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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route;
trait Instancing {
* Create new localized route instance. First argument could be configuration
* array with all necessary constructor values or all separated arguments -
* first is route pattern value to parse into match and reverse values, then
* controller with action, params default values and constraints.
* Example:
* `new Route([
* "pattern" => [
* "en" => "/products-list/<name>/<color>",
* "de" => "/produkt-liste/<name>/<color>"
* ],
* "controllerAction" => "Products:List",
* "defaults" => [
* "en" => ["name" => "default-name", "color" => "red"],
* "de" => ["name" => "standard-name","color" => "rot"],
* ],
* "constraints" => ["name" => "[^/]+", "color" => "[a-z]+"]
* ]);`
* or:
* `new Route(
* "/products-list/<name>/<color>",
* "Products:List",
* [
* "en" => ["name" => "default-name", "color" => "red"],
* "de" => ["name" => "standard-name","color" => "rot"],
* ],
* ["name" => "[^/]+", "color" => "[a-z]+"]
* );`
* or:
* `new Route([
* "name" => "products_list",
* "match" => [
* "en" => "#^/products\-list/(?<name>[^/]*)/(?<color>[a-z]*)(?=/$|$)#",
* "de" => "#^/produkt\-liste/(?<name>[^/]*)/(?<color>[a-z]*)(?=/$|$)#"
* ],
* "reverse" => [
* "en" => "/products-list/<name>/<color>",
* "de" => "/produkt-liste/<name>/<color>"
* ],
* "controller" => "Products",
* "action" => "List",
* "defaults" => [
* "en" => ["name" => "default-name", "color" => "red"],
* "de" => ["name" => "standard-name","color" => "rot"],
* ],
* ]);`
* @param string|array $patternOrConfig
* Required, configuration array or route pattern value to
* parse into match and reverse patterns for all localizations.
* @param string $controllerAction
* Optional, controller and action name in pascal case like:
* `"Photogallery:List"`.
* @param array $defaults
* Optional, default param values like:
* `["name" => "default-name", "page" => 1]`
* or in localized version like:
* `["en" => ["name" => "default-name", "page" => 1]],...`
* @param array $constraints
* Optional, params regular expression constraints for regular
* expression match if `"match"` property in configuration
* array as first argument defined.
* @param array $filters
* Optional, callable function(s) under keys `"in" | "out"`
* to filter in and out params accepting arguments:
* `array $params, array $defaultParams, \MvcCore\Request $request`.
* @param array $method
* Optional, http method to only match requests by this method.
* If `NULL` (by default), request with any http method could
* be matched by this route. Given value is automatically
* converted to upper case.
* @return void
public function __construct (
$patternOrConfig = NULL,
$controllerAction = NULL,
$defaults = [],
$constraints = [],
$advancedConfiguration = []
) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
$argsCount = count(func_get_args());
if ($argsCount === 0) return;
if (is_array($patternOrConfig) && $argsCount == 1) {
$data = (object) $patternOrConfig;
$this->config = $patternOrConfig;
} else {
$patternOrConfig, $defaults, $constraints, $advancedConfiguration
$this->config = $advancedConfiguration;
* If route is initialized by single array argument with all data,
* initialize following properties if those exist in given object:
* `pattern`, `match` and `reverse`. If properties `defaults`, `constraints`
* and `filters` exist in given object, initialize them by setter methods.
* @param \stdClass $data Object containing properties `pattern`, `match`,
* `reverse`, `filters`, `constraints` and `defaults`.
* @return void
protected function constructDataPatternsDefaultsConstraintsFilters (& $data) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if (isset($data->pattern)) {
if (is_array($data->pattern)) {
$this->patternLocalized = $data->pattern;
} else {
$this->pattern = $data->pattern;
if (isset($data->match)) {
if (is_array($data->match)) {
$this->matchLocalized = $data->match;
} else {
$this->match = $data->match;
if (isset($data->reverse)) {
if (is_array($data->reverse)) {
$this->reverseLocalized = $data->reverse;
} else {
$this->reverse = $data->reverse;
if (isset($data->defaults))
if (isset($data->constraints))
if (isset($data->filters) && is_array($data->filters))
* If route is initialized by each constructor function arguments,
* initialize `pattern` if it is an array or not `NULL`. Also initialize
* `defaults` and `constraints` by setter methods if those properties are
* not `NULL` and initialize filter-in and filter-out by filter setter
* method from `$advCfg` array, if there are those filter keys found.
* @param string|NULL $pattern Route pattern string.
* @param array|NULL $defaults Route defaults array, keys are param
* names, values are default values.
* @param array|NULL $constraints Route params regular expression
* constraints array, keys are param
* names, values are allowed regular
* expression rules.
* @param array $advCfg An array with possible keys `in` and
* `out` to define route filter in and
* filter out callable.
* @return void
protected function constructVarsPatternDefaultsConstraintsFilters (& $pattern, & $defaults, & $constraints, & $advCfg) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if (is_array($pattern)) {
$this->patternLocalized = $pattern;
} else if ($pattern !== NULL) {
$this->pattern = $pattern;
if ($defaults !== NULL)
if ($constraints !== NULL)
$filterInParam = static::CONFIG_FILTER_IN;
if (isset($advCfg[$filterInParam]))
$this->SetFilter($advCfg[$filterInParam], $filterInParam);
$filterOutParam = static::CONFIG_FILTER_OUT;
if (isset($advCfg[$filterOutParam]))
$this->SetFilter($advCfg[$filterOutParam], $filterOutParam);
* Get `TRUE` if given route record contains only allowed localization keys.
* @param mixed $record
* @return bool
protected function recordIsLocalized ($record) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
static $allowedLocalizationKeys = [];
// init local static property `$allowedLocalizationKeys` only once:
if (count($allowedLocalizationKeys) === 0) {
$router = $this->router;
if ($router === NULL) {
static $routerStat = NULL;
if ($routerStat === NULL)
$routerStat = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetRouter();
$router = $routerStat;
$allowedLocalizations = $router->GetAllowedLocalizations();
if (!$router->GetRouteRecordsByLanguageAndLocale()) {
foreach ($allowedLocalizations as $allowedLocalization) {
$dashPos = strpos($allowedLocalization, $router::LANG_AND_LOCALE_SEPARATOR);
if ($dashPos === FALSE) continue;
$allowedLocalization = substr($allowedLocalization, 0, $dashPos);
$allowedLocalizationKeys[$allowedLocalization] = $allowedLocalization;
$localizationKeys = TRUE;
$recordKeys = array_keys($record);
foreach ($recordKeys as $recordKey) {
if (!isset($allowedLocalizationKeys[$recordKey])) {
$localizationKeys = FALSE;
return $localizationKeys;