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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Tools\Locales;
* Responsibility: try to parse floating point number from raw user input string
* by locale conventions by `Intl` extension or by automatic
* floating point detection (which looks more successful).
* If there is not possible to get `float` value, return `NULL`.
class FloatParser {
* MvcCore - version:
* Comparison by PHP function `version_compare();`.
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.version-compare.php
const VERSION = '5.0.0';
* Language international code, lower case, example: `"en" | "de"`.
* @var string|NULL
protected $lang = 'en';
* Country/locale code, upper case, example: `"US" | "UK"`.
* @var string|NULL
protected $locale = 'US';
* Boolean flag to prefer `Intl` extension parsing if `Intl` extension (bundled in PHP from 5.3).
* Default is `FALSE` to prefer parsing by automatic floating point detection.
* @var bool
protected $preferIntlParsing = FALSE;
* Create new instance of floating point number parser.
* @param string $lang Language international code, lower case, example: `"en" | "de"`.
* @param string $locale Country/locale code, upper case, example: `"US" | "UK"`.
* @param bool $preferIntlParsing Boolean flag to prefer `Intl` extension parsing if `Intl` extension (bundled in PHP from 5.3).
* Default is `FALSE` to prefer parsing by automatic floating point detection.
public static function CreateInstance ($lang = 'en', $locale = 'US', $preferIntlParsing = FALSE) {
return new static($lang, $locale, $preferIntlParsing);
* Create new instance of floating point number parser.
* @param string $lang Language international code, lower case, example: `"en" | "de"`.
* @param string $locale Country/locale code, upper case, example: `"US" | "UK"`.
* @param bool $preferIntlParsing Boolean flag to prefer `Intl` extension parsing if `Intl` extension (bundled in PHP from 5.3).
* Default is `TRUE` to prefer parsing by automatic floating point detection.
* @return void
public function __construct ($lang = 'en', $locale = 'US', $preferIntlParsing = FALSE) {
$this->lang = $lang;
$this->locale = $locale;
$this->preferIntlParsing = $preferIntlParsing;
* Set language international code, lower case, example: `"en" | "de"`.
* @param string|NULL $lang
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Tools\Locales\FloatParser
public function SetLang ($lang) {
$this->lang = $lang;
return $this;
* Get language international code, lower case, example: `"en" | "de"`.
* @return string|NULL
public function GetLang () {
return $this->lang;
* Set country/locale code, upper case, example: `"US" | "UK"`.
* @param string|NULL $locale
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Tools\Locales\FloatParser
public function SetLocale ($locale) {
$this->locale = $locale;
return $this;
* Get country/locale code, upper case, example: `"US" | "UK"`.
* @return string|NULL
public function GetLocale () {
return $this->locale;
* Set boolean flag about to prefer `Intl` extension parsing (bundled in PHP from 5.3).
* Default is `FALSE` to prefer parsing by automatic floating point detection.
* @param bool $preferIntlParsing
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Tools\Locales\FloatParser
public function SetPreferIntlParsing ($preferIntlParsing = FALSE) {
$this->preferIntlParsing = $preferIntlParsing;
return $this;
* Get boolean flag about to prefer `Intl` extension parsing (bundled in PHP from 5.3).
* Default is `FALSE` to prefer parsing by automatic floating point detection.
* @return bool
public function GetPreferIntlParsing () {
return $this->preferIntlParsing;
* Try to parse floating point number from raw user input string
* by locale conventions by `Intl` extension or by automatic
* floating point detection (which looks more successful).
* If there is not possible to get `float` value, return `NULL`.
* If `Intl` extension installed and if `Intl` extension parsing preferred,
* try to parse by `Intl` extension integer first, than floating point number,
* but always return floating point number type.
* If not preferred or not installed, try to determinate floating point in
* user input string automatically and use PHP `floatval()` to parse the result.
* If parsing by floatval returns `NULL` and `Intl` extension is installed
* but not preferred, try to parse user input by `Intl` extension after it.
* This function do not throw any exception outside.
* All possible exceptions are caught inside the class.
* @param string $rawInput
* @return float|NULL
public function Parse ($rawInput) {
if (!(is_scalar($rawInput) && !is_bool($rawInput)))
return NULL;
if (is_float($rawInput) || is_int($rawInput))
return floatval($rawInput);
$intlExtLoaded = extension_loaded('intl');
$result = NULL;
if ($this->preferIntlParsing && $intlExtLoaded) {
$result = $this->parseByIntl($rawInput);
if ($result !== NULL) return $result;
return $this->parseByFloatVal($rawInput);
} else {
$result = $this->parseByFloatVal($rawInput);
if ($result !== NULL) return $result;
if ($intlExtLoaded)
$result = $this->parseByIntl($rawInput);
return $result;
* Parse user input by `Intl` extension and try to return `int` or `float`.
* @param string $rawInput
* @return float|NULL
protected function parseByIntl ($rawInput) {
// set default English int parsing behaviour if not configured
$langAndLocale = $this->lang && $this->locale
? $this->lang.'_'.$this->locale
: 'en_US';
$intVal = $this->parseIntegerByIntl($rawInput, $langAndLocale);
if ($intVal !== NULL)
return floatval($intVal);
$floatVal = $this->parseFloatByIntl($rawInput, $langAndLocale);
if ($floatVal !== NULL)
return $floatVal;
return NULL;
* Parse user input by `Intl` extension and try to return `int`.
* @param string $rawInput
* @return int|NULL
protected function parseIntegerByIntl ($rawInput, $langAndLocale) {
$formatter = NULL;
try {
$formatter = new \NumberFormatter($langAndLocale, \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
if (intl_is_failure($formatter->getErrorCode()))
return NULL;
} catch (\IntlException $intlException) {
return NULL;
try {
$parsedInt = $formatter->parse($rawInput, \NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT64);
if (intl_is_failure($formatter->getErrorCode()))
return NULL;
} catch (\IntlException $intlException) {
return NULL;
$decimalSep = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL);
$groupingSep = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL);
$valueFiltered = str_replace($groupingSep, '', $rawInput);
$valueFiltered = str_replace($decimalSep, '.', $valueFiltered);
if (strval($parsedInt) !== $valueFiltered) return NULL;
return $parsedInt;
* Parse user input by `Intl` extension and try to return `float`.
* @param string $rawInput
* @return float|NULL
protected function parseFloatByIntl ($rawInput, $langAndLocale) {
// Need to check if this is scientific formatted string. If not, switch to decimal.
$formatter = new \NumberFormatter($langAndLocale, \NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC);
try {
$parsedScient = $formatter->parse($rawInput, \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE);
if (intl_is_failure($formatter->getErrorCode()))
$parsedScient = NULL;
} catch (\IntlException $intlException) {
$parsedScient = NULL;
$decimalSep = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL);
$groupingSep = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL);
$valueFiltered = str_replace($groupingSep, '', $rawInput);
$valueFiltered = str_replace($decimalSep, '.', $valueFiltered);
if ($parsedScient !== NULL && $valueFiltered == strval($parsedScient))
return $parsedScient;
$formatter = new \NumberFormatter($langAndLocale, \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
try {
$parsedDecimal = $formatter->parse($rawInput, \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE);
if (intl_is_failure($formatter->getErrorCode()))
$parsedDecimal = NULL;
} catch (\IntlException $intlException) {
$parsedDecimal = NULL;
return $parsedDecimal;
* Try to determinate floating point separator if any
* and try to parse user input by `floatval()` PHP function.
* @param string $rawInput
* @return float|NULL
protected function parseByFloatVal ($rawInput) {
$result = NULL;
$rawInput = trim((string) $rawInput);
$valueToParse = preg_replace("#[^Ee0-9,\.\-]#", '', $rawInput);
if (strlen($valueToParse) === 0) return NULL;
$dot = strpos($valueToParse, '.') !== FALSE;
$comma = strpos($valueToParse, ',') !== FALSE;
if ($dot && !$comma) {
$cnt = substr_count($valueToParse, '.');
if ($cnt == 1) {
$result = floatval($valueToParse);
} else {
$result = floatval(str_replace('.','',$valueToParse));
} else if (!$dot && $comma) {
$cnt = substr_count($valueToParse, ',');
if ($cnt == 1) {
$result = floatval(str_replace(',','.',$valueToParse));
} else {
$result = floatval(str_replace(',','',$valueToParse));
} else if ($dot && $comma) {
$dotLastPos = mb_strrpos($valueToParse, '.');
$commaLastPos = mb_strrpos($valueToParse, ',');
$dotCount = substr_count($valueToParse, '.');
$commaCount = substr_count($valueToParse, ',');
if ($dotLastPos > $commaLastPos && $dotCount == 1) {
// dot is decimal point separator
$result = floatval(str_replace(',','',$valueToParse));
} else if ($commaLastPos > $dotLastPos && $commaCount == 1) {
// comma is decimal point separator
$result = floatval(str_replace(['.',','],['','.'],$valueToParse));
} else if (!$dot && !$comma) {
$result = floatval($valueToParse);
return $result;