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namespace MvcCore\Ext\Models\Db\Model;
trait Manipulation {
public function Save ($createNew = NULL, $propsFlags = 0) {
return static::editSave(
$this, $createNew, $propsFlags, static::getEditMetaDataCollections($propsFlags)
public function IsNew ($propsFlags = 0) {
return static::editIsNew(
$this, $propsFlags, static::getEditMetaDataCollections($propsFlags)
public function Insert ($propsFlags = 0) {
return static::editInsert(
$this, $propsFlags, static::getEditMetaDataCollections($propsFlags)
public function Update ($propsFlags = 0) {
return static::editUpdate(
$this, $propsFlags, static::getEditMetaDataCollections($propsFlags)
public function Delete ($propsFlags = 0) {
return static::editDelete(
$this, $propsFlags, static::getEditMetaDataCollections($propsFlags)
protected static function editSave ($context, $createNew, $propsFlags, $metaDataCollections) {
if ($createNew === NULL)
$createNew = static::editIsNew($context, $propsFlags, $metaDataCollections);
if ($createNew) {
return static::editInsert($context, $propsFlags, $metaDataCollections);
} else {
return static::editUpdate($context, $propsFlags, $metaDataCollections);
protected static function editIsNew ($context, $propsFlags, $metaDataCollections) {
$metaData, $autoIncrementIndex
) = $metaDataCollections;
if ($autoIncrementIndex === NULL) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"[".get_class()."] There was not possible to recognize ".
"if database model instance is new or already existing ".
"in database. Please define property with primary key ".
"column attribute anotation."
} else {
$propIsPrivate, , ,
) = $metaData[$autoIncrementIndex];
if ($propIsPrivate) {
$prop = new \ReflectionProperty($context, $propCodeName);
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) {
return !(
$prop->isInitialized($context) &&
$prop->getValue($context) !== NULL
} else {
return $prop->getValue($context) === NULL;
} else {
return !isset($context->{$propCodeName});
protected static function editInsert ($context, $propsFlags, $metaDataCollections) {
list (
$metaData, $autoIncrIndex,
, ,
$connectionArgs, $tableArgs
) = $metaDataCollections;
if ($propsFlags === 0)
$propsFlags = static::$defaultPropsFlags;
$allValues = $context->GetValues(
$propsFlags | \MvcCore\IModel::PROPS_NAMES_BY_DATABASE
$propIsPrivate, , $propTypes,
$propCodeName, $propDbColumnName
) = $metaData[$autoIncrIndex];
if (isset($allValues[$propDbColumnName]))
$providerResource = static::getEditProviderResource();
$connectionNameOrIndex = isset($connectionArgs[0]) ? $connectionArgs[0] : NULL;
list (
$success, $affectedRows, $rawNewId, $error
) = $providerResource->Insert(
$connectionNameOrIndex, $tableArgs[0], $allValues, get_class($context), $propDbColumnName
if ($success && $affectedRows > 0) {
$newId = static::parseToTypes($rawNewId, $propTypes);
if ($propIsPrivate) {
$prop = new \ReflectionProperty($context, $propCodeName);
$prop->setValue($context, $newId);
} else {
$context->{$propCodeName} = $newId;
return TRUE;
} else {
throw $error;
protected static function editUpdate ($context, $propsFlags, $metaDataCollections) {
list (
$metaData, ,
$primaryKeyColumnsIndexes, $uniqueKeyColumnsIndexes,
$connectionArgs, $tableArgs
) = $metaDataCollections;
if ($propsFlags === 0)
$propsFlags = static::$defaultPropsFlags;
$touchedValues = $context->GetTouched(
$propsFlags | \MvcCore\IModel::PROPS_NAMES_BY_DATABASE
$keysColumns = static::getEditAllKeysData(
$context, $metaData, $primaryKeyColumnsIndexes, $uniqueKeyColumnsIndexes
$dataColumns = array_diff_assoc($touchedValues, $keysColumns);
$providerResource = static::getEditProviderResource();
$connectionNameOrIndex = isset($connectionArgs[0]) ? $connectionArgs[0] : NULL;
list (
$success, $affectedRows
) = $providerResource->Update(
$connectionNameOrIndex, $tableArgs[0], $keysColumns, $dataColumns
return $success && $affectedRows > 0;
protected static function editDelete ($context, $propsFlags, $metaDataCollections) {
list (
$metaData, ,
$primaryKeyColumnsIndexes, $uniqueKeyColumnsIndexes,
$connectionArgs, $tableArgs
) = $metaDataCollections;
$keysColumns = static::getEditAllKeysData(
$context, $metaData, $primaryKeyColumnsIndexes, $uniqueKeyColumnsIndexes
$providerResource = static::getEditProviderResource();
$connectionNameOrIndex = isset($connectionArgs[0]) ? $connectionArgs[0] : NULL;
list (
$success, $affectedRows
) = $providerResource->Delete(
$connectionNameOrIndex, $tableArgs[0], $keysColumns
return $success && $affectedRows > 0;
protected static function getEditMetaDataCollections ($propsFlags = 0) {
$metaDataCollections = static::getMetaData(
$propsFlags, [
if (!isset($metaDataCollections[4]) && static::$defaultConnectionName === NULL) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"[".get_called_class()."] No database connection name decorated."
if (!isset($metaDataCollections[5]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"[".get_called_class()."] No database table name decorated."
return $metaDataCollections;
protected static function getEditAllKeysData ($context, $metaData, $primaryKeyColumnsIndexes, $uniqueKeyColumnsIndexes) {
list ($identified, $keyColumns) = static::getEditKeysData(
$context, $metaData, $primaryKeyColumnsIndexes
if (!$identified) {
foreach ($uniqueKeyColumnsIndexes as $uniqueKeyColsIndexesItem) {
if (is_int($uniqueKeyColsIndexesItem)) {
list ($identified, $keyColumns) = static::getEditKeysData(
$context, $metaData, [$uniqueKeyColsIndexesItem]
} else {
list ($identified, $keyColumns) = static::getEditKeysData(
$context, $metaData, $uniqueKeyColsIndexesItem
if ($identified) break;
if (!$identified) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"[".get_class()."] There was not possible to recognize ".
"key columns to update/delete model instance. Please define ".
"property or properties with primary key or unique key(s) ".
"column(s) attribute(s) anotation(s), where current instance ".
"has not null or not initialized values."
return $keyColumns;
protected static function getEditKeysData ($context, $metaData, $keyColsIndexes) {
$success = TRUE;
$keyColumns = [];
$phpWithTypes = PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400;
foreach ($keyColsIndexes as $primaryKeyColIndex) {
$propIsPrivate, , ,
$propCodeName, $propDbColumnName
) = $metaData[$primaryKeyColIndex];
$propValue = NULL;
if (isset($context->initialValues[$propCodeName])) {
$propValue = $context->initialValues[$propCodeName];
} else if ($propIsPrivate) {
$prop = new \ReflectionProperty($context, $propCodeName);
if ($phpWithTypes) {
if ($prop->isInitialized($context))
$propValue = $prop->getValue($context);
} else {
$propValue = $prop->getValue($context);
} else if (isset($context->{$propCodeName})) {
$propValue = $context->{$propCodeName};
if ($propValue === NULL) {
$success = FALSE;
} else {
$keyColumns[$propDbColumnName] = $propValue;
return [$success, $keyColumns];