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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localization;
trait RewriteRouting {
* Try to parse first word from request path to get proper routes group.
* If there is no first word in request path, get default routes group.
* If there is any configured pre-routing handler, execute the handler to
* for example load only specific routes from database or anything else.
* Go through all chosen routes and check if route is possible to use for
* current request. Then try to match route by given request. If route doesn't
* match the request, continue to another route and try to complete current
* route object. If route matches the request, set up default and request
* params and try to process route filtering in. If it is successful, set
* up current route object and end route matching process.
* @param string|NULL $requestCtrlName Possible controller name value or `NULL` assigned directly
* from request object in `\MvcCore\router::routeDetectStrategy();`
* @param string|NULL $requestActionName Possible action name value or `NULL` assigned directly
* from request object in `\MvcCore\router::routeDetectStrategy();`
* @throws \LogicException Route configuration property is missing.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException Wrong route pattern format.
* @return void
protected function rewriteRouting ($requestCtrlName, $requestActionName) {
$request = $this->request;
$localizationInRequest = is_array($this->requestLocalization) && count($this->requestLocalization) > 0;
$localization = $this->localization ?: $this->defaultLocalization;
$localizationStr = implode(static::LANG_AND_LOCALE_SEPARATOR, $localization);
$routesLocalizationStr = NULL;
if (count($localization) > 0)
$routesLocalizationStr = $this->routeRecordsByLanguageAndLocale
? $localizationStr
: $localization[0];
/** @var $route \MvcCore\Route */
$requestMethod = $request->GetMethod();
$requestedPathFirstWord = $this->rewriteRoutingGetReqPathFirstWord();
$routes = & $this->rewriteRoutingGetRoutesToMatch($requestedPathFirstWord, $routesLocalizationStr);
$noSkipLocalRoutesForNonLocalRequests = !($this->routeGetRequestsOnly && $requestMethod !== \MvcCore\IRequest::METHOD_GET);
foreach ($routes as $route) {
$routeIsLocalized = $route instanceof \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route;
if ($this->rewriteRoutingCheckRoute($route, [
$requestMethod, $localizationInRequest, $routeIsLocalized, $noSkipLocalRoutesForNonLocalRequests
])) continue;
if ($routeIsLocalized) {
$allMatchedParams = $route->Matches($request, $routesLocalizationStr);
} else {
$allMatchedParams = $route->Matches($request);
if ($allMatchedParams !== NULL) {
$this->currentRoute = clone $route;
$localizationUrlParamName = static::URL_PARAM_LOCALIZATION;
$allMatchedParams, $requestCtrlName, $requestActionName
$this->defaultParams[$localizationUrlParamName] = $localizationStr;
$localizationContained = isset($requestParams[$localizationUrlParamName]);
$requestParams[$localizationUrlParamName] = $localizationStr;
if ($this->rewriteRoutingSetRequestParams($allMatchedParams)) continue;
if (!$localizationContained)
* Get specific routes group by first parsed word from request path if any.
* If first path word is an empty string, there is returned routes with no
* group word defined. If still there are no such routes in default group,
* returned is an empty array.
* @param string $firstPathWord
* @param string|NULL $routesLocalizationStr
* @return array|\MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route[]
protected function & rewriteRoutingGetRoutesToMatch ($firstPathWord, $routesLocalizationStr = NULL) {
$routesGroupsKey = $firstPathWord;
if ($routesLocalizationStr !== NULL)
$routesGroupsKey = $routesLocalizationStr . '/' . $firstPathWord;
if (array_key_exists($routesGroupsKey, $this->routesGroups)) {
$routes = & $this->routesGroups[$routesGroupsKey];
} else {
$routes = & $this->routesGroups[''];
return $routes;