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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Validators;
* Responsibility: Validate company ID for EU states by regular expression(s)
* or by closure function(s).
* because there are lot of checking exceptions!
* - Return from `Validate()` function safe submitted value or
* `NULL` if there is not possible to return safe value.
* @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAT_identification_number
* @see http://studylib.net/doc/7254793/vat-number-construction-rules
* @see
class CompanyIdEu extends \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Validator {
* Error message index(es).
* @var int
* Validation failure message template definitions.
* @var array
protected static $errorMessages = [
self::ERROR_SUBJECT_ID => "Field '{0}' requires a valid subject ID.",
self::ERROR_COMPANY_ID => "Field '{0}' requires a valid company ID.",
* EU company IDs validators.
* Array of regular expression match patterns to check company ID.
* Keys are locale code strings and values are regular expression `match
* pattern strings`, `array` with regular expression `match pattern strings`,
* always without border characters (`#^$/`) or `callable`.
* If item is array of regular expression match patterns, company ID is
* checked continuously until moment, when any regular expression pattern
* finally match company ID. If item is `callable`,
* company ID is checked by calling the function
* with fist param to be company ID. Closure function has
* to return array with success and with safe company ID value.
* Add any other custom validator by info bellow:
* @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAT_identification_number
* @var array
protected static $validators = [];
* Set specific locale validator for company ID.
* It could be regular expression match pattern string without border characters (`#^$/`)
* or `callable` accepting first argument to be raw submitted value and
* returning array with success and with safe company ID value.
* @param string $localeCode Locale code, automatically converted to upper case.
* @param string|callable $regExpMatchOrCallable Reg exp match pattern string with or without border characters or `callable`.
* @return string|callable
public static function SetValidator ($localeCode, $regExpMatchOrCallable) {
if (!static::$validators) static::GetValidators();
return static::$validators[strtoupper($localeCode)] = $regExpMatchOrCallable;
* Get all preconfigured validators as key/value array.
* Keys are locale codes and values are regular expression match
* pattern strings or array with regular expression match
* pattern strings or `callable`s.
* @return array
public static function & GetValidators () {
if (static::$validators)
return static::$validators;
static::$validators = [
'AT'=> 'U(\d{8})', // Austria
'BE'=> function ($id) { // Belgium
$id = trim(preg_replace('#[^A-Z0-9]#', '', $id));
$success = preg_match('#^(0|1)(?=[\d]{9})$#', $id);
return [(bool) $success, $id];
'BG'=> '\d{9,10}', // Bulgaria
'CH'=>'(\d{9})(MWST)?', // Switzerland
'CY'=> function ($id) { // Cyprus
$success = preg_match('#^[0-5|9]\d{7}[A-Z]$#', $id);
if (substr($id, 0, 2) == '12') $success = 0;
return [(bool) $success, $id];
'CZ'=> '\d{8,10}', // Czech Republic
'DE'=> '[1-9]\d{8}', // Germany
'DK'=> '\d{8}', // Denmark
'EL'=> '10\d{7}', // Estonia
'ES'=> [ // Spain
'EU'=> '\d{9}', // EU type
'FI'=> '\d{8}', // Finland
'FR'=> [ // France
'GB'=> [ // Great Britain
'GR'=> '\d{8,9}', // Greece
'HR'=> '\d{11}', // Croatia
'HU'=> '\d{8}', // Hungary
'IE'=> [ // Ireland
'IT'=> '\d{11}', // Italy
'LV'=> '\d{11}', // Latvia
'LT'=> '(\d{9}|\d{12})', // Lithunia
'LU'=> '\d{8}', // Luxembourg
'MT'=> '[1-9]\d{7}', // Malta
'NL'=> '(\d{9})B\d{2}', // Netherland
'NO'=> '\d{9}', // Norway
'PL'=> '\d{10}', // Poland
'PT'=> '\d{9}', // Portugal
'RO'=> '[1-9]\d{1,9}', // Romania
'RS'=> '\d{9}', // Serbia
'SI'=> '[1-9]\d{7}', // Slovenia
'SK'=> '([1-9]\d[(2-4)|(6-9)]\d{7})', // Slovak republic
'SE'=> '\d{10}01', // Sweden
return static::$validators;
* Validate company ID by regular expression(s) or by closure function.
* @param string|array $rawSubmittedValueraw submitted value
* @return mixed
* Validate company ID for EU states by regular expression(s) or by closure function.
* Do not use any advanced constructions for validations, because there are lot of checking exceptions.
* Return safe submitted value as result or `NULL` if there is not possible to return safe valid value.
* @param string|array $submitValue Raw submitted value, string or array of strings.
* @return string|array|NULL Safe submitted value or `NULL` if not possible to return safe value.
public function Validate ($rawSubmittedValue) {
$result = NULL;
$matched = FALSE;
$rawSubmittedValue = trim($rawSubmittedValue);
$saferValue = preg_replace("#[^A-Z0-9\.\-\*\+ ]#", '', strtoupper($rawSubmittedValue));
$formLocale = strtoupper($this->Form->Locale);
if (!$formLocale) {
return $this->throwNewInvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to validate company ID without configured '
.'form `locale` property. Use `$form->SetLocale(\'[A-Z]{2}\');` '
.'to internally create proper company ID validator.'
} else {
$formLocale = strtoupper($formLocale);
$validators = & static::GetValidators();
if (!isset($validators[$formLocale])) {
'Company ID validation not supported (field `{0}`, locale: `{1}`).',
} else {
$validator = $validators[$formLocale];
if (is_callable($validator)) {
list($matched, $safeValue) = call_user_func($validator, $saferValue);
if ($matched) $result = $safeValue;
} else if (is_array($validator)) {
foreach ($validator as $validatorRegExp) {
list($matched, $safeValue) = $this->validateCompanyIdByRegExp(
$saferValue, $formLocale, $validatorRegExp
if ($matched) {
$result = $safeValue;
} else if (is_string($validator)) {
list($matched, $safeValue) = $this->validateCompanyIdByRegExp(
$saferValue, $formLocale, $validator
if ($matched) $result = $safeValue;
if (!$matched || $result === NULL)
return $result;
* Validate company ID by regular expression match pattern. Return if matches and safe company id value.
* @param string $submittedValue Raw submitted value.
* @param string $regExpMatch Regep match pattern without border characters (`#^$/`).
* @param string $localeCode Form locale upper case code.
* @return array Array with success and safe company id value.
protected function validateCompanyIdByRegExp ($submittedValue, $regExpMatch, $localeCode) {
$matched = @preg_match('#^' . $regExpMatch . '$#', $submittedValue, $matches);
if ($matched === FALSE) {
'Company ID validation pattern for field `{0}` is wrong: `{1}`.',
if ($matched)
return [$matched, $submittedValue];
return [FALSE, NULL];