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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Routers\MediaAndLocalization;
trait Routing {
* Route current app request by configured routes lists or by query string.
* 1. Check if request is targeting any internal action in internal ctrl.
* 2. Choose route strategy by request path and existing query string
* controller and/or action values - strategy by query string or by
* rewrite routes.
* 3. If request is not internal, redirect to possible better URL form by
* configured trailing slash strategy and return `FALSE` for redirection.
* 4. Prepare media site version and localization properties and redirect
* if necessary by media configuration or by localization configuration.
* 5. Try to complete current route object by chosen strategy.
* 6. If there was not found any rewrite route in rewrite routes strategy,
* also if there is no localization in request, disallow non localized
* route and re-call localization preparing method and redirect if
* necessary. It means any request path will be redirected into default
* localization.
* 7. If any current route found and if route contains redirection, do it.
* 8. If there is no current route and request is targeting homepage, create
* new empty route by default values if ctrl configuration allows it.
* 9. If there is any current route completed, complete self route name by
* it to generate `self` routes and canonical URL later.
* 10.If there is necessary, try to complete canonical URL and if canonical
* URL is shorter than requested URL, redirect user to shorter version.
* If there was necessary to redirect user in routing process, return
* immediately `FALSE` and return from this method. Else continue to next
* step and return `TRUE`. This method is always called from core routing by:
* `\MvcCore\Application::Run();` => `\MvcCore\Application::routeRequest();`.
* @throws \LogicException Route configuration property is missing.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException Wrong route pattern format.
* @return bool
public function Route () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\MediaAndLocalization */
$this->internalRequest = $this->request->IsInternalRequest();
list($requestCtrlName, $requestActionName) = $this->routeDetectStrategy();
if (!$this->internalRequest) {
if (!$this->redirectToProperTrailingSlashIfNecessary()) return FALSE;
if (!$this->preRouteMedia()) return FALSE;
if (!$this->preRouteLocalization()) return FALSE;
if ($this->routeByQueryString) {
$requestCtrlName, $requestActionName
} else {
$this->rewriteRouting($requestCtrlName, $requestActionName);
if ($this->currentRoute === NULL && !$this->requestLocalization) {
$this->allowNonLocalizedRoutes = FALSE;
if (!$this->checkLocalizationWithUrlAndRedirectIfNecessary())
return FALSE;
if (!$this->routeProcessRouteRedirectionIfAny()) return FALSE;
return $this->routeSetUpDefaultForHomeIfNoMatch()