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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers;
* @method \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\Assets GetInstance()
class Assets extends \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\AbstractHelper {
* MvcCore Extension - View Helper - Assets - version:
* Comparison by PHP function version_compare();
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.version-compare.php
const VERSION = '5.0.0';
* Default link group name
* @const string
const GROUP_NAME_DEFAULT = 'default';
* Date format for ?_fmd param timestamp in admin development mode
* @const string
* Simple app view object
* @var \MvcCore\View
protected $view;
* Called $_linksGroupContainer index throw helper function Css() or Js()
* @var string
protected $actualGroupName = '';
* Stream wrapper for actual file save operations (http://php.net/stream_wrapper_register)
* @var string
protected $streamWrapper = '';
* Global options about joining and minifying which
* can bee overwritten by single settings throw calling
* for example: append() method as another param.
* All possible options and meanings:
* - jsJoin - boolean - join JS files in JS group together into single file in tmp dir
* - jsMinify - boolean - minify JS file in any group by default (it's possible to override for each file)
* - cssJoin - boolean - join CSS files in CSS group together into single file in tmp dir
* - cssMinify - boolean - minify CSS file in any group by default (it's possible to override for each file)
* - tmpDir - string - relative path to temporary dir from application document root, by default: '/Var/Tmp'
* - fileChecking - string - php function names: md5_file | filemtime (filemtime is not working for PHAR packages,
* for PHAR packages use slower 'md5_file' value)
* - assetsUrl - boolean - strictly enable or disable special packge assets URL completion in form:
* '?controller=controller&action=asset&path=...', by default, this switch is
* automatically detected by application compile mode. In every compile mode except
* development mode and strict HDD mode is this switch configured internally to true.
* @var array
protected static $globalOptions = [
'jsJoin' => 0,
'jsMinify' => 0,
'cssJoin' => 0,
'cssMinify' => 0,
'tmpDir' => '/Var/Tmp',
'fileChecking' => 'filemtime',
'assetsUrl' => NULL,
* Application root directory from request object
* @var string
protected static $appRoot = NULL;
* Relative path to store joined and minified files
* from application root directory.
* @var string
protected static $tmpDir = NULL;
* Base not compiled URL path from localhost if necessary
* @var string
protected static $basePath = NULL;
* Request script name.
* @var string
protected static $scriptName = NULL;
* If true, all messages are logged on hard drive,
* all exceptions are thrown.
* @var boolean
protected static $loggingAndExceptions = TRUE;
* If true, all assets sources existences are checked
* @var boolean
protected static $fileChecking = FALSE;
* If true, all temporary files are rendered
* @var boolean
protected static $fileRendering = FALSE;
* If true, method AssetUrl in all css files returns
* to: 'index.php?controller=controller&action=asset&path=...'.
* @var boolean
protected static $assetsUrlCompletion = NULL;
* Hash completed as md5(json_encode()) from self::$globalOptions
* @var string
protected static $systemConfigHash = '';
protected static $ctrlActionKey = '';
* Insert a \MvcCore\View in each helper constructing
* @param \MvcCore\View $view
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\AbstractHelper
public function SetView (\MvcCore\IView $view) {
if (self::$appRoot === NULL) self::$appRoot = $this->request->GetAppRoot();
if (self::$basePath === NULL) self::$basePath = $this->request->GetBasePath();
if (self::$scriptName === NULL) self::$scriptName = ltrim($this->request->GetScriptName(), '/.');
$app = $view->GetController()->GetApplication();
$environment =$app->GetEnvironment();
self::$loggingAndExceptions = $environment->IsDevelopment();
$mvcCoreCompiledMode = $app->GetCompiled();
self::$ctrlActionKey = $this->request->GetControllerName() . '/' . $this->request->GetActionName();
// file checking is true only for classic development mode, not for single file mode
if (!$mvcCoreCompiledMode) self::$fileChecking = TRUE;
// file rendering is true for classic development state, SFU app mode
if (!$mvcCoreCompiledMode || $mvcCoreCompiledMode == 'SFU') {
self::$fileRendering = TRUE;
if (is_null(self::$assetsUrlCompletion)) {
// set URL addresses completion to true by default for:
// - all package modes outside PHP_STRICT_HDD and outside development
if ($mvcCoreCompiledMode && $mvcCoreCompiledMode != 'PHP_STRICT_HDD') {
self::$assetsUrlCompletion = TRUE;
} else {
self::$assetsUrlCompletion = FALSE;
self::$systemConfigHash = md5(json_encode(self::$globalOptions));
return $this;
* Set global static options about minifying and joining together
* which can bee overwritten by single settings throw calling for
* example: append() method as another param.
* @see \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\Assets::$globalOptions
* @param array $options whether or not to auto escape output
* @return void
public static function SetGlobalOptions ($options = []) {
self::$globalOptions = array_merge(self::$globalOptions, (array) $options);
if (isset($options['assetsUrl']) && !is_null($options['assetsUrl'])) {
self::$assetsUrlCompletion = (bool) $options['assetsUrl'];
* Strictly enable/disable assets URL completing in form
* '?controller=controller&action=asset&path=...'. Use this
* method only for cases, when you want to pack your application
* and you want to have all URL addresses to css/js/fonts and
* images directly to hard drive.
* @param bool $enable
* @return void
public static function SetAssetUrlCompletion ($enable = TRUE) {
self::$assetsUrlCompletion = $enable;
* Set global static $basePath to load assets from
* any static CDN domain or any other place.
* @param string $basePath
* @return void
public static function SetBasePath ($basePath) {
self::$basePath = $basePath;
* Returns file modification imprint by global settings -
* by `md5_file()` or by `filemtime()` - always as a string
* @param string $fullPath
* @return string
protected static function getFileImprint ($fullPath) {
$fileChecking = self::$globalOptions['fileChecking'];
if ($fileChecking == 'filemtime') {
return filemtime($fullPath);
} else {
return (string) call_user_func($fileChecking, $fullPath);
* Render assets group.
* @return string
public function __toString () {
return $this->Render();
* Completes font or image file URL inside CSS/JS file content.
* If application compile mode is in development state or packed in strict HDD mode,
* there is generated standard URL with \MvcCore\Request::$BasePath (current app location)
* plus called $path param. Because those application compile modes presume by default,
* that those files are placed beside php code on hard drive.
* If application compile mode is in php preserve package, php preserve HDD,
* php strict package or in single file URL mode, there is generated URL by \MvcCore
* in form: '?controller=controller&action=asset&path=...'.
* Feel free to change this css/js file URL completion to any custom way.
* There could be typically only: "$result = self::$basePath . $path;",
* but if you want to complete URL for assets on hard drive or
* to any other CDN place, use \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\Assets::SetBasePath($cdnBasePath);
* @param string $path relative path from application document root with slash in begin
* @return string
public function AssetUrl ($path = '') {
$result = '';
if (self::$assetsUrlCompletion) {
// for \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetCompiled() equal to: 'PHAR', 'SFU', 'PHP_STRICT_PACKAGE', 'PHP_PRESERVE_PACKAGE', 'PHP_PRESERVE_HDD'
$result = self::$scriptName . '?controller=controller&action=asset&path=' . $path;
} else {
// for \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetCompiled(), by default equal to: '' (development), 'PHP_STRICT_HDD'
//$result = self::$basePath . $path;
$result = '__RELATIVE_BASE_PATH__' . $path;
return $result;
* Completes CSS or JS file url.
* If application compile mode is in development state or packed in strict HDD mode,
* there is generated standard URL with \MvcCore\Request->GetBasePath() (current app location)
* plus called $path param. Because those application compile modes presume by default,
* that those files are placed beside php code on hard drive.
* If application compile mode is in php preserve package, php preserve HDD,
* php strict package or in single file URL mode, there is generated URL by \MvcCore
* in form: 'index.php?controller=controller&action=asset&path=...'.
* Feel free to change this css/js file URL completion to any custom way.
* There could be typically only: "$result = self::$basePath . $path;",
* but if you want to complete URL for assets on hard drive or
* to any other CDN place, use \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\Assets::SetBasePath($cdnBasePath);
* @param string $path relative path from application document root with slash in begin
* @return string
public function CssJsFileUrl ($path = '') {
$result = '';
if (self::$assetsUrlCompletion) {
// for \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetCompiled() equal to: 'PHAR', 'SFU', 'PHP_STRICT_PACKAGE', 'PHP_PRESERVE_PACKAGE', 'PHP_PRESERVE_HDD'
$result = $this->view->AssetUrl($path);
} else {
// for \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetCompiled() equal to: '' (development), 'PHP_STRICT_HDD'
$result = self::$basePath . $path;
return $result;
* Get request params controller/action combination string
* @return string
protected function getCtrlActionKey () {
return self::$ctrlActionKey;
* Look for every item to render if there is any 'doNotMinify' record to render item separately
* @param array $items
* @return array[] $itemsToRenderMinimized $itemsToRenderSeparately
protected function filterItemsForNotPossibleMinifiedAndPossibleMinifiedItems ($items) {
$itemsToRenderMinimized = [];
$itemsToRenderSeparately = []; // some configurations is not possible to render together and minimized
// go for every item to complete existing combinations in attributes
foreach ($items as & $item) {
$itemArr = array_merge((array) $item, []);
if (isset($itemArr['render'])) unset($itemArr['render']);
if (isset($itemArr['external'])) unset($itemArr['external']);
$renderArrayKey = md5(json_encode($itemArr));
if ($itemArr['doNotMinify']) {
if (isset($itemsToRenderSeparately[$renderArrayKey])) {
$itemsToRenderSeparately[$renderArrayKey][] = $item;
} else {
$itemsToRenderSeparately[$renderArrayKey] = [$item];
} else {
if (isset($itemsToRenderMinimized[$renderArrayKey])) {
$itemsToRenderMinimized[$renderArrayKey][] = $item;
} else {
$itemsToRenderMinimized[$renderArrayKey] = [$item];
return [
* Add to href URL file modification param by original file
* @param string $url
* @param string $path
* @return string
protected function addFileModificationImprintToHrefUrl ($url, $path) {
$questionMarkPos = strpos($url, '?');
$separator = ($questionMarkPos === FALSE) ? '?' : '&';
$strippedUrl = $questionMarkPos !== FALSE ? substr($url, $questionMarkPos) : $url ;
$srcPath = $this->getAppRoot() . substr($strippedUrl, strlen(self::$basePath));
if (self::$globalOptions['fileChecking'] == 'filemtime') {
$fileMTime = self::getFileImprint($srcPath);
$url .= $separator . '_fmt=' . date(
} else {
$url .= $separator . '_md5=' . self::getFileImprint($srcPath);
return $url;
* Get indent string
* @param string|int $indent
* @return string
protected function getIndentString($indent = 0) {
$indentStr = '';
if (is_numeric($indent)) {
$indInt = intval($indent);
if ($indInt > 0) {
$i = 0;
while ($i < $indInt) {
$indentStr .= "\t";
$i += 1;
} else if (is_string($indent)) {
$indentStr = $indent;
return $indentStr;
* Return and store application document root from controller view request object
* @return string
protected function getAppRoot() {
return self::$appRoot;
* Return and store application document root from controller view request object
* @throws \Exception
* @return string
protected function getTmpDir() {
if (!self::$tmpDir) {
$tmpDir = $this->getAppRoot() . self::$globalOptions['tmpDir'];
if (!\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetCompiled()) {
if (!is_dir($tmpDir))
@mkdir($tmpDir, 0777, TRUE);
if (is_dir($tmpDir) && !is_writable($tmpDir))
@chmod($tmpDir, 0777);
self::$tmpDir = $tmpDir;
return self::$tmpDir;
* Save atomically file content in full path by 1 MB to not overflow any memory limits
* @param string $fullPath
* @param string $fileContent
* @return void
protected function saveFileContent ($fullPath = '', & $fileContent = '') {
$toolClass = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetToolClass();
$toolClass::AtomicWrite($fullPath, $fileContent);
@chmod($fullPath, 0766);
* Log any render messages with optional log file name
* @param string $msg
* @param string $logType
* @return void
protected function log ($msg = '', $logType = 'debug') {
if (self::$loggingAndExceptions) {
\MvcCore\Debug::Log($msg, $logType);
* Throw exception with given message with actual helper class name before
* @param string $msg
* @throws \Exception text by given message
* @return void
protected function exception ($msg) {
if (self::$loggingAndExceptions) {
throw new \Exception('[' . get_class($this) . '] ' . $msg);
* Throw exception with given message with actual helper class name before
* @param string $msg
* @return void
protected function warning ($msg) {
if (self::$loggingAndExceptions) {
\MvcCore\Debug::BarDump('[' . get_class($this) . '] ' . $msg, \MvcCore\IDebug::DEBUG);
* Render given exception
* @param \Throwable $e
* @return void
protected function exceptionHandler ($e) {
if (self::$loggingAndExceptions) {
* Complete items group tmp directory file name by group source files info
* @param array $filesGroupInfo
* @param boolean $minify
* @return string
protected function getTmpFileFullPathByPartFilesInfo ($filesGroupInfo = [], $minify = FALSE, $extension = '') {
return implode('', [
'/' . ($minify ? 'minified' : 'rendered') . '_' . $extension . '_',
md5(implode(',', $filesGroupInfo) . '_' . $minify),
'.' . $extension