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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Model;
trait Props
* `\PDO` connection arguments.
* If you need to reconfigure connection string for any other special
* `\PDO` database implementation or you specific needs, patch this array
* in extended application base model class in base `__construct()` method by:
* `static::$connectionArguments = array_merge(static::$connectionArguments, array(...));`
* or by:
* `static::$connectionArguments['driverName']['dsn'] = '...';`
* Every key in this field is driver name, so you can use usual `\PDO` drivers:
* - `mysql`, `sqlite`, `sqlsrv` (mssql), `firebird`, `ibm`, `informix`, `4D`
* Following drivers should be used with defaults, no connection args from here are necessary:
* - `oci`, `pgsql`, `cubrid`, `sysbase`, `dblib`
* Every value in this configuration field should be defined as:
* - `dsn` - connection query as first `\PDO` constructor argument
* with database config replacements.
* - `auth` - if required to use database credentials for connecting or not.
* - `fileDb` - if database if file database or not.
* - `options` . any additional arguments array or empty array.
* @var array
protected static $connectionArguments = [
'cubrid' => [
'dsn' => '{driver}:host={host};port={port};dbname={database}',
'auth' => TRUE,
'fileDb' => FALSE,
'options' => [],
'defaults' => ['port' => 33000,],
'firebird' => [
'dsn' => '{driver}:dbname={host}:{database};charset={charset}',
'auth' => TRUE,
'fileDb' => TRUE,
'options' => [],
'defaults' => ['charset' => 'UTF-8',],
'ibm' => [
'dsn' => 'ibm:DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE={database};HOSTNAME={host};PORT={port};PROTOCOL={protocol};UID={user};PWD={password}',
'auth' => TRUE,
'fileDb' => FALSE,
'options' => [],
'defaults' => ['port' => 56789, 'protocol' => 'TCPIP',],
'informix' => [
'dsn' => "{driver}:host={host}; service={service}; \ndatabase={database}; server={server}; protocol={protocol}; \nEnableScrollableCursors=1",
'auth' => TRUE,
'fileDb' => FALSE,
'options' => [],
'defaults' => ['service' => 9800, 'protocol' => 'onsoctcp',],
'mysql' => [
'dsn' => '{driver}:host={host};dbname={database};port={port}',
'auth' => TRUE,
'fileDb' => FALSE,
'options' => [
'defaults' => ['port' => 3306,],
'sqlite' => [
'dsn' => '{driver}:{database}',
'auth' => FALSE,
'fileDb' => TRUE,
'options' => [],
'defaults' => [
'pgsql' => [
'dsn' => '{driver}:host={host};port={port};dbname={database};user={user};password={password}',
'auth' => TRUE,
'fileDb' => FALSE,
'options' => [],
'defaults' => ['port' => 5432,],
'sqlsrv' => [
'dsn' => '{driver}:Server={host};Database={database};MultipleActiveResultSets=False',
'auth' => TRUE,
'fileDb' => FALSE,
'options' => [
'defaults' => ['port' => 1433,],
'default' => [
'dsn' => '{driver}:host={host};dbname={database}',
'auth' => TRUE,
'fileDb' => FALSE,
'options' => [
'defaults' => [],
* System configuration file database section properties names.
* @var \string[]
protected static $sysConfigProperties = [
'sectionName' => 'db', // db section root node
'defaultName' => 'defaultName', // default db connection name
'defaultClass' => 'defaultClass', // custom \PDO implementation full class name
'retryAttempts' => 'retryAttempts', // reconnection tries count if connection has been lost, extension required
'retryDelay' => 'retryDelay', // delay before every reconnection, extension required
'name' => 'name', // runtime configuration definition property for connection name
'index' => 'index', // runtime configuration definition property for connection index
'driver' => 'driver', // connection driver
'host' => 'host', // connection host
'port' => 'port', // connection port
'user' => 'user', // connection user
'password' => 'password', // connection password
'database' => 'database', // connection database
'options' => 'options', // connection options
'class' => 'class', // custom connection class full name
* Default database connection name/index, in system config defined in section `db.default = name`.
* In extended classes - use this for connection name/index of current model if different.
* @var string|int|NULL
protected static $defaultConnectionName = NULL;
* Default database connection class name.
* @var string
protected static $defaultConnectionClass = '\\PDO';
* `\PDO` connections array, keyed by connection indexes from system config.
* @var \PDO[]
protected static $connections = [];
* System config sections array with `\stdClass` objects, keyed by connection indexes.
* @var \stdClass[]
protected static $configs = NULL;
* Originally declared internal model properties to protect their
* possible overwriting by `__set()` or `__get()` magic methods.
* Keys are properties names, values are bools, if to serialize their values
* or not to.
* @var array
protected static $protectedProperties = [
'initialValues' => FALSE,
* Array with values initialized by `SetValues()` method.
* Usefull to recognize changed values bafore `Save()`.
* @var array
protected $initialValues = [];