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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore;
* Responsibility - any development and logging messages and exceptions
* printing and logging.
* - Printing any variable in content body.
* - Printing any variable in browser debug bar.
* - Caught exceptions printing.
* - Any variables and caught exceptions file logging.
* - Time printing.
interface IDebug extends \MvcCore\Debug\IConstants {
* Initialize debugging and logging, once only.
* @param bool $forceDevelopmentMode If defined as `TRUE` or `FALSE`,
* debugging mode will be set not
* by config but by this value.
* @return void
public static function Init ($forceDevelopmentMode = NULL);
* Configure strict exceptions mode, mode is enabled by default.
* If mode is configured to `FALSE` and any previous error handler exists,
* it's automatically assigned back, else there is only called
* `restore_error_handler()` to restore system error handler.
* @param bool $strictExceptionsMode
* @return bool|NULL
public static function SetStrictExceptionsMode ($strictExceptionsMode, array $errorLevelsToExceptions = []);
* Starts/stops stopwatch.
* @param string $name Time pointer name.
* @return float Elapsed seconds.
public static function Timer ($name = NULL);
* Dumps information about any variable in readable format and return it.
* In non-development mode - store dumped variable in `debug.log`.
* @param mixed $value Variable to dump.
* @param bool $return Return output instead of printing it.
* @param bool $exit `TRUE` for last dump call by `xxx();` method to
* dump and `exit;`.
* @return mixed Variable itself or dumped variable string.
public static function Dump ($value, $return = FALSE, $exit = FALSE);
* Dump any variable with output buffering in browser debug bar.
* In non-development mode - store dumped variable in `debug.log`.
* Return printed variable as string.
* @param mixed $value Variable to dump.
* @param string $title Optional title.
* @param array $options Dumper options.
* @return mixed Variable itself.
public static function BarDump ($value, $title = NULL, $options = []);
* Logs any message or exception with log date time, in `*.log` file
* by given log level, in configured logging directory.
* @param mixed|\Exception|\Throwable $value
* @param string $priority
* @return string Logging filename full path.
public static function Log ($value, $priority = \MvcCore\IDebug::INFO);
* Print caught exception in browser.
* In non-development mode - store dumped exception in `exception.log`.
* @param \Exception|\Error|\Throwable|array $exception
* @param bool $exit
* @return void
public static function Exception ($exception, $exit = TRUE);
* Print all stored dumps at the end of sent response body as browser debug
* bar. This function is called from registered shutdown handler by
* `register_shutdown_function()` from `\MvcCore\Debug::initHandlers();`.
* @return void
public static function ShutdownHandler ();