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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Fields;
* Responsibility: init, pre-dispatch and render group of `input`s
* with `type` as `checkbox`, with configuration to
* select minimum and maximum count of values and
* required option.
* `CheckboxGroup` has it's own validator to check if
* submitted values are presented in configured by
* default and it's own validator to check minimum or
* maximum count of selected options.
class CheckboxGroup
extends \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\FieldsGroup
implements \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Fields\IMinMaxOptions {
use \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Field\Props\MinMaxOptions;
* Valid email address error message index.
* @var int
* Validation failure message template definitions.
* @var array
protected static $errorMessages = [
self::ERROR_REQUIRED_BUBBLE => "Please tick this box, field is required.",
self::ERROR_MIN_OPTIONS_BUBBLE => "Please select at least `{1}` option(s) as minimum.",
self::ERROR_MAX_OPTIONS_BUBBLE => "Please select up to `{1}` option(s) at maximum.",
* Possible value: `checkbox`, used in HTML code for this fields.
* @var string
protected $type = 'checkbox-group';
* Validators:
* - `ValueInOptions` - to validate if submitted string(s)
* are presented in select options keys.
* @var string[]|\Closure[]
protected $validators = ["ValueInOptions"];
* Supporting javascript full javascript class name.
* If you want to use any custom supporting javascript prototyped class
* for any additional purposes for your custom field, you need to use
* `$field->jsSupportingFile` property to define path to your javascript file
* relatively from configured `\MvcCore\Ext\Form::SetJsSupportFilesRootDir(...);`
* value. Than you have to add supporting javascript file path into field form
* in `$field->PreDispatch();` method to render those files immediately after form
* (once) or by any external custom assets renderer configured by:
* `$form->SetJsSupportFilesRenderer(...);` method.
* Or you can add your custom supporting javascript files into response by your
* own and also you can run your helper javascripts also by your own. Is up to you.
* `NULL` by default.
* @var string
protected $jsClassName = 'MvcCoreForm.CheckboxGroup';
* Field supporting javascript file relative path.
* If you want to use any custom supporting javascript file (with prototyped
* class) for any additional purposes for your custom field, you need to
* define path to your javascript file relatively from configured
* `\MvcCore\Ext\Form::SetJsSupportFilesRootDir(...);` value.
* Than you have to add supporting javascript file path into field form
* in `$field->PreDispatch();` method to render those files immediately after form
* (once) or by any external custom assets renderer configured by:
* `$form->SetJsSupportFilesRenderer(...);` method.
* Or you can add your custom supporting javascript files into response by your
* own and also you can run your helper javascripts also by your own. Is up to you.
* `NULL` by default.
* @var string
protected $jsSupportingFile = \MvcCore\Ext\IForm::FORM_ASSETS_DIR_REPLACEMENT . '/fields/checkbox-group.js';
* Maximum options specific css class for supporting javascript code.
* @var string
protected $maxOptionsClassName = 'max-selected-options';
* Standard field template strings for natural rendering a `control`.
* @var string
protected static $templates = [
'control' => '<input id="{id}" name="{name}[]" type="checkbox" value="{value}"{checked}{attrs} />',
* Create new form `<input type="checkbox" />` group control instance.
* @param array $cfg Config array with public properties and it's
* values which you want to configure, presented
* in camel case properties names syntax.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return void
public function __construct(array $cfg = []) {
static::$templates = (object) array_merge(
(array) parent::$templates,
(array) self::$templates
* This INTERNAL method is called from `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` after field
* is added into form by `$form->AddField();` method.
* Do not use this method even if you don't develop any form field group.
* - Check if field has any name, which is required.
* - Set up form and field id attribute by form id and field name.
* - Set up required.
* - Check if there are any options for current controls group.
* - Check if there are defined validators if there are defined minimum or maximum selected options.
* @param \MvcCore\Ext\Form $form
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Fields\Select
public function SetForm (\MvcCore\Ext\IForm $form) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Field */
// add minimum/maximum options count validator if necessary
return $this;
* Return field specific data for validator.
* @param array $fieldPropsDefaultValidValues
* @return array
public function & GetValidatorData ($fieldPropsDefaultValidValues = []) {
$result = [
'multiple' => TRUE,
'options' => & $this->options,
'minOptions' => $this->minOptions,
'maxOptions' => $this->maxOptions,
return $result;
* This INTERNAL method is called from `\MvcCore\Ext\Form` just before
* field is naturally rendered. It sets up field for rendering process.
* Do not use this method even if you don't develop any form field.
* Set up field properties before rendering process.
* - Set up field render mode.
* - Set up translation boolean.
* - Translate label property if any.
* - Translate all option texts if necessary.
* - Translate browser bubble messages if necessary.
* - Add supporting javascripts if necessary.
* @return void
public function PreDispatch () {
$minOptsDefined = $this->minOptions !== NULL;
$maxOptsDefined = $this->maxOptions !== NULL;
$addSupportingJavascript = $this->required || $minOptsDefined || $maxOptsDefined;
if (!$addSupportingJavascript) return;
$form = & $this->form;
// add necessary error messages
$this->requiredBubbleMessage = strip_tags($this->translateAndFormatValidationError(
? $this->requiredBubbleMessage
: static::$errorMessages[static::ERROR_REQUIRED_BUBBLE])
$this->minOptionsBubbleMessage = strip_tags($this->translateAndFormatValidationError(
? $this->minOptionsBubbleMessage
: static::$errorMessages[static::ERROR_MIN_OPTIONS_BUBBLE]),
[$minOptsDefined ? $this->minOptions : 1]
$this->maxOptionsBubbleMessage = strip_tags($this->translateAndFormatValidationError(
? $this->maxOptionsBubbleMessage
: static::$errorMessages[static::ERROR_MAX_OPTIONS_BUBBLE]),
[$maxOptsDefined ? $this->maxOptions : count($this->options)]
$this->name . '[]',
* Complete and return semi-finished strings for rendering by field key and option:
* - Label text string.
* - Label attributes string.
* - Control attributes string.
* @param string $key
* @param string|array $option
* @return array
protected function renderControlItemCompleteAttrsClassesAndText ($key, & $option) {
$optionType = gettype($option);
$labelAttrsStr = '';
$controlAttrsStr = '';
$itemLabelText = '';
$originalRequired = $this->required;
$this->required = FALSE;
if ($optionType == 'string') {
$itemLabelText = $option ? $option : $key;
$labelAttrsStr = $this->renderLabelAttrsWithFieldVars();
$controlAttrsMerged = $this->controlAttrs;
if ($this->minOptions !== NULL)
$controlAttrsMerged = array_merge($controlAttrsMerged, ['data-min-selected-options' => $this->minOptions,]);
if ($this->maxOptions !== NULL)
$controlAttrsMerged = array_merge($controlAttrsMerged, ['data-max-selected-options' => $this->maxOptions,]);
$controlAttrsStr = $this->renderAttrsWithFieldVars(
[], $controlAttrsMerged, $this->cssClasses, TRUE
} else if ($optionType == 'array') {
$itemLabelText = isset($option['text']) ? $option['text'] : $key;
$attrsArr = $this->controlAttrs;
$classArr = $this->cssClasses;
if (isset($option['attrs']) && gettype($option['attrs']) == 'array') {
$attrsArr = array_merge($this->controlAttrs, $option['attrs']);
if ($this->minOptions !== NULL)
$attrsArr = array_merge($attrsArr, ['data-min-selected-options' => $this->minOptions,]);
if ($this->maxOptions !== NULL)
$attrsArr = array_merge($attrsArr, ['data-max-selected-options' => $this->maxOptions,]);
if (isset($option['class'])) {
$classArrParam = [];
$cssClass = $option['class'];
if (is_array($cssClass)) {
$classArrParam = $cssClass;
} else if (is_string($cssClass)) {
$classArrParam = explode(' ', $cssClass);
foreach ($classArrParam as $clsValue)
if ($clsValue) $classArr[] = $clsValue;
$labelAttrsStr = $this->renderAttrsWithFieldVars(
[], $attrsArr, $classArr, FALSE
$controlAttrsStr = $this->renderAttrsWithFieldVars(
[], $attrsArr, $classArr, TRUE
$this->required = $originalRequired;
return [$itemLabelText, $labelAttrsStr, $controlAttrsStr];