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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Models\Db;
interface IModel {
* Returns `\MvcCore\Ext\Models\Db\Connections` database connection
* by connection name/index, usually by system config values (cached by local store)
* or create new connection of no connection cached.
* @param string|int|array|\stdClass|NULL $connectionNameOrConfig
* @param bool $strict If `TRUE` and no connection under given name or given
* index found, exception is thrown. `TRUE` by default.
* If `FALSE`, there could be returned connection by
* first available configuration.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Models\Db\Connection
public static function GetConnection ($connectionNameOrConfig = NULL, $strict = TRUE);
* Process instance database SQL INSERT or UPDATE by automaticly founded key data.
* Return `TRUE` if there is inserted or updated 1 or more rows or return
* `FALSE` if there is no row inserted or updated. Thrown an exception in any database error.
* @param $createNew bool|NULL
* @param int $propsFlags
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException|\Throwable
* @return bool
public function Save ($createNew = NULL, $propsFlags = 0);
* Try to determinate, if model instance is new or already existing in
* database by property with anotated auto increment column.
* If property is not initialized or if it has `NULL` value, than
* model instance is recognized as new and `TRUE` is returned, `FALSE` otherwise.
* @param int $propsFlags
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return bool
public function IsNew ($propsFlags = 0);
* Process instance database SQL INSERT by automaticly founded key data.
* Return `TRUE` if there is updated 1 or more rows or return
* `FALSE` if there is no row updated. Thrown an exception in any database error.
* @param int $propsFlags
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException|\Throwable
* @return bool
public function Insert ($propsFlags = 0);
* Process instance database SQL UPDATE by automaticly founded key data.
* Return `TRUE` if there is updated 1 or more rows or return
* `FALSE` if there is no row updated. Thrown an exception in any database error.
* @param int $propsFlags
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException|\Throwable
* @return bool
public function Update ($propsFlags = 0);
* Process instance database SQL DELETE by automaticly founded key data.
* Return `TRUE` if there is removed more than 1 row or return
* `FALSE` if there is no row removed. Thrown an exception in any database error.
* @param int $propsFlags
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException|\Throwable
* @return bool
public function Delete ($propsFlags = 0);