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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extendeds;
* Responsibility: configurable protected properties with getters and setters,
* internal protected properties and internal methods used
* in most extended router implementations bellow.
* Trait for classes:
* - `\MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Media`
* - `\MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localization`
* - `\MvcCore\Ext\Routers\MediaAndLocalization`
trait PropsGettersSetters {
* `TRUE` (default is `FALSE`) to prevent user to be able to switch site version
* only by requesting different url with different site version prefix. If he does it
* and this configuration is `TRUE`, he is redirected back to his remembered site
* version by session.
* But if you really want to switch site version for your users, you need to add into
* url special param to switch the version. But if you are creating url in controller
* or in template, it's added automatically, when you put into second argument `$params`
* key with different site version:
* `$this->Url('self', ['media_version' => 'mobile', 'lang' => 'de']);`.
* @var bool
protected $stricModeBySession = FALSE;
* Session expiration in seconds to remember previously detected site version by user
* agent or headers from previous requests. To not recognize site version by user agent
* or headers every time, because it's time consuming. Default value is `0` - "until the
* browser is closed". Session record is always used to compare, if user is requesting the
* same or different site version. If request by url is into the same site version,
* session record expiration is enlarged by this value. If request by url is into
* current session place, session different site version, then new different
* site version is stored in expiration is enlarged by this value and user is
* redirected to different place. But if router is configured into session strict mode,
* than to redirect user into new site version, there is necessary to add special
* url switch param (always automatically added by `Url()` method). Because without it,
* user is redirected strictly back into the same version.
* @var int
protected $sessionExpirationSeconds = 0;
* Internal Properties *
* Base authentication module class name. `\MvcCore\Ext\Auth` by default.
* This class name is used internally to try to get user instance to recognize
* admin requests: `\MvcCore\Ext\Auth::GetInstance()->GetUser();`.
* @var string
protected static $baseAuthClass = '\MvcCore\Ext\Auth';
* Administration request query string param name to recognize administration
* requests if this param exists in global `$_GET` array. `admin` by default.
* @var string
protected static $adminRequestQueryParamName = 'admin';
* Boolean flag if request is in administration or not. `FALSE` by default.
* @var bool
protected $adminRequest = FALSE;
* `TRUE` to route media site version or to route localization only for `GET`
* requests. `FALSE` to process advanced routing on all requests.
* @var bool
protected $routeGetRequestsOnly = TRUE;
* `TRUE` if request is GET, `FALSE` otherwise.
* @var bool|NULL
protected $isGet = NULL;
* Reference to global `$_GET` array from request object.
* @var array
protected $requestGlobalGet = [];
* Session namespace to store previously recognized site version by user agent
* or by http headers to not do this every time, because it's time consuming.
* @var \MvcCore\Session|NULL
protected $session = NULL;
* Routing redirection status code, used in `$this->redirectToVersion();` methods.
* @var int
protected $redirectStatusCode = 0;
* Public Methods *
* Get `TRUE` to route site version only for `GET` requests.
* `FALSE` to process advanced routing on all requests.
* @return bool
public function GetRouteGetRequestsOnly () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended */
return $this->routeGetRequestsOnly;
* Set `TRUE` to route site version only for `GET` requests.
* `FALSE` to process advanced routing on all requests.
* @param bool $routeGetRequestsOnly
* @return \MvcCore\Router|\MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended
public function SetRouteGetRequestsOnly ($routeGetRequestsOnly = TRUE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended */
$this->routeGetRequestsOnly = $routeGetRequestsOnly;
return $this;
* Get `TRUE` (default is `FALSE`) to prevent user to be able to switch site version
* only by requesting different url with different site version prefix. If he does it
* and this configuration is `TRUE`, he is redirected back to his remembered site
* version by session.
* But if you really want to switch site version for your users, you need to add into
* url special param to switch the version. But if you are creating url in controller
* or in template, it's added automatically, when you put into second argument `$params`
* key with different site version:
* `$this->Url('self', ['media_version' => 'mobile', 'lang' => 'de']);`.
* @return bool
public function GetStricModeBySession () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended */
return $this->stricModeBySession;
* Set `TRUE` (default is `FALSE`) to prevent user to be able to switch site version
* only by requesting different url with different site version prefix. If he does it
* and this configuration is `TRUE`, he is redirected back to his remembered site
* version by session.
* But if you really want to switch site version for your users, you need to add into
* url special param to switch the version. But if you are creating url in controller
* or in template, it's added automatically, when you put into second argument `$params`
* key with different site version:
* `$this->Url('self', ['media_version' => 'mobile', 'lang' => 'de']);`.
* @param bool $stricModeBySession
* @return \MvcCore\Router|\MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended
public function SetStricModeBySession ($stricModeBySession = TRUE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended */
$this->stricModeBySession = $stricModeBySession;
return $this;
* Get session expiration in seconds to remember previously detected site version by user
* agent or headers from previous requests. To not recognize site version by user agent
* or headers every time, because it's time consuming. Default value is `0` - "until the
* browser is closed". Session record is always used to compare, if user is requesting the
* same or different site version. If request by url is into the same site version,
* session record expiration is enlarged by this value. If request by url is into
* current session place, session different site version, then new different
* site version is stored in expiration is enlarged by this value and user is
* redirected to different place. But if router is configured into session strict mode,
* than to redirect user into new site version, there is necessary to add special
* url switch param (always automatically added by `Url()` method). Because without it,
* user is redirected strictly back into the same version.
* @return int
public function GetSessionExpirationSeconds () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended */
return $this->sessionExpirationSeconds;
* Set session expiration in seconds to remember previously detected site version by user
* agent or headers from previous requests. To not recognize site version by user agent
* or headers every time, because it's time consuming. Default value is `0` - "until the
* browser is closed". Session record is always used to compare, if user is requesting the
* same or different site version. If request by url is into the same site version,
* session record expiration is enlarged by this value. If request by url is into
* current session place, session different site version, then new different
* site version is stored in expiration is enlarged by this value and user is
* redirected to different place. But if router is configured into session strict mode,
* than to redirect user into new site version, there is necessary to add special
* url switch param (always automatically added by `Url()` method). Because without it,
* user is redirected strictly back into the same version.
* @param int $sessionExpirationSeconds
* @return \MvcCore\Router|\MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended
public function SetSessionExpirationSeconds ($sessionExpirationSeconds = 0) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Extended */
$this->sessionExpirationSeconds = $sessionExpirationSeconds;
return $this;