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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Tools\Images\Imagicks;
interface IComposite {
* The default composite operator
* @var int
const NORMAL = 40;
* Undefined composite operator
* @var int
const UNDEFINED = 0;
* No composite operator defined
* @var int
const NO = 1;
* The result of image + image
* @var int
const ADD = 2;
* The result is the same shape as image, with composite image obscuring image where the image shapes overlap
* @var int
const ATOP = 3;
* Blends the image
* @var int
const BLEND = 4;
* The same as MULTIPLY, except the source is converted to grayscale first.
* @var int
const BUMPMAP = 5;
* Makes the target image transparent
* @var int
const CLEAR = 7;
* Darkens the destination image to reflect the source image
* @var int
const COLORBURN = 8;
* Brightens the destination image to reflect the source image
* @var int
const COLORDODGE = 9;
* Colorizes the target image using the composite image
* @var int
const COLORIZE = 10;
* Copies black from the source to target
* @var int
const COPYBLACK = 11;
* Copies blue from the source to target
* @var int
const COPYBLUE = 12;
* Copies the source image on the target image
* @var int
const COPY = 13;
* Copies cyan from the source to target
* @var int
const COPYCYAN = 14;
* Copies green from the source to target
* @var int
const COPYGREEN = 15;
* Copies magenta from the source to target
* @var int
const COPYMAGENTA = 16;
* Copies opacity from the source to target
* @var int
const COPYOPACITY = 17;
* Copies red from the source to target
* @var int
const COPYRED = 18;
* Copies yellow from the source to target
* @var int
const COPYYELLOW = 19;
* Darkens the target image
* @var int
const DARKEN = 20;
* The part of the destination lying inside of the source is composited over the source and replaces the destination
* @var int
const DSTATOP = 21;
* The target is left untouched
* @var int
const DST = 22;
* The parts inside the source replace the target
* @var int
const DSTIN = 23;
* The parts outside the source replace the target
* @var int
const DSTOUT = 24;
* Target replaces the source
* @var int
const DSTOVER = 25;
* Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colours from the lighter
* @var int
const DIFFERENCE = 26;
* Shifts target image pixels as defined by the source
* @var int
const DISPLACE = 27;
* Dissolves the source in to the target
* @var int
const DISSOLVE = 28;
* Produces an effect similar to that of \ Imagick::DIFFERENCE, but appears as lower contrast
* @var int
const EXCLUSION = 29;
* Multiplies or screens the colours, dependent on the source color value
* @var int
const HARDLIGHT = 30;
* Modifies the hue of the target as defined by source
* @var int
const HUE = 31;
* Composites source into the target
* @var int
const IN = 32;
* Lightens the target as defined by source
* @var int
const LIGHTEN = 33;
* Luminizes the target as defined by source
* @var int
const LUMINIZE = 35;
* Subtracts the source from the target
* @var int
const MINUS = 36;
* Modulates the target brightness, saturation and hue as defined by source
* @var int
const MODULATE = 37;
* Multiplies the target to the source
* @var int
const MULTIPLY = 38;
* Composites outer parts of the source on the target
* @var int
const OUT = 39;
* Composites source over the target
* @var int
const OVER = 40;
* Overlays the source on the target
* @var int
const OVERLAY = 41;
* Adds the source to the target
* @var int
const PLUS = 42;
* Replaces the target with the source
* @var int
const REPLACE = 43;
* Saturates the target as defined by the source
* @var int
const SATURATE = 44;
* The source and destination are complemented and then multiplied and then replace the destination
* @var int
const SCREEN = 45;
* Darkens or lightens the colours, dependent on the source
* @var int
const SOFTLIGHT = 46;
* The part of the source lying inside of the destination is composited onto the destination
* @var int
const SRCATOP = 47;
* The source is copied to the destination
* @var int
const SRC = 48;
* The part of the source lying inside of the destination replaces the destination
* @var int
const SRCIN = 49;
* The part of the source lying outside of the destination replaces the destination
* @var int
const SRCOUT = 50;
* The source replaces the destination
* @var int
const SRCOVER = 51;
* Subtract the colours in the source image from the destination image
* @var int
const SUBTRACT = 52;
* The source is composited on the target as defined by source threshold
* @var int
const THRESHOLD = 53;
* The part of the source that lies outside of the destination is combined with the part of the destination that lies outside of the source
* @var int
const _XOR = 54;