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namespace MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Validators;
class Number
extends \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Validator
implements \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Fields\IMinMaxStepNumbers {
use \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Field\Props\MinMaxStepNumbers;
const ERROR_NUMBER = 0;
const ERROR_GREATER = 1;
const ERROR_LOWER = 2;
const ERROR_RANGE = 3;
protected static $errorMessages = [
self::ERROR_NUMBER => "Field `{0}` requires a valid number.",
self::ERROR_GREATER => "Field `{0}` requires a value equal or greater than `{1}`.",
self::ERROR_LOWER => "Field `{0}` requires a value equal or lower than `{1}`.",
self::ERROR_RANGE => "Field `{0}` requires a value of `{1}` to `{2}` inclusive.",
self::ERROR_DIVISIBLE => "Field `{0}` requires a divisible value of `{1}`.",
protected static $fieldSpecificProperties = [
'min' => NULL,
'max' => NULL,
'step' => NULL,
public function Validate ($rawSubmittedValue) {
$rawSubmittedValue = (string) $rawSubmittedValue;
if (mb_strlen($rawSubmittedValue) === 0) return NULL;
$result = $this->parseFloat($rawSubmittedValue);
if ($result === NULL) {
return NULL;
if (
$this->min !== NULL && $this->max !== NULL &&
$this->min > 0 && $this->max > 0 &&
($result < $this->min || $result > $this->max)
) {
[$this->min, $this->max]
} else if ($this->min !== NULL && $this->min > 0 && $result < $this->min) {
} else if ($this->max !== NULL && $this->max > 0 && $result > $this->max) {
if ($this->step !== NULL && $this->step !== 0) {
$dividingResultFloat = floatval($result) / $this->step;
$dividingResultInt = floatval(intval($dividingResultFloat));
if ($dividingResultFloat !== $dividingResultInt)
return $result;
protected function parseFloat ($rawSubmittedValue) {
$extToolsLocalesFloatParserClass = '\\MvcCore\\Ext\\Tools\\Locales\\FloatParser';
if (!class_exists($extToolsLocalesFloatParserClass)) {
"MvcCore extension library to parse user input into number "
. "is not installed (`mvccore/ext-tool-locale-floatparser`)."
return NULL;
$parser = $extToolsLocalesFloatParserClass::CreateInstance()
if ($formLang = $this->form->GetLang()) $parser->SetLang($formLang);
if ($formLocale = $this->form->GetLocale()) $parser->SetLocale($formLocale);
$result = $parser->Parse($rawSubmittedValue);
return $result;