MvcCore\Ext\Form` containing setter methods for configurable properties.
trait SetMethods {
* Set form id, required to configure.
* Used to identify session data, error messages,
* CSRF tokens, html form attribute id value and much more.
* @requires
* @param string $id
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetId ($id) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->id = $id;
self::$instances[$id] = $this;
return $this;
* Set form submitting URL value.
* It could be relative or absolute, anything
* to complete classic html form attribute `action`.
* @param string|NULL $url
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetAction ($url = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->action = $url;
return $this;
* Set form http submitting method.`POST` by default.
* Use `GET` only if form data contains only ASCII characters.
* Possible values: `'POST' | 'GET'`
* You can use constants:
* - `\MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_POST`
* - `\MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_GET`
* @param string $method
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetMethod ($method = \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::METHOD_POST) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->method = strtoupper($method);
return $this;
* Set form title, global HTML attribute, optional.
* @param string|NULL $title
* @param boolean|NULL $translateTitle
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetTitle ($title, $translateTitle = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->title = $title;
if ($translateTitle !== NULL)
$this->translateTitle = $translateTitle;
return $this;
* Set form enctype attribute - how the form values will be encoded
* to send them to the server. Possible values are:
* - `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
* By default, it means all form values will be encoded to
* `key1=value1&key2=value2...` string.
* Constant: `\MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_URLENCODED`.
* - `multipart/form-data`
* Data will not be encoded to URL string form, this value is required,
* when you are using forms that have a file upload control.
* Constant: `\MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_MULTIPART`.
* - `text/plain`
* Spaces will be converted to `+` symbols, but no other special
* characters will be encoded.
* Constant: `\MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_PLAINTEXT`.
* @param string $enctype
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetEnctype ($enctype = \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ENCTYPE_URLENCODED) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->enctype = $enctype;
return $this;
* Set form target attribute - where to display the response that is
* received after submitting the form. This is a name of, or keyword for,
* a browsing context (e.g. tab, window, or inline frame). Default value
* is `NULL` to not render any `<form>` element `target` attribute.
* The following keywords have special meanings:
* - `_self`: Load the response into the same browsing context as the
* current one. This value is the default if the attribute
* is not specified.
* - `_blank`: Load the response into a new unnamed browsing context.
* - `_parent`: Load the response into the parent browsing context of
* the current one. If there is no parent, this option
* behaves the same way as `_self`.
* - `_top`: Load the response into the top-level browsing context
* (i.e. the browsing context that is an ancestor of the
* current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent,
* this option behaves the same way as `_self`.
* - `iframename`: The response is displayed in a named `<iframe>`.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetTarget ($target = '_self') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->target = $target;
return $this;
* Indicates whether input elements can by default have their values automatically
* completed by the browser. This setting can be overridden by an `autocomplete`
* attribute on an element belonging to the form. Possible values are:
* - `'off' | FALSE`:The user must explicitly enter a value into each field for
* every use, or the document provides its own auto-completion
* method; the browser does not automatically complete entries.
* - `'on'` | TRUE`: The browser can automatically complete values based on
* values that the user has previously entered in the form.
* - `NULL` Do not render the attribute.
* For most modern browsers setting the autocomplete attribute will not prevent
* a browser's password manager from asking the user if they want to store login
* fields (username and password), if the user permits the storage the browser will
* autofill the login the next time the user visits the page. See The autocomplete
* attribute and login fields.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/form#attr-autocomplete
* @param bool|string $autoComplete Possible values are `'on' | TRUE | 'off' | FALSE | NULL`.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetAutoComplete ($autoComplete = FALSE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
if ($autoComplete === 'off' || $autoComplete === FALSE) {
$this->autoComplete = FALSE;
} else if ($autoComplete === 'on' || $autoComplete === TRUE) {
$this->autoComplete = TRUE;
} else {
$this->autoComplete = NULL;
return $this;
* This Boolean attribute indicates that the form is not to be validated when
* submitted. If this attribute is not specified (and therefore the form is
* validated), this default setting can be overridden by a `formnovalidate`
* attribute on a `<button>` or `<input>` element belonging to the form.
* @param bool|NULL $noValidate Only `TRUE` renders the form attribute.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetNoValidate ($noValidate = TRUE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
if ($noValidate === TRUE) {
$this->noValidate = TRUE;
} else {
$this->noValidate = NULL;
return $this;
* A list of character encodings that the server accepts. The browser
* uses them in the order in which they are listed. The default value,
* the reserved string `'UNKNOWN'`, indicates the same encoding as that
* of the document containing the form element. Any previously configured
* accept charset(s) will be replaced by given array. If you want only to
* add another charset, use method: `$form->AddAcceptCharset()` instead.
* @param \string[] $acceptCharsets
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetAcceptCharsets ($acceptCharsets = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->acceptCharsets = $acceptCharsets;
return $this;
* Set lang property to complete optional translator language argument automatically.
* If you are operating in multi-language project and you want to use
* translator in `\MvcCore\Ext\Form`, set this `lang` property to target language code
* you want to translate every visible text into target language. Use this property
* with `$form->translator`property.
* @param string|NULL $lang
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetLang ($lang = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->lang = $lang;
return $this;
* Set `$form->locale`, usually used to create proper validator for zip codes, currencies etc...
* If you are operating in multi-language project and you want to use
* in `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` form field validators for locale specific needs,
* `$form->locale` property helps you to process validation functionality
* with proper validator by locale code.
* @param string|NULL $locale
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetLocale ($locale = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->locale = strtoupper($locale);
return $this;
* Set form HTML element css classes strings.
* All previously defined css classes will be removed.
* Default value is an empty array to not render HTML `class` attribute.
* You can define css classes as single string, more classes separated
* by space or you can define css classes as array with strings.
* @param string|\string[] $cssClasses
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetCssClasses ($cssClasses) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$cssClassesArr = gettype($cssClasses) == 'array'
? $cssClasses
: explode(' ', (string) $cssClasses);
$this->cssClasses = $cssClassesArr;
return $this;
* Set form html element additional attributes.
* To add any other attribute for html `<form>` element,
* set here key/value array, keys will be used as attribute names,
* values as attribute values, simple. All previously configured additional
* attributes will be replaced by given attributes to this function.
* @param array $attributes
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetAttributes (array $attributes = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->attributes = $attributes;
return $this;
* Set form success submit URL string to redirect after, relative or absolute,
* to specify, where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully.
* It's required to use `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` like this, if you want to use method
* `$form->SubmittedRedirect();`, at the end of custom `Submit()` method implementation,
* you need to specify at least success and error URL strings.
* @param string|NULL $url
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetSuccessUrl ($url = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->successUrl = $url;
return $this;
* Set form success submit previous step URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
* where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully and submit button
* will be recognized as submit type to switch form result property `$form->result` to value `2`.
* Which means "previous step" redirection after successful submit. This functionality
* to switch result value to `2` is up to you. This field is designed only for you as empty.
* It's not required to use `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` like this, but if you want to use method
* `$form->SubmittedRedirect();` at the end of custom `Submit()` method implementation,
* and you want to go to "previous step" by one submit button or stay in the same page by
* another submit button, this is very good and comfortable pattern.
* @param string|NULL $url
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetPrevStepUrl ($url = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->nextStepUrl = $url;
return $this;
* Set form success submit next step URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
* where to redirect user after form has been submitted successfully and submit button
* will be recognized as submit type to switch form result property `$form->result` to value `3`.
* Which means "next step" redirection after successful submit. This functionality
* to switch result value to `3` is up to you. This field is designed only for you as empty.
* It's not required to use `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` like this, but if you want to use method
* `$form->SubmittedRedirect();` at the end of custom `Submit()` method implementation,
* and you want to go to "next step" by one submit button or stay in the same page by
* another submit button, this is very good and comfortable pattern.
* @param string|NULL $url
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetNextStepUrl ($url = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->nextStepUrl = $url;
return $this;
* Set form error submit URL string, relative or absolute, to specify,
* where to redirect user after has not been submitted successfully.
* It's not required to use `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` like this, but if you want to use method
* `$form->SubmittedRedirect();` at the end of custom `Submit()` method implementation,
* you need to specify at least success and error URL strings.
* @param string|NULL $url
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetErrorUrl ($url = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->errorUrl = $url;
return $this;
* Set form submit result state. Submit could have two basic values (or three values - for next step):
* `NULL` - No `Submit()` method has been called yet.
* `0` - Submit has errors. User will be redirected after submit to error url.
* `\MvcCore\Ext\Form::RESULT_ERRORS`
* `1` - Submit was successful. User will be redirected after submit to success url.
* `\MvcCore\Ext\Form::RESULT_SUCCESS`
* `2` - Submit was successful. User will be redirected after submit to next step url.
* `\MvcCore\Ext\IForm::RESULT_NEXT_PAGE`
* @param int|NULL $result
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetResult ($result = \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::RESULT_SUCCESS) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->result = $result;
return $this;
* Set translator to translate field labels, options, placeholders and error messages.
* Translator has to be `callable` (it could be `closure function` or `array`
* with `class_name/instance` and `method name` string). First argument
* of `callable` has to be a translation key and second argument
* has to be array with numeric replacements to replace them in translated value.
* Result of `callable` object has to be a string - translated key for called language.
* @param callable|NULL $handler
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetTranslator (callable $translator = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
if ($translator !== NULL && is_callable($translator))
$this->translator = $translator;
return $this;
* Set default switch how to set every form control to be required by default.
* If you define directly any control to NOT be required, it will NOT be required.
* This is only value used as DEFAULT VALUE for form fields, not to strictly define
* required flag value in controls. Default value is `FALSE`.
* @param bool $defaultRequired
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetDefaultRequired ($defaultRequired = TRUE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->defaultRequired = $defaultRequired;
return $this;
* Set multiple fields values by key/value array.
* For each key in `$values` array, this method try to find form field
* with the same name. Only data with existing fields by keys are setted into field values.
* Values are assigned into fields by keys in case sensitive mode by default.
* @param array $values Key value array with keys as field names and values for fields.
* @param bool $caseInsensitive If `TRUE`, set up values from `$values` with keys in case insensitive mode.
* @param bool $clearPreviousSessionValues If `TRUE`, clear all previous data records for this form from session.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetValues (array $values = [], $caseInsensitive = FALSE, $clearPreviousSessionValues = FALSE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
if ($this->dispatchState < \MvcCore\IController::DISPATCH_STATE_INITIALIZED)
if ($clearPreviousSessionValues) $this->ClearSession();
$defaultsKeys = $caseInsensitive
? ',' . implode(',', array_keys($values)) . ','
: '' ;
foreach ($this->fields as $fieldName => $field) {
if (isset($values[$fieldName])) {
$fieldValue = $values[$fieldName];
} else if ($caseInsensitive) {
$defaultsKeyPos = stripos($defaultsKeys, ','.$fieldName.',');
if ($defaultsKeyPos === FALSE) continue;
$defaultsKey = substr($defaultsKeys, $defaultsKeyPos + 1, strlen($fieldName));
$fieldValue = $values[$defaultsKey];
} else {
$fieldValuesIsStr = is_string($fieldValue);
if (
$fieldValue !== NULL && (
!$fieldValuesIsStr || ($fieldValuesIsStr && $fieldValue != '')
) {
$this->values[$fieldName] = $fieldValue;
return $this;
* Set all form errors. This method is very dangerous, it replace
* all previously added form errors with given collection.
* If you want only to add form error, use method:
* `$form->AddError($errorMsg, $fieldNames = NULL);` instead.
* First param `$errorsCollection` has to be array with arrays.
* Every array in collection must have first item as error message
* string and second argument (optional) as field name string or
* array with field names strings where error happened.
* @param array $errorsCollection
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetErrors ($errorsCollection = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->errors = [];
foreach ($errorsCollection as $errorMsgAndFieldNames) {
list ($errorMsg, $fieldNames) = $errorMsgAndFieldNames;
$errorMsg, is_array($fieldNames) ? $fieldNames : [$fieldNames]
return $this;
* Set session expiration in seconds. Default value is zero seconds (`0`).
* Zero value (`0`) means "until the browser is closed" if there is
* no higher namespace expiration in any other session namespace.
* If there is found any autorization service and authenticated user,
* default value is set by authorization expiration time.
* @param $seconds int
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetSessionExpiration ($seconds = 0) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->sessionExpiration = $seconds;
return $this;
* Set base tab-index value for every field in form, which has defined tab-index value (different from `NULL`).
* This value could move tab-index values for each field into higher or lower values by needs,
* where is form currently rendered.
* @param $baseTabIndex int
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetBaseTabIndex ($baseTabIndex = 0) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->baseTabIndex = $baseTabIndex;
return $this;
* Set default control/label rendering mode for each form control/label.
* Default values is string `normal`, it means label will be rendered
* before control, only label for checkbox and radio button will be
* rendered after control.
* @param string $defaultFieldsRenderMode
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetDefaultFieldsRenderMode ($defaultFieldsRenderMode = \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::FIELD_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->defaultFieldsRenderMode = $defaultFieldsRenderMode;
return $this;
* Set errors rendering mode, by default configured as string: `all-together`.
* It means all errors are rendered naturally at form begin together in one HTML `div.errors` element.
* If you are using custom template for form - you have to call after form beginning: `echo $this->RenderErrors();`
* to get all errors into template.
* @param string $errorsRenderMode
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetErrorsRenderMode ($errorsRenderMode = \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::ERROR_RENDER_MODE_ALL_TOGETHER) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->errorsRenderMode = $errorsRenderMode;
return $this;
* Set custom form view script relative path without `.phtml` extension.
* View script could be `TRUE` to render form by view script name completed
* automatically with form id and configured view extension (.phtml) or explicit
* relative view script path defined by string. Automatically completed form view
* script path and also explicitly defined form view script path by string are
* located in directory `/App/Views/Forms` by default. If you want to change this
* base directory - use `\MvcCore\Ext\Forms\View::SetFormsDir();` static method.
* @param bool|string|NULL $boolOrViewScriptPath
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetViewScript ($boolOrViewScriptPath = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->viewScript = $boolOrViewScriptPath;
return $this;
* Set form custom template full class name to create custom view object.
* Default value is `\MvcCore\Ext\Forms\View` extended from `\MvcCore\View`.
* @param string $viewClass
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetViewClass ($viewClass = '\\MvcCore\\Ext\\Forms\\View') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->viewClass = $viewClass;
return $this;
* Set supporting javascript files configuration. This method is dangerous,
* It removes all previously, automatically configured javascript support files.
* If you want only to add javascript support file, call method:
* `$form->AddJsSupportFile($jsRelativePath, $jsClassName, $constructorParams);` instead.
* Every record in given `$jsPathsClassNamesAndParams` array has to be defined as array with:
* `0` - `string` - Supporting javascript file relative path from protected `\MvcCore\Ext\Form::$jsAssetsRootDir`.
* `1` - `string` - Supporting javascript full class name inside supporting file.
* `2` - `array` - Supporting javascript constructor params.
* @param array $jsFilesClassesAndConstructorParams
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetJsSupportFiles (array $jsRelPathsClassNamesAndParams = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->jsSupportFiles = [];
foreach ($jsRelPathsClassNamesAndParams as $jsRelPathClassNameAndParams) {
list ($jsRelativePath, $jsClassName, $constructorParams) = $jsRelPathClassNameAndParams;
$this->AddJsSupportFile($jsRelativePath, $jsClassName, $constructorParams);
return $this;
* Set supporting css files configuration. This method is dangerous,
* It removes all previously, automatically configured css support files.
* If you want only to add css support file, call method:
* `$form->AddCssSupportFile($cssRelativePath);` instead.
* Given `$cssRelativePaths` has to be array with supporting css file relative
* paths from protected `\MvcCore\Ext\Form::$cssAssetsRootDir`.
* @param \string[] $cssRelativePaths
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetCssSupportFiles (array $cssRelativePaths = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->cssSupportFiles = [];
foreach ($cssRelativePaths as $cssRelativePath)
return $this;
* Set javascript support files external renderer. Given callable has
* to accept first argument to be `\SplFileInfo` about external javascript
* supporting file. Javascript renderer must add given supporting javascript
* file into HTML only once.
* @param callable|NULL $jsSupportFilesRenderer
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetJsSupportFilesRenderer (callable $jsSupportFilesRenderer) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->jsSupportFilesRenderer = $jsSupportFilesRenderer;
return $this;
* Set css support files external renderer. Given callable has
* to accept first argument to be `\SplFileInfo` about external css
* supporting file. Css renderer must add given supporting css
* file into HTML only once.
* @param callable|NULL $cssSupportFilesRenderer
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetCssSupportFilesRenderer (callable $cssSupportFilesRenderer) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->cssSupportFilesRenderer = $cssSupportFilesRenderer;
return $this;
* This is INTERNAL method for rendering fields.
* Value `TRUE` means `<form>` tag is currently rendered inside, `FALSE` otherwise.
* @param bool $formTagRenderingStatus
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Form
public function SetFormTagRenderingStatus ($formTagRenderingStatus = TRUE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Form */
$this->formTagRendergingStatus = $formTagRenderingStatus;
return $this;
* Set MvcCore Form javascript support files root directory.
* After `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` instance is created, this value is completed to library internal
* assets directory. If you want to create any custom field with custom javascript file(s),
* you can do it by loading github package `mvccore/form-js` to your custom directory,
* you have to create there any other custom javascript support file for any custom field
* and change this property value to that javascripts directory. All supporting javascripts
* for `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` fields will be loaded now from there.
* @param string|NULL $jsSupportFilesRootDir
* @return string
public static function SetJsSupportFilesRootDir ($jsSupportFilesRootDir) {
if ($jsSupportFilesRootDir)
static::$jsSupportFilesRootDir = $jsSupportFilesRootDir;
return static::$jsSupportFilesRootDir;
* Set MvcCore Form css support files root directory.
* After `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` instance is created, this value is completed to library internal
* assets directory. If you want to create any custom field with custom css file(s),
* you can do it by creating an empty directory somewhere, by copying every css file from
* library assets directory into it, by creating any other custom css for any custom field
* and by change this property value to that directory. All supporting css for `\MvcCore\Ext\Form`
* fields will be loaded now from there.
* @param string|NULL $cssSupportFilesRootDir
* @return string
public static function SetCssSupportFilesRootDir ($cssSupportFilesRootDir) {
if ($cssSupportFilesRootDir)
static::$cssSupportFilesRootDir = $cssSupportFilesRootDir;
return static::$cssSupportFilesRootDir;
* Set form validators base namespaces to create validator instance by it's class name.
* Validator will be created by class existence in this namespaces order.
* This method is dangerous, because it removes all previously configured
* validators namespaces. If you only to add another validators namespace,
* use method: `\MvcCore\Ext\Form::AddValidatorsNamespaces(...$namespaces);` instead.
* @param \string[] $validatorsNamespaces
* @return int New validators namespaces count.
public static function SetValidatorsNamespaces (array $validatorsNamespaces = []) {
static::$validatorsNamespaces = [];
return static::AddValidatorsNamespaces($validatorsNamespaces);
* Set `autofocus` boolean attribute to target form field by form id and field name.
* If there is already defined any previously autofocused field, defined third argument
* to not thrown an exception but to solve the duplicity. Third argument possible values:
* - `0` (`\MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField::AUTOFOCUS_DUPLICITY_EXCEPTION`)
* Default value, an exception is thrown when there is already defined other autofocused form element.
* - `1` (`\MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField::AUTOFOCUS_DUPLICITY_UNSET_OLD_SET_NEW`)
* There will be removed previously defined autofocused element and configured new given one.
* - `-1` (`\MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField::AUTOFOCUS_DUPLICITY_QUIETLY_SET_NEW`)
* There will be quietly configured another field autofocused. Be careful!!! This is not standard behaviour!
* If there is `$formId` and also `$fieldName` with `NULL` value, any previously defined
* autofocused form field is changed and `autofocus` boolean attribute is removed.
* @param string $formId
* @param string $fieldName
* @param int $duplicateBehaviour
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @return bool
public static function SetAutoFocusedFormField ($formId = NULL, $fieldName = NULL, $duplicateBehaviour = \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField::AUTOFOCUS_DUPLICITY_EXCEPTION) {
if (self::$autoFocusedFormField) {
// if any global autofocus record is already defined
if ($formId === NULL && $fieldName === NULL) {
// unset old every time form id and field name is both `NULL`
list ($oldFormId, $oldFieldName) = self::$autoFocusedFormField;
self::$autoFocusedFormField = [];
} else if ($duplicateBehaviour === \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField::AUTOFOCUS_DUPLICITY_EXCEPTION) {
// thrown an runtime exception
list ($currentFormId, $currentFieldName) = self::$autoFocusedFormField;
throw new \RuntimeException(
'Another form field has already defined `autofocus` attribute.'
. ' Form id: `' . $currentFormId . '`, field name: `' . $currentFieldName . '`.'
} else if ($duplicateBehaviour === \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField::AUTOFOCUS_DUPLICITY_QUIETLY_SET_NEW) {
// quietly set (could be useful to render something in the background)
} else if ($duplicateBehaviour === \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField::AUTOFOCUS_DUPLICITY_UNSET_OLD_SET_NEW) {
// unset previous and set new
list ($oldFormId, $oldFieldName) = self::$autoFocusedFormField;
} else {
// if no global autofocus record is defined
self::$autoFocusedFormField = [$formId, $fieldName];
return TRUE;