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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore;
* Core view:
* - Static storage for
* - commonly used document type
* - common views extension
* - common directories names containing view scripts
* - common views helpers namespaces
* - It's possible to use this class for any controller, sub controller or form.
* - View pre render preparing and rendering.
* - View helpers management on demand:
* - Creating by predefined class namespaces.
* - global static helpers instances storage and repeatable calling.
* - Views sub scripts relative path solving in:
* `<?php $this->RenderScript('./any-subdirectory/script-to-render.php'); ?>`
* - `Url()` - proxy method from `\MvcCore\Router` targeting to configured router.
* - `AssetUrl()` - proxy method from `\MvcCore\Controller`.
* - Magic calls:
* - __call() - To handler any view helper, if no helper found - exception thrown.
* - __set() - To set anything from controller to get it back in view.
* - __get() - To get anything in view previously initialized from controller.
* - Optional direct code evaluation.
* - No special view language implemented, use `short_open_tags` (`<?=...?>`) allowed by default.
* MvcCore view properties and helpers:
* @property-read \MvcCore\Controller $controller Currently dispatched controller instance.
* @method \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\CssHelper Css(string $groupName = self::GROUP_NAME_DEFAULT) Get css helper instance by group name. To use this method, you need to install extension `mvccore/ext-view-helper-assets`.
* @method \MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\JsHelper Js(string $groupName = self::GROUP_NAME_DEFAULT) Get js helper instance by group name. To use this method, you need to install extension `mvccore/ext-view-helper-assets`.
* @method string FormatDate(\DateTime|\IntlCalendar|int $dateTimeOrTimestamp = NULL, int|string $dateTypeOrFormatMask = NULL, int $timeType = NULL, string|\IntlTimeZone|\DateTimeZone $timeZone = NULL, int $calendar = NULL) Format given date time by `Intl` extension or by `strftime()` as fallback. To use this method, you need to install extension `mvccore/ext-view-helper-formatdatetime`.
* @method string FormatNumber(float|int $number = 0.0, int $decimals = 0, string $dec_point = NULL , string $thousands_sep = NULL) To use this method, you need to install extension `mvccore/ext-view-helper-formatnumber`.
* @method string FormatMoney(float|int$number = 0.0, int $decimals = 0, string $dec_point = NULL , string $thousands_sep = NULL) To use this method, you need to install extension `mvccore/ext-view-helper-formatmoney`.
* @method string LineBreaks(string $text, string $lang = '') Prevent breaking line inside numbers, after week words, shortcuts, numbers and units and much more, very configurable. To use this method, you need to install extension `mvccore/ext-view-helper-linebreaks`.
* @method string DataUrl(string $relativeOrAbsolutePath) Return any file content by given relative or absolute path in data URL like `..`. Path could be relative from currently rendered view, relative from application root or absolute path to file. To use this method, you need to install extension `mvccore/ext-view-helper-dataurl`.
* @method string WriteByJS(string $string) Return any given HTML code as code rendered in javascript: `<script>document.write(String.fromCharCode(...));</script>`. To use this method, you need to install extension `mvccore/ext-view-helper-writebyjs`.
* @method string Truncate(string $text, int $maxChars = 200, bool $isHtml = NULL) Truncate plain text or text with html tags by given max. characters number and add three dots at the end. To use this method, you need to install extension `mvccore/ext-view-helper-truncate`.
interface IView extends \MvcCore\View\IConstants {
* Return always new instance of statically called class, no singleton.
* Always called from `\MvcCore\Controller::PreDispatch()` and
* `\MvcCore\Controller::Render()` to create layout view.
* This is place where to customize any view creation process,
* before it's created by MvcCore framework to fill and render it.
* @return \MvcCore\View
public static function CreateInstance ();
* Get view scripts files extension with leading dot char.
* Default value: `".phtml"`.
* @return string
public static function GetExtension ();
* Set view scripts files extension.
* given value could be with or without leading dot char.
* @param string $extension An extension with or without leading dot char.
* @return string
public static function SetExtension ($extension = '.phtml');
* Get output document type (to automatically and optionally send proper
* HTTP header `Content-Type`, if there is no `Content-Type` HTTP
* header in response object yet).
* This value could be used also for any other custom purposes.
* Possible values:
* - `HTML4` - `\MvcCore\IView::DOCTYPE_HTML4`
* - `XHTML` - `\MvcCore\IView::DOCTYPE_XHTML`
* - `HTML5` - `\MvcCore\IView::DOCTYPE_HTML5`
* - `XML` - `\MvcCore\IView::DOCTYPE_XML`
* Default value: `HTML5`.
* @return string
public static function GetDoctype ();
* Set output document type (to automatically and optionally send proper
* HTTP header `Content-Type`, if there is no `Content-Type` HTTP
* header in response object yet).
* This value could be used also for any other custom purposes.
* Possible values:
* - `HTML4` - `\MvcCore\IView::DOCTYPE_HTML4`
* - `XHTML` - `\MvcCore\IView::DOCTYPE_XHTML`
* - `HTML5` - `\MvcCore\IView::DOCTYPE_HTML5`
* - `XML` - `\MvcCore\IView::DOCTYPE_XML`
* Default value: `HTML5`.
* @param string $doctype
* @return string
public static function SetDoctype ($doctype = \MvcCore\IView::DOCTYPE_HTML5);
* Get layout templates directory placed by default
* inside `"/App/Views"` directory. Default value
* is `"Layouts"`, so layouts app path
* is `"/App/Views/Layouts"`.
* @return string
public static function GetLayoutsDir ();
* Set layout templates directory placed by default
* inside `"/App/Views"` directory. Default value
* is `"Layouts"`, so layouts app path
* is `"/App/Views/Layouts"`.
* @param string $layoutsDir
* @return string
public static function SetLayoutsDir ($layoutsDir = 'Layouts');
* Get controller/action templates directory
* placed by default inside `"/App/Views"` directory.
* Default value is `"Scripts"`, so scripts app path
* is `"/App/Views/Scripts"`.
* @return string
public static function GetScriptsDir ();
* Get controller/action templates directory
* placed by default inside `"/App/Views"` directory.
* Default value is `"Scripts"`, so scripts app path
* is `"/App/Views/Scripts"`.
* @param string $scriptsDir
* @return string
public static function SetScriptsDir ($scriptsDir = 'Scripts');
* Get views helpers directory placed by default
* inside `"/App/Views"` directory.
* Default value is `"Helpers"`, so scripts app path
* is `"/App/Views/Helpers"`.
* @return string
public static function GetHelpersDir ();
* Set views helpers directory placed by default
* inside `"/App/Views"` directory.
* Default value is `"Helpers"`, so scripts app path
* is `"/App/Views/Helpers"`.
* @param string $helpersDir
* @return string
public static function SetHelpersDir ($helpersDir = 'Helpers');
* Add view helpers classes namespace(s),
* Example: `\MvcCore\View::AddHelpersNamespaces('Any\Other\ViewHelpers\Place', '...');`.
* @param string $helperNamespaces,... View helper classes namespace(s).
* @return void
public static function AddHelpersNamespaces ($helperNamespaces);
* Set view helpers classes namespace(s). This method replace all previously configured namespaces.
* If you want only to add namespace, use `\MvcCore\View::AddHelpersNamespaces();` instead.
* Example: `\MvcCore\View::SetHelpersClassNamespaces('Any\Other\ViewHelpers\Place', '...');`.
* @param string $helperNamespaces,... View helper classes namespace(s).
* @return void
public static function SetHelpersNamespaces ($helperNamespaces);
* Get view script full path by internal application configuration,
* by `$typePath` param and by `$corectedRelativePath` param.
* @param string $typePath Usually `"Layouts"` or `"Scripts"`.
* @param string $corectedRelativePath
* @return string
public static function GetViewScriptFullPath ($typePath = '', $corectedRelativePath = '');
* This is INTERNAL method, do not use it in templates.
* Method is always called in the most parent controller
* `\MvcCore\Controller:PreDispatch()` moment when view instance is created.
* Method sets controller instance into view.
* @param \MvcCore\Controller $controller
* @return \MvcCore\View
public function SetController (\MvcCore\IController $controller);
* Get controller instance.
* @return \MvcCore\Controller
public function GetController ();
* Set up view rendering arguments to render layout and action view in both modes properly.
* Set up view instance helpers before rendering.
* @param int $renderMode
* @param string $controllerOrActionNameDashed
* @param string $actionNameDashed
* @return \MvcCore\View
public function SetUpRender ($renderMode = \MvcCore\IView::RENDER_WITH_OB_FROM_ACTION_TO_LAYOUT, $controllerOrActionNameDashed = NULL, $actionNameDashed = NULL);
* This is INTERNAL method, do not use it in templates.
* Method is always called in the most parent controller
* `\MvcCore\Controller:Render()` moment when view is rendered.
* Set up all from given view object variables store into current store,
* if there is any already existing key - overwrite it.
* @param \MvcCore\View $view
* @param bool $overwriteExistingKeys If any property name already exist in view store, overwrite it by given value by default.
* @return \MvcCore\View
public function SetUpStore (\MvcCore\IView $view, $overwriteExistingKeys = TRUE);
* Return rendered action template content as string reference.
* You need to use this method always somewhere in layout template to
* render rendered action result content.
* If render mode is continuous, this method renders action view.
* @return string
public function & GetContent ();
* Get currently rendered view file full path.
* If this method is called outside of rendering process, `NULL` is returned.
* @return string|NULL
public function GetCurrentViewFullPath ();
* Get currently rendered view file directory full path.
* If this method is called outside of rendering process, `NULL` is returned.
* @return string|NULL
public function GetCurrentViewDirectory ();
* Get currently rendered parent view file full path.
* Parent view file could be any view file, where is called `$this->RenderScript(...);`
* method to render sub-view file (actual view file) or it could be any view file
* from parent controller or if current controller has no parent controller,
* it could be layout view script full path.
* If this method is called outside of rendering process, `NULL` is returned.
* @return string|NULL
public function GetParentViewFullPath ();
* Get currently rendered parent view file directory full path.
* Parent view file could be any view file, where is called `$this->RenderScript(...);`
* method to render sub-view file (actual view file) or it could be any view file
* from parent controller or if current controller has no parent controller,
* it could be layout view script full path.
* If this method is called outside of rendering process, `NULL` is returned.
* @return string|NULL
public function GetParentViewDirectory ();
* Render action template script or any include script and return it's result as reference.
* Do not use this method in layout sub-templates, use method `RenderLayout()` instead.
* @param string $relativePath
* @return string
public function & RenderScript ($relativePath = '');
* Render layout template script or any include script and return it's result as reference.
* Do not use this method in action sub-templates, use method `RenderScript()` instead.
* @param string $relativePath
* @return string
public function & RenderLayout ($relativePath = '');
* This method is INTERNAL, always called from `\MvcCore\Controller::Render();`.
* Do not use this method in templates!
* Method renders whole configured layout template and return it's result
* as string reference with inner rendered action template content.
* @param string $relativePatht.
* @param string $content
* @return string
public function & RenderLayoutAndContent ($relativePath = '', & $content = NULL);
* Render controller template and all necessary layout
* templates and return rendered result as string reference.
* @param string $typePath By default: `"Layouts" | "Scripts"`. It could be `"Forms" | "Forms/Fields"` etc...
* @param string $relativePath
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException Template not found in path: `$viewScriptFullPath`.
* @return string
public function & Render ($typePath = '', $relativePath = '');
* Evaluate given template code as PHP code by `eval()` in current view
* context, any `$this` keyword will be used as current view context.
* Returned result is content from output buffer as string reference.
* Evaluated code is wrapped into `try/catch` automatically.
* @param string $content
* @return string
public function Evaluate ($content);
* Generates url:
* - By `"Controller:Action"` name and params array
* (for routes configuration when routes array has keys with `"Controller:Action"` strings
* and routes has not controller name and action name defined inside).
* - By route name and params array
* (route name is key in routes configuration array, should be any string
* but routes must have information about controller name and action name inside).
* Result address (url string) should have two forms:
* - Nice rewritten URL by routes configuration
* (for apps with URL rewrite support (Apache `.htaccess` or IIS URL rewrite module)
* and when first param is key in routes configuration array).
* - For all other cases is URL form like: `"index.php?controller=ctrlName&action=actionName"`
* (when first param is not founded in routes configuration array).
* @param string $controllerActionOrRouteName Should be `"Controller:Action"` combination or just any route name as custom specific string.
* @param array $params Optional, array with params, key is param name, value is param value.
* @return string
public function Url ($controllerActionOrRouteName = 'Index:Index', array $params = []);
* Return asset path or single file mode URL for small assets
* handled by internal controller action `"Controller:Asset"`.
* Example: `echo $this->AssetUrl('/static/img/favicon.ico');`
* @param string $path
* @return string
public function AssetUrl ($path = '');
* Escape string for use inside HTML/XHTML/HTML5
* node as text content.
* @param string $str
* @param bool $double
* @param string $encoding
* @return string
public function Escape ($str, $encoding = 'UTF-8');
* Escape string for use inside HTML/XHTML/HTML5
* node between `<` and `>` for attributes definitions.
* @param string $str
* @param bool $double
* @param string $encoding
* @return string
public function EscapeHtml ($str, $encoding = 'UTF-8');
* Escape string for use inside HTML/XHTML/HTML5 attribute.
* @param string $str
* @param bool $double
* @param string $encoding
* @return string
public function EscapeAttr ($str, $double = TRUE, $encoding = 'UTF-8');
* Escape string for use inside XML template.
* XML 1.0: \x09 \x0A \x0D and C1 allowed directly, C0 forbidden
* XML 1.1: \x00 forbidden directly and as a character reference,
* \x09 \x0A \x0D \x85 allowed directly, C0, C1 and \x7F allowed as character references
* @param string $str
* @param string $encoding
* @return string
public function EscapeXml ($str, $encoding = 'UTF-8');
* Escape string for use inside JS context, including trailing double quotes.
* @param string $str
* @param int $flags
* @param int $depth
* @return string
public function EscapeJs ($str, $flags = 0, $depth = 512);
* Escape string for use inside CSS context.
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-CSS21-20060411/syndata.html#q6
* @param string $str
* @return string
public function EscapeCss ($str);
* Escape string for use inside iCal template.
* @see https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5545.txt
* @param string $str
* @return string
public function EscapeICal ($str);
* Try to get view helper.
* If view helper doesn't exist in global helpers store - create new helper instance.
* If helper already exists in global helpers store - do not create it again - use instance from the store.
* Example: `echo $this->GetHelper('facebook')->RenderSomeSpecialWidgetMethod();`
* @param string $helperNameCamelCase View helper method name in camel case.
* @param bool $asClosure Get View helper prepared as closure function, `FALSE` by default.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If view doesn't exist in configured namespaces.
* @return mixed View helper instance, always as `\MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\AbstractHelper|\MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\IHelper` instance.
public function & GetHelper ($helperNameCamelCase, $asClosure = FALSE);
* Set view helper for current template or for all templates globally by default.
* If view helper already exist in global helpers store - it's overwritten.
* @param string $helperNameCamelCase View helper method name in camel case.
* @param mixed $instance View helper instance, always as `\MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\AbstractHelper|\MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\IHelper` instance or `\Closure`.
* @param bool $forAllTemplates register this helper instance for all rendered views in the future.
* @return \MvcCore\View
public function SetHelper ($helperNameCamelCase, $instance, $forAllTemplates = TRUE);
* Set any value into view context internal store.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool
public function __set ($name, $value);
* Get any value by given name existing in local store. If there is no value
* in local store by given name, try to get result value into store by
* controller reflection class from controller instance property.
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public function __get ($name);
* Get `TRUE` if any value by given name exists in
* local view store or in local controller instance.
* @param string $name
* @return bool
public function __isset ($name);
* Unset any value from view context internal store.
* @param string $name
* @return void
public function __unset ($name);
* Try to call view helper.
* If view helper doesn't exist in global helpers store - create new helper instance.
* If helper already exists in global helpers store - do not create it again - use instance from the store.
* Then call it's public method named in the same way as helper and return result
* as it is, without any conversion. So then there could be called any other helper method if whole helper instance is returned.
* @param string $method View helper method name in pascal case.
* @param mixed $arguments View helper method arguments.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If view doesn't exist in configured namespaces.
* @return string|mixed View helper string result or any other view helper result type or view helper instance, always as `\MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\AbstractHelper|\MvcCore\Ext\Views\Helpers\IHelper` instance.
public function __call ($method, $arguments);