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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers;
* Responsibility - truncate plain text or text with html tags to max. chars.
* - No html tags are truncated, only text content in html code is truncated.
* - Possibility to setup custom chars for three dots,
* html entity `…` by default, for plain text `...` by default.
* - Possibility to set default truncating method, if third param to define is not set.
* @method \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\TruncateHelper GetInstance()
class TruncateHelper extends \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\AbstractHelper {
* MvcCore Extension - View Helper - Assets - version:
* Comparison by PHP function version_compare();
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.version-compare.php
const VERSION = '5.0.0';
* If this static property is set - helper is possible
* to configure as singleton before it's used for first time.
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Ext\View\Helpers\Truncate::GetInstance()
* ->SetThreeDotsText('…', TRUE)
* ->SetThreeDotsText('...', FALSE)
* ->SetAlwaysHtmlMode();`
* @var \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\TruncateHelper
protected static $instance;
* Custom substrings to set three dost after truncated text.
* If not set by `SetThreeDotsText()` method, there is used
* for truncated html `…` by default and for text `...` by default.
* @var string[]|NULL[]
protected $threeDotsTexts = [NULL, NULL];
* If `TRUE`, texts will be truncated in html mode,
* if there is not third force param `$isHtml` in `Truncate()` method,
* if `FALSE` text will be truncated in text mode with the same option.
* @var bool|NULL
protected $alwaysHtmlMode = NULL;
* Set three dots custom chars - `...` or `…`,
* for html mode or different for text mode.
* There is used by default for html mode `…` and
* for text mode `...`.
* @param string $threeDotsText
* @param bool $forHtmlText
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\TruncateHelper
public function SetThreeDotsText ($threeDotsText = '…', $forHtmlText = TRUE) {
$this->threeDotsTexts[$forHtmlText ? 1 : 0] = $threeDotsText;
return $this;
* Setup helper to use always html mode truncating
* if there is not set third param to use force html or text mode.
* @param bool $alwaysHtmlMode
* @return \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\TruncateHelper
public function SetAlwaysHtmlMode ($alwaysHtmlMode = TRUE) {
$this->alwaysHtmlMode = $alwaysHtmlMode;
return $this;
* Truncate text with any HTML tags inside, keep all tags and truncate text content only
* or truncate simple text without any HTML tags.
* Clean all possible punctuation and brackets before three dots: `',.:;?!+"\'-–()[]{}<>=$§ '`.
* @param string $text Text content or html content to truncate.
* @param int $maxChars Max text chars or max. html content chars.
* @param bool|NULL $isHtml If `TRUE`, first param will be force truncated in html mode,
* If `FALSE`, first param will be force truncated in text mode,
* If `NULL`, there is used possibly configured property
* `\MvcCore\Ext\View\Helpers\::$alwaysHtmlMode` and if not configured,
* there is automatically detected if first param contains any html tag(s).
* @return string
public function Truncate ($text, $maxChars = 200, $isHtml = NULL) {
if ($isHtml === NULL) {
$isHtml = $this->alwaysHtmlMode;
if ($isHtml === NULL) {
preg_match("#\<(.+)\>#", $text, $m);
$isHtml = count($m) > 0;
if ($isHtml) {
return $this->truncateHtml($text, $maxChars);
} else {
return $this->truncateText($text, $maxChars);
* Truncate text with any HTML tags inside, keep all tags and truncate text content only.
* Clean all possible punctuation and brackets before three dots: `',.:;?!+"\'-–()[]{}<>=$§ '`.
* @param string $text
* @param int $maxChars
* @return string
protected function truncateHtml (& $text, $maxChars) {
$texts = [];
$index = 0;
$charsCount = 0;
// explode all html content to array with text contents and html tags
while (TRUE) {
$openTagPos = mb_strpos($text, '<', $index);
if ($openTagPos === FALSE) {
$subText = mb_substr($text, $index);
$subText = preg_replace("#\s+#", ' ', str_replace(' ', ' ', $subText));
$texts[] = [TRUE, $subText, $charsCount, mb_strlen($subText)];
$closeTagPos = mb_strpos($text, '>', $openTagPos + 1);
if ($closeTagPos === FALSE) {
$subText = mb_substr($text, $index);
$subText = preg_replace("#\s+#", ' ', str_replace(' ', ' ', $subText));
$texts[] = [TRUE, $subText, $charsCount, mb_strlen($subText)];
$subText = mb_substr($text, $index, $openTagPos - $index);
$subText = preg_replace("#\s+#", ' ', str_replace(' ', ' ', $subText));
$subTag = mb_substr($text, $openTagPos, $closeTagPos + 1 - $openTagPos);
$subTextLength = mb_strlen($subText);
$subTagLength = mb_strlen($subTag);
if ($subTextLength > 0)
$texts[] = [TRUE, $subText, $charsCount, $subTextLength];
if ($subTagLength > 0)
$texts[] = [FALSE, $subTag, 0, $subTagLength];
$charsCount += $subTextLength;
if ($charsCount >= $maxChars) break;
$index = $closeTagPos + 1;
// if there are more chars in text content:
if ($charsCount > $maxChars) {
$threeDotsText = $this->threeDotsTexts[1];
if ($threeDotsText === NULL) $threeDotsText = '…';
// try to put three dots from the end into text content where necessary
for ($i = count($texts) - 1; $i > -1; $i -= 1) {
list($type, $subText, $charsCount, $subTextLength) = $texts[$i];
if (!$type) continue;
$maxCharsLocal = $maxChars - $charsCount;
$subText = mb_substr($subText, 0, $maxCharsLocal);
$lastSpacePos = mb_strrpos($subText, ' ');
if ($lastSpacePos !== FALSE) {
$subText = rtrim($subText, ',.:;?!+"\'-–()[]{}<>=$§ ');
if (mb_strlen($subText) === 0) {
} else {
$texts[$i][1] = mb_substr($subText, 0, $lastSpacePos) . $threeDotsText;
} else {
// implode truncated text content and all tags (not truncated) back together
$result = '';
foreach ($texts as $textRecord) $result .= $textRecord[1];
return $result;
} else {
return $text;
* Truncate simple text without any HTML tags.
* Clean all possible punctuation and brackets before three dots: `',.:;?!+"\'-–()[]{}<>=$§ '`.
* @param string $text
* @param int $maxChars
* @return void
protected function truncateText (& $text, $maxChars) {
if (mb_strlen($text) > $maxChars) {
$text = preg_replace("#\s+#", ' ', $text);
$text = mb_substr($text, 0, $maxChars);
$lastSpacePos = mb_strrpos($text, ' ');
if ($lastSpacePos !== FALSE) {
$threeDotsText = $this->threeDotsTexts[0];
if ($threeDotsText === NULL) $threeDotsText = '...';
$text = rtrim($text, ',.:;?!+"\'-–()[]{}<>=$§ ');
$text = mb_substr($text, 0, $lastSpacePos) . $threeDotsText;
return $text;