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namespace MvcCore\Ext\Models\Db\Model;
trait Connection {
public static function GetConnection ($connectionNameOrConfig = NULL, $strict = TRUE) {
if ($connectionNameOrConfig === NULL) {
list(,$callerInfo) = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
if (!isset($callerInfo['class']))
throw new \RuntimeException(
"[".get_called_class()."] Database static connection getter has to be called from class only."
try {
$getMetaDataMethod = new \ReflectionMethod(ltrim($callerInfo['class']), 'getMetaData');
list(, $connAttrArgs) = $getMetaDataMethod->invokeArgs(
NULL, [0, [\MvcCore\Ext\Models\Db\Model\IConstants::METADATA_CONNECTIONS]]
if ($connAttrArgs > 0)
$connectionNameOrConfig = $connAttrArgs[0];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$connectionName = (is_string($connectionNameOrConfig) || is_int($connectionNameOrConfig))
? $connectionNameOrConfig
: static::resolveConnectionName($connectionNameOrConfig, $strict);
if (isset(self::$connections[$connectionName]))
return self::$connections[$connectionName];
$cfg = static::GetConfig($connectionName);
if ($cfg === NULL) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"[".get_called_class()."] No connection found under given name/index: `{$connectionName}`."
$sysCfgProps = static::$sysConfigProperties;
$sysConfigClassProp = $sysCfgProps['class'];
if (!isset($cfg->{$sysConfigClassProp})) {
$providerDriverName = static::$providerDriverName;
if ($providerDriverName !== NULL) {
if ($providerDriverName === $cfg->driver) {
$cfg = (object) array_merge([], (array) $cfg);
$cfg->{$sysConfigClassProp} = static::$providerConnectionClass;
} else {
throw new \RuntimeException(
"[".get_called_class()."] Default connection has different driver ".
"name `{$cfg->driver}` than current class is extended from."
$connection = static::connect($cfg);
self::$connections[$connectionName] = $connection;
return $connection;