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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers;
* Responsibility - format money by `Intl` extension or by locale formatting conventions or by explicit or default arguments.
* - Formatting processed by `Intl` extension if installed or by `\number_format()` and `\localeconv()` fallback.
* - Possibility to define default decimal points value to not define it every time using `FormatMoney()` call.
* - Possibility to define default currency value to not define it every time using `FormatMoney()` call.
* - Possibility to define argument to create `Intl` money formatter instance in every call or globally by default setters in parent class.
* - Possibility to define any argument for `number_format()` and `\localeconv()` fallback in every call or globally by default setters in parent class.
* - If there is used formatting fallback and no locale formatting conventions are defined, system locale settings is automatically
* configured by request language and request locale and by system locale settings are defined locale formatting conventions.
* - Fallback result string always returned in response encoding, in UTF-8 by default.
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/numberformatter.create.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/numberformatter.formatcurrency.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/numberformatter.setattribute.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/class.numberformatter.php#intl.numberformatter-constants.unumberformatattribute
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.number-format.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.localeconv.php
* @method \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\FormatMoneyHelper GetInstance()
class FormatMoneyHelper extends \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\FormatNumberHelper {
* MvcCore Extension - View Helper - Assets - version:
* Comparison by PHP function version_compare();
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.version-compare.php
const VERSION = '5.0.0';
* If this static property is set - helper is possible
* to configure as singleton before it's used for first time.
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Ext\View\Helpers\FormatMoneyHelper::GetInstance()`
* @var \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\FormatMoneyHelper
protected static $instance;
* Default currency to not define third param every time in `FormatMoney()` function.
* The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating the currency to use.
* This property is used only for `Intl` extension formatting,
* not for fallback by `\number_format()` and `\localeconv()`.
* @var string|NULL
protected $defaultCurrency = NULL;
* System `setlocale()` category to set up system locale automatically in `parent::SetView()` method.
* This property is used only for fallback if formatting is not by `Intl` extension.
* @var \int[]
protected $localeCategories = [LC_NUMERIC, LC_MONETARY];
* Set default currency to not define third param every time in `FormatMoney()` function.
* The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating the currency to use.
* This property setter is used only for `Intl` extension formatting,
* not for fallback by `\number_format()` and `\localeconv()`.
* @param string $defaultCurrency
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\FormatMoneyHelper
public function SetDefaultCurrency ($defaultCurrency) {
$this->defaultCurrency = $defaultCurrency;
return $this;
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/numberformatter.create.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/numberformatter.formatcurrency.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/numberformatter.setattribute.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/class.numberformatter.php#intl.numberformatter-constants.unumberformatattribute
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.number-format.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.localeconv.php
* @param int|float|string $number The number being formatted.
* @param int|NULL $decimalsCount Optional, numerics count after decimal point.
* If `NULL`, there is used `Intl` localized formatter
* default value for money, usually two - `2`.
* If `NULL` for fallback `number_format()`, there is used
* system locale settings and if there are used default
* locale conventions for formatting - usually for `en_US` two - `2`
* @param string|NULL $currency Optional, 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating the currency to use.
* @return string
public function FormatMoney ($number = NULL, $decimalsCount = NULL, $currency = NULL) {
$numberIsNumeric = is_numeric($number);
if (!$numberIsNumeric) return (string) $number;
$valueToFormat = $numberIsNumeric && is_string($number)
? floatval($number)
: $number;
if ($this->intlExtensionFormatting) {
return $this->formatByIntlMoneyFormatter(
$valueToFormat, $decimalsCount, $currency
} else {
return $this->fallbackFormatByLocaleConventions(
$valueToFormat, $decimalsCount
* Format money by `Intl` extension formatter. If no international three chars currency
* symbol is provided, there is used currency symbol from localized `Intl` formatter instance.
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/numberformatter.create.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/numberformatter.formatcurrency.php
* @param int|float $valueToFormat Numeric value to format.
* @param int|NULL $decimalsCount Optional, numerics count after decimal point,
* If `NULL`, there is used `Intl` localized formatter
* default value for money, usually two - `2`.
* @param string|NULL $currency Optional, 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code
* indicating the currency to use.
* @return string
protected function formatByIntlMoneyFormatter ($valueToFormat = 0.0, $decimalsCount = NULL, $currency = NULL) {
$formatter = $this->getIntlNumberFormatter(
($decimalsCount !== NULL
? [\NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS => $decimalsCount]
: [])
if ($currency === NULL) {
if ($this->defaultCurrency !== NULL) {
// try to get default currency
$currency = $this->defaultCurrency;
} else {
// try to get currency from localized formatter
$currency = \numfmt_get_symbol($formatter, \NumberFormatter::INTL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL);
if (mb_strlen($currency) !== 3) {
// try to get currency by system locale settings, by formatting conventions
if ($this->encodingConversion === NULL) {
$currency = $this->localeConventions->int_curr_symbol;
return \numfmt_format_currency($formatter, $valueToFormat, $currency);
* Fallback formatting by PHP `\number_format()` and by system locale formatting conventions.
* If there was not possible to define system locale formatting conventions, there are used
* default formatting conventions, usually for `en_US`.
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.localeconv.php
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.number-format.php
* @param int|float $valueToFormat The number being formatted.
* @param int|NULL $decimalsCount Optional, numerics count after decimal point for `number_format()`,
* If `NULL`, there is used system locale settings and if there are
* no locale system settings, there are used default locale conventions
* for formatting - usually for `en_US` two - `2`.
* @return string
protected function fallbackFormatByLocaleConventions ($valueToFormat = 0.0, $decimalsCount = NULL) {
if ($this->encodingConversion === NULL) {
$lc = $this->localeConventions;
// decide number to format is positive or negative
$negative = $valueToFormat < 0;
// complete decimals count by given argument or by default fractal digits property
$decimalsCount = $decimalsCount !== NULL
? $decimalsCount
: $lc->frac_digits;
// format absolute value by classic PHPs `number_format()`
$result = \number_format(
abs($valueToFormat), $decimalsCount,
$lc->mon_decimal_point, $lc->mon_thousands_sep
// if formatted number is under zero - formatting rules will be different
if ($negative) {
$signSymbol = $lc->negative_sign;
$signPosition = $lc->n_sign_posn;
$currencyBeforeValue = $lc->n_cs_precedes;
$currencySeparatedBySpace = $lc->n_sep_by_space;
} else {
$signSymbol = $lc->positive_sign;
$signPosition = $lc->p_sign_posn;
$currencyBeforeValue = $lc->p_cs_precedes;
$currencySeparatedBySpace = $lc->p_sep_by_space;
// currency symbol is always in this place
$currency = $lc->currency_symbol;
// decide if currency symbol precedes a negative value or not
if ($currencyBeforeValue) {
// if currency symbol is before formatted number
if ($signPosition == 3) {
// sign symbol is before currency symbol
$currency = $signSymbol . $currency;
} elseif ($signPosition == 4) {
// sign symbol is after currency symbol
$currency .= $signSymbol;
// currency symbol is before formatted number, sometimes separated by space or not
if ($currencySeparatedBySpace) {
$result = $currency . ' ' . $result;
} else {
$result = $currency . $result;
} else {
// if currency symbol is after formatted number, sometimes separated by space or not
if ($currencySeparatedBySpace) {
$result .= ' '.$currency;
} else {
$result .= $currency;
// add brackets or sign symbol if sign symbol is out of number and currency
if ($signPosition == 0) {
// negative value by brackets
$result = "($result)";
} elseif ($signPosition == 1) {
// sign symbol is before number and currency
$result = $signSymbol . $result;
} elseif ($signPosition == 2) {
// sign symbol is after number and currency
$result .= $signSymbol;
return $this->encode($result);