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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route;
trait PropsGettersSetters {
* Standard route pattern string(s), but for multiple localizations. Keys could
* be lower case languages or lower case languages + dash + upper-case locales.
* @var array
protected $patternLocalized = [];
* Standard route match string(s), but for multiple localizations. Keys could
* be lower case languages or lower case languages + dash + upper-case locales.
* @var array
protected $matchLocalized = [];
* Standard route reverse string(s), but for multiple localizations. Keys could
* be lower case languages or lower case languages + dash + upper-case locales.
* @var array
protected $reverseLocalized = [];
* Standard route default params values, but for multiple localizations. Keys
* could be lower case languages or lower case languages + dash + upper-case
* locales. Values are normal associative arrays with keys as param names and
* values as default param values.
* @var array
protected $defaultsLocalized = [];
* Standard route constraint params values, but for multiple localizations. Keys
* could be lower case languages or lower case languages + dash + upper-case
* locales. Values are normal associative arrays with keys as param names and
* values as regular expression constraints and limitations for specific param.
* @var array
protected $constraintsLocalized = [];
* Standard route metadata array about all rewrite params, but for multiple
* localizations. Keys could be lower case languages or lower case languages
* + dash + upper-case locales. Values are associative arrays with `\stdClass`
* objects as items with metadata about all rewrite params in localization
* specific `pattern` (or `reverse`) property.
* @var array
protected $reverseParamsLocalized = [];
* Standard route metadata array about all fixed or variable sections, but
* for multiple localizations. Keys could be lower case languages or lower
* case languages + dash + upper-case locales. Values are number indexed
* arrays with `\stdClass` objects as items with metadata about all fixed or
* variable sections in localization specific `pattern` (or `reverse`)
* property.
* @var array
protected $reverseSectionsLocalized = [];
* Strings array with all reverse pattern param names. In localized route
* is this property used only for param names, not for whole metadata about
* params, because those metadata are localization specific now. So this
* holds only reverse param names. Property is completed in methods:
* `initMatchAndReverse()` and `initReverse()`.
* Example:
* // For pattern `/products-list/<name>/<color>`
* `["name", "color"];`
* @var \string[]|NULL
#protected $reverseParams = NULL;
* Get route base pattern to complete match pattern string to match requested
* URL and to complete reverse pattern string to build back an URL address.
* If any localization is specified and if there is configured any pattern
* under given localization, localized pattern string is returned, else
* standard route pattern value is returned.
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return string|array|NULL
public function GetPattern ($localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if (
$localization !== NULL &&
array_key_exists($localization, $this->patternLocalized)
) {
return $this->patternLocalized[$localization];
} else {
return $this->pattern;
* Set route base pattern to complete match pattern string to match requested
* URL and to complete reverse pattern string to build back an URL address.
* If any localization is specified, pattern string will be stored under
* localization key, else pattern string will be stored for all localizations.
* If given pattern value is array, it must be associative array with keys
* as localizations and values as pattern strings. Then any second argument
* is not necessary to specify.
* @param string|array $pattern
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route
public function SetPattern ($pattern, $localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if ($localization !== NULL) {
$this->patternLocalized[$localization] = $pattern;
} else if (is_array($pattern)) {
$this->patternLocalized = $pattern;
} else {
$this->pattern = $pattern;
return $this;
* Get route match pattern in raw form (to use it as it is) to match requested
* URL. This `match` pattern must have the very same structure and content
* as `reverse` pattern, because there is necessary to complete route flags
* from `reverse` pattern string - to prepare proper regular expression
* subject for this `match`, not just only the request `path`. Because those
* flags is not possible to detect from raw regular expression string.
* If any localization is specified and if there is configured any match
* under given localization, localized match string is returned, else
* standard route match value is returned.
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return string|array|NULL
public function GetMatch ($localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if (
$localization !== NULL &&
array_key_exists($localization, $this->matchLocalized)
) {
return $this->matchLocalized[$localization];
} else {
return $this->match;
* Set route match pattern in raw form (to use it as it is) to match requested
* URL. This `match` pattern must have the very same structure and content
* as `reverse` pattern, because there is necessary to complete route flags
* from `reverse` pattern string - to prepare proper regular expression
* subject for this `match`, not just only the request `path`. Because those
* flags is not possible to detect from raw regular expression string.
* If any localization is specified, match string will be stored under
* localization key, else match string will be stored for all localizations.
* If given match value is array, it must be associative array with keys
* as localizations and values as match strings. Then any second argument
* is not necessary to specify.
* @param string|array $match
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route
public function SetMatch ($match, $localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if ($localization !== NULL) {
$this->matchLocalized[$localization] = $match;
} else if (is_array($match)) {
$this->matchLocalized = $match;
} else {
$this->match = $match;
return $this;
* Get route reverse address replacements pattern to build url.
* - No regular expression border `#` characters.
* - No regular expression characters escaping (`[](){}<>|=+*.!?-/`).
* - No start `^` or end `$` regular expression characters.
* If any localization is specified and if there is configured any reverse
* under given localization, localized reverse string is returned, else
* standard route reverse value is returned.
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return string|array|NULL
public function GetReverse ($localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if (
$localization !== NULL &&
array_key_exists($localization, $this->reverseLocalized)
) {
return $this->reverseLocalized[$localization];
return $this->reverse;
* Set route reverse address replacements pattern to build url.
* - No regular expression border `#` characters.
* - No regular expression characters escaping (`[](){}<>|=+*.!?-/`).
* - No start `^` or end `$` regular expression characters.
* If any localization is specified, reverse string will be stored under
* localization key, else reverse string will be stored for all localizations.
* If given reverse value is array, it must be associative array with keys
* as localizations and values as reverse strings. Then any second argument
* is not necessary to specify.
* @param string|array $reverse
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route
public function SetReverse ($reverse, $localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if ($localization !== NULL) {
$this->reverseLocalized[$localization] = $reverse;
} else if (is_array($reverse)) {
$this->reverseLocalized = $reverse;
} else {
$this->reverse = $reverse;
return $this;
* Get route rewrite params default values and also any other query string
* params default values. It could be used for any application request
* param from those application inputs - `$_GET`, `$_POST` or `php://input`.
* If any localization is specified and if there is configured any default
* param values as array under given localization, localized default param
* values are returned, else standard route default param values are returned.
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return array|\array[]
public function & GetDefaults ($localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if (
$localization !== NULL &&
array_key_exists($localization, $this->defaultsLocalized) &&
) {
return $this->defaultsLocalized[$localization];
return $this->defaults;
* Set route rewrite params default values and also any other query string
* params default values. It could be used for any application request
* param from those application inputs - `$_GET`, `$_POST` or `php://input`.
* If any localization is specified, default param values will be stored under
* localization key, else default param values will be stored for all
* localizations. If given default param values is an associative array with
* only localization keys, it must be associative array with values as
* associative arrays with localized params default values. Then any second
* argument is not necessary to specify.
* @param array|\array[] $defaults
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route
public function SetDefaults ($defaults = [], $localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if ($localization !== NULL) {
$this->defaultsLocalized[$localization] = $defaults;
} else {
if ($this->recordIsLocalized($defaults)) {
$this->defaultsLocalized = $defaults;
} else {
$this->defaults = $defaults;
return $this;
* Get array with param names and their custom regular expression matching
* rules. Not required, for all rewrite params there is used default
* matching rules from route static properties `defaultDomainConstraint` or
* `defaultPathConstraint`. It should be changed to any value. Default value
* is `"[^.]+"` for domain part and `"[^/]+"` for path part.
* If any localization is specified and if there is configured any
* constraints values as array under given localization, localized
* constraints are returned, else standard route constraints are returned.
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return array|\array[]
public function & GetConstraints ($localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if (
$localization !== NULL &&
array_key_exists($localization, $this->constraintsLocalized) &&
) {
return $this->constraintsLocalized[$localization];
return $this->constraints;
* Set array with param names and their custom regular expression matching
* rules. Not required, for all rewrite params there is used default
* matching rules from route static properties `defaultDomainConstraint` or
* `defaultPathConstraint`. It should be changed to any value. Default value
* is `"[^.]+"` for domain part and `"[^/]+"` for path part.
* If any localization is specified, constraints values will be stored under
* localization key, else constraints values will be stored for all
* localizations. If given constraints values is an associative array with
* only localization keys, it must be associative array with values as
* associative arrays with params constraints values. Then any second
* argument is not necessary to specify.
* @param array|\array[] $constraints
* @param string|NULL $localization Lower case language code, optionally
* with dash and upper case locale code.
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route
public function SetConstraints ($constraints = [], $localization = NULL) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
if ($localization !== NULL) {
$this->constraintsLocalized[$localization] = $constraints;
if (!isset($this->defaultsLocalized[$localization]))
$this->defaultsLocalized[$localization] = [];
$defaults = $this->defaultsLocalized[$localization];
foreach ($constraints as $key => $value)
if (!isset($defaults[$key]))
$defaults[$key] = NULL;
} else {
$localizedConstraints = $this->recordIsLocalized($constraints);
if ($localization === NULL && $localizedConstraints) {
$this->constraintsLocalized = $constraints;
$defaults = $this->defaultsLocalized;
foreach ($constraints as $localization => $constraintsLocalized) {
if (!isset($this->defaultsLocalized[$localization]))
$this->defaultsLocalized[$localization] = [];
$defaults = $this->defaultsLocalized[$localization];
foreach ($constraintsLocalized as $key => $value)
if (!isset($defaults[$key]))
$defaults[$key] = NULL;
} else if ($localization === NULL && !$localizedConstraints) {
$this->constraints = $constraints;
$defaults = $this->defaults;
foreach ($constraints as $key => $value) {
if (!isset($defaults[$key]))
$defaults[$key] = NULL;
return $this;
* Return only reverse params names as `string`s array.
* Example: `["name", "color"];`
* @return \string[]|NULL
public function GetReverseParams () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
return $this->reverseParams;
* Get route group name(s) to belongs to. Group name is always first word
* parsed from request path. First word is content between two first slashes
* in request path. If group name is `NULL`, route belongs to default group
* and that group is used when no other group matching the request path.
* This method could return associative array with localization keys and
* values as group names for specific localizations, if group name is not
* the same for all localizations.
* @return string|array|NULL
public function GetGroupName () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
return $this->groupName;
* Set route group name(s) to belongs to. Group name is always first word
* parsed from request path. First word is content between two first slashes
* in request path. If group name is `NULL`, route belongs to default group
* and that group is used when no other group matching the request path.
* This method accepts with argument to be a string for group name in the
* same for all localizations or an associative array with localization keys
* and values as localization specific group names.
* @param string|array|NULL $groupName
* @return \MvcCore\Route
public function SetGroupName ($groupName) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localizations\Route */
$this->groupName = $groupName;
return $this;