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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore;
* Responsibility - static methods for connections, configuration
* and for active record properties manipulation.
* - Database `\PDO` connecting by config settings.
* - Reading `db` section configuration(s) from system `config.ini` file.
* - Resource class with SQL queries localization, instancing and caching.
* - Data methods for manipulating properties based on active record pattern.
* - Meta data about properties parsing and caching.
* - Magic methods handling.
interface IModel extends \MvcCore\Model\IConstants {
* Returns (or creates if necessary) model resource instance.
* @param array|NULL $args Values array with variables to pass into resource `__construct()` method.
* @param string $resourceClassPath Automatically initialized with string replaced with `%SELF%` by `static::class` (or by `get_called_class()`).
* @return \MvcCore\Model
public static function GetResource ($args = [], $resourceClassPath = '%SELF%s\Resource');
* Return system configuration file database section properties names.
* @return \stdClass
public static function GetSysConfigProperties ();
* Returns `\PDO` database connection by connection name/index,
* usually by system config values (cached by local store)
* or create new connection if no connection cached.
* @param string|int|array|\stdClass|NULL $connectionNameOrConfig
* @param bool $strict If `TRUE` and no connection under given name or given
* index found, exception is thrown. `TRUE` by default.
* If `FALSE`, there could be returned connection by
* first available configuration.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return \PDO
public static function GetConnection ($connectionNameOrConfig = NULL, $strict = TRUE);
* Get all known database connection config records as indexed/named array with `\stdClass` objects.
* Keys in array are connection config names/indexes and `\stdClass` values are config values.
* @return \stdClass[]
public static function & GetConfigs ();
* Set all known configuration at once, optionally set default connection name/index.
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Model::SetConfigs([
* // connection name: 'mysql-cdcol':
* 'mysql-cdcol' => [
* 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => 'localhost',
* 'user' => 'root', 'password' => '1234', 'database' => 'cdcol',
* ],
* // connection name: 'mssql-tests':
* 'mssql-tests' => [
* 'driver' => 'sqlsrv', 'host' => '.\SQLEXPRESS',
* 'user' => 'sa', 'password' => '1234', 'database' => 'tests',
* ]
* ]);`
* or:
* `\MvcCore\Model::SetConfigs([
* // connection index: 0:
* [
* 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => 'localhost',
* 'user' => 'root', 'password' => '1234', 'database' => 'cdcol',
* ],
* // connection index: 1:
* [
* 'driver' => 'sqlsrv', 'host' => '.\SQLEXPRESS',
* 'user' => 'sa', 'password' => '1234', 'database' => 'tests',
* ]
* ]);`
* @param \stdClass[]|array[] $configs Configuration array with `\stdClass` objects or arrays with configuration data.
* @param string|int $defaultConnectionName
* @return bool
public static function SetConfigs (array $configs = []);
* Returns database connection config by connection index (integer)
* or by connection name (string) as `\stdClass` (cached by local store).
* @param int|string|NULL $connectionName
* @return \stdClass
public static function & GetConfig ($connectionName = NULL);
* Set configuration array with optional connection name/index.
* If there is array key `name` or `index` inside config `array` or `\stdClass`,
* it's value is used for connection name or index or there is no param `$connectionName` defined.
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Model::SetConfig(array(
* 'name' => 'mysql-cdcol',
* 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => 'localhost',
* 'user' => 'root', 'password' => '1234', 'database' => 'cdcol',
* ));`
* or:
* `\MvcCore\Model::SetConfig(array(
* 'index' => 0,
* 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => 'localhost',
* 'user' => 'root', 'password' => '1234', 'database' => 'cdcol',
* ));`
* or:
* `\MvcCore\Model::SetConfig(array(
* 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => 'localhost',
* 'user' => 'root', 'password' => '1234', 'database' => 'cdcol',
* ), 'mysql-cdcol');`
* or:
* `\MvcCore\Model::SetConfig(array(
* 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => 'localhost',
* 'user' => 'root', 'password' => '1234', 'database' => 'cdcol',
* ), 0);`
* @param \stdClass[]|array[] $config
* @param string|int|NULL $connectionName
* @return string|int
public static function SetConfig (array $config = [], $connectionName = NULL);
* Collect all model class properties values into array.
* Result keys could be converted by any conversion flag.
* @param int $propsFlags All properties flags are available except flags:
* - `\MvcCore\IModel::PROPS_INITIAL_VALUES`,
* - `\MvcCore\IModel::PROPS_NAMES_BY_*`.
* @param bool $getNullValues If `TRUE`, include also values with `NULL`s,
* `FALSE` by default.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return array
public function GetValues ($propsFlags = 0, $getNullValues = FALSE);
* Set up given `$data` items into `$this` instance context
* as typed properties by PHP types (or by PhpDocs comments in PHP < 7.4)
* as properties with the same names as `$data` array keys or converted
* by properties flags. Case sensitivelly by default.
* Any `$data` items, which are not declared in `$this` context are
* initialized by `__set()` method.
* @param array $data Raw data from database (row) or from form fields.
* @param int $propsFlags All properties flags are available.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return \MvcCore\Model Current `$this` context.
public function SetValues ($data = [], $propsFlags = 0);
* Get touched properties from `$this` context.
* Touched properties are properties with different value than value under
* property name key in `$this->initialValues` (initial array is optionally
* completed in `SetValues()` method). Result keys could be converted by any
* conversion flag.
* @param int $propsFlags All properties flags are available except flags:
* - `\MvcCore\IModel::PROPS_INITIAL_VALUES`,
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return array
public function GetTouched ($propsFlags = 0);
* Sets any custom property `"PropertyName"` by `\MvcCore\Model::SetPropertyName("value")`,
* which is not necessary to define previously or gets previously defined
* property `"PropertyName"` by `\MvcCore\Model::GetPropertyName();`.
* Throws exception if no property defined by get call
* or if virtual call begins with anything different from `Set` or `Get`.
* This method returns custom value for get and `\MvcCore\Model` instance for set.
* @param string $rawName
* @param array $arguments
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If `strtolower($rawName)` doesn't begin with `"get"` or with `"set"`.
* @return mixed|\MvcCore\Model
public function __call ($rawName, $arguments = []);
* Set any custom property, not necessary to previously defined.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If name is `initialValues` or any custom name in extended class.
* @return bool
public function __set ($name, $value);
* Get any custom property, not necessary to previously defined,
* if property is not defined, NULL is returned.
* @param string $name
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If name is `initialValues` or any custom name in extended class.
* @return mixed
public function __get ($name);
* Collect all properties names to serialize them by `serialize()` method.
* Collect all instance properties declared as private, protected and public
* and if there is configured in `static::$protectedProperties` anything as
* `TRUE` (under key by property name), also return those properties in
* result array.
* @return \string[]
public function __sleep ();