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namespace MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Validators;
class Date
extends \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Validator
implements \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Fields\IMinMaxStepDates {
use \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Field\Props\Format;
use \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Field\Props\MinMaxStepDates;
const ERROR_DATE_TO_LOW = 1;
const ERROR_DATE_STEP = 3;
protected static $errorMessages = [
self::ERROR_DATE_INVALID => "Field '{0}' requires a valid date format: '{1}'.",
self::ERROR_DATE_TO_LOW => "Field '{0}' requires date higher or equal to '{1}'.",
self::ERROR_DATE_TO_HIGH => "Field '{0}' requires date lower or equal to '{1}'.",
self::ERROR_DATE_STEP => "Field '{0}' requires date in predefined days interval '{1}' from start point '{2}'.",
protected static $fieldSpecificProperties = [
'min' => NULL,
'max' => NULL,
'step' => NULL,
'format' => NULL,
protected $format = NULL;
protected static $errorMessagesFormatReplacements = [
'd' => 'DD',
'j' => 'D',
'D' => 'Mon-Sun',
'l' => 'Monday-Sunday',
'm' => 'MM',
'n' => 'M',
'M' => 'Jan-Dec',
'F' => 'January-December',
'Y' => 'YYYY',
'y' => 'YY',
'a' => 'am/pm',
'A' => 'AM/PM',
'g' => '1-12',
'h' => '01-12',
'G' => '01-12',
'H' => '00-23',
'i' => '00-59',
's' => '00-59',
'u' => '0-999999',
public function SetField (\MvcCore\Ext\Forms\IField $field) {
if ($this->format === NULL) {
'No `format` property defined in current validator or in field.'
return $this;
public function Validate ($rawSubmittedValue) {
$rawSubmittedValue = trim((string) $rawSubmittedValue);
$safeValue = preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9\:\.\-\,/ ]#', '', $rawSubmittedValue);
$safeValueLength = mb_strlen($safeValue);
if ($safeValueLength === 0) return NULL;
$date = @date_create_from_format($this->format, $safeValue);
if ($date === FALSE || $safeValueLength !== mb_strlen($rawSubmittedValue)) {
[strtr($this->format, static::$errorMessagesFormatReplacements)]
$date = NULL;
} else {
$date = $this->checkMinMax($date);
$date = $this->checkStep($date);
return $date;
protected function checkMinMax (\DateTimeInterface $date) {
if ($this->min !== NULL && $date < $this->min) {
if ($this->max !== NULL && $date > $this->max) {
return $date;
protected function checkStep (\DateTimeInterface $date) {
if ($this->step !== NULL) {
$fieldValue = $this->field->GetValue();
if ($fieldValue instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
$fieldType = $this->field->GetType();
$stepMatched = FALSE;
static $dateIntervalSpecs = [
'month' => 'M',
'week' => 'W',
'time' => 'S',
'date' => 'D',
'datetime' => 'D',
'datetime-local' => 'D',
$interval = new \DateInterval('P' . $this->step . $dateIntervalSpecs[$fieldType]);
$formatedDate = $date->format($this->format);
$datePeriod = new \DatePeriod($fieldValue, $interval, PHP_INT_MAX);
$previousValue = $fieldValue;
$dateToCheckFrom = $fieldValue;
foreach ($datePeriod as $datePoint) {
if ($datePoint > $date) {
$dateToCheckFrom = $previousValue;
} else {
$previousValue = $datePoint;
$datePeriod = new \DatePeriod($dateToCheckFrom, $interval, PHP_INT_MAX);
$counter = 0;
foreach ($datePeriod as $datePoint) {
if ($counter > 3) break;
$formatedDatePoint = $datePoint->format($this->format);
if ($formatedDate === $formatedDatePoint) {
$stepMatched = TRUE;
} else {
if (!$stepMatched) {
[$this->step, $fieldValue->format($this->format)]
$date = $fieldValue;
return $date;