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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Request;
trait CollectionsMethods {
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $type
* @return array
public function & GetGlobalCollection ($type) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
$collection = 'global'.ucfirst(strtolower($type));
return $this->{$collection};
* @inheritDocs
* @param array $headers
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function SetHeaders (array & $headers = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
$this->headers = & $headers;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string|array|bool $pregReplaceAllowedChars If String - list of regular expression characters to only keep, if array - `preg_replace()` pattern and reverse, if `FALSE`, raw value is returned.
* @return array
public function & GetHeaders ($pregReplaceAllowedChars = ['#[\<\>\'"]#' => '']) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($this->headers === NULL) $this->initHeaders();
if ($pregReplaceAllowedChars === FALSE || $pregReplaceAllowedChars === '' || $pregReplaceAllowedChars === '.*')
return $this->headers;
$cleanedHeaders = [];
foreach ($this->headers as $key => & $value) {
$cleanedKey = $this->cleanParamValue($key, $pregReplaceAllowedChars);
$cleanedHeaders[$cleanedKey] = $this->GetHeader($key, $pregReplaceAllowedChars);
return $cleanedHeaders;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name
* @param string|string[] $value
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function SetHeader ($name = '', $value = '') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($this->headers === NULL) $this->initHeaders();
$this->headers[$name] = $value;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name Http header string name.
* @param string|array|bool $pregReplaceAllowedChars If String - list of regular expression characters to only keep, if array - `preg_replace()` pattern and reverse, if `FALSE`, raw value is returned.
* @param mixed $ifNullValue Default value returned if given param name is null.
* @param string $targetType Target type to retype param value or default if-null value. If param is an array, every param item will be retyped into given target type.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException `$name` must be a `$targetType`, not an `array`.
* @return string|\string[]|int|\int[]|bool|\bool[]|array|mixed
public function GetHeader (
$name = '',
$pregReplaceAllowedChars = "a-zA-Z0-9_;, /\-\.\@\=\+\?\!",
$ifNullValue = NULL,
$targetType = NULL
) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($this->headers === NULL) $this->initHeaders();
return $this->getParamFromCollection(
$this->headers, $name, $pregReplaceAllowedChars, $ifNullValue, $targetType
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name Http header string name.
* @return bool
public function HasHeader ($name = '') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($this->headers === NULL) $this->initHeaders();
return isset($this->headers[$name]);
* @inheritDocs
* @param array $params
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function SetParams (array & $params = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
$this->params = & $params;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string|array|bool $pregReplaceAllowedChars If String - list of regular expression characters to only keep, if array - `preg_replace()` pattern and reverse, if `FALSE`, raw value is returned.
* @param array $onlyKeys Array with keys to get only. If empty (by default), all possible params are returned.
* @return array
public function & GetParams ($pregReplaceAllowedChars = ['#[\<\>\'"]#' => ''], $onlyKeys = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($this->params === NULL) $this->initParams();
if ($pregReplaceAllowedChars === FALSE || $pregReplaceAllowedChars === '' || $pregReplaceAllowedChars === '.*') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
$result = array_intersect_key($this->params, array_flip($onlyKeys));
} else {
$result = & $this->params;
return $result;
$cleanedParams = [];
foreach ($this->params as $key => & $value) {
if ($onlyKeys && !in_array($key, $onlyKeys, TRUE)) continue;
$cleanedKey = $this->cleanParamValue($key, $pregReplaceAllowedChars);
$cleanedParams[$cleanedKey] = $this->GetParam($key, $pregReplaceAllowedChars);
return $cleanedParams;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name
* @param string|string[] $value
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function SetParam ($name = '', $value = '') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($this->params === NULL) $this->initParams();
$this->params[$name] = $value;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function RemoveParam ($name = '') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($this->params === NULL) $this->initParams();
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name Parameter string name.
* @param string|array|bool $pregReplaceAllowedChars If String - list of regular expression characters to only keep, if array - `preg_replace()` pattern and reverse, if `FALSE`, raw value is returned.
* @param mixed $ifNullValue Default value returned if given param name is null.
* @param string $targetType Target type to retype param value or default if-null value. If param is an array, every param item will be retyped into given target type.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException `$name` must be a `$targetType`, not an `array`.
* @return string|\string[]|int|\int[]|bool|\bool[]|array|mixed
public function GetParam (
$name = '',
$pregReplaceAllowedChars = "a-zA-Z0-9_;, /\-\@\:",
$ifNullValue = NULL,
$targetType = NULL
) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($this->params === NULL) $this->initParams();
return $this->getParamFromCollection(
$this->params, $name, $pregReplaceAllowedChars, $ifNullValue, $targetType
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name Parameter string name.
* @return bool
public function HasParam ($name = '') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($this->params === NULL) $this->initParams();
return isset($this->params[$name]);
* @inheritDocs
* @param array $files
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function SetFiles (array & $files = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
$this->globalFiles = & $files;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @return array
public function & GetFiles () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
return $this->globalFiles;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $file Uploaded file string name.
* @param array $data
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function SetFile ($file = '', $data = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
$this->globalFiles[$file] = $data;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $file Uploaded file string name.
* @return array
public function GetFile ($file = '') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if (isset($this->globalFiles[$file])) {
$file = $this->globalFiles[$file];
if (isset($file['error']) && $file['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE)
return [];
return $file;
return [];
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $file Uploaded file string name.
* @return bool
public function HasFile ($file = '') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
return isset($this->globalFiles[$file]);
* @inheritDocs
* @param array $cookies
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function SetCookies (array & $cookies = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
$this->globalCookies = & $cookies;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string|array|bool $pregReplaceAllowedChars If String - list of regular expression characters to only keep, if array - `preg_replace()` pattern and reverse, if `FALSE`, raw value is returned.
* @param array $onlyKeys Array with keys to get only. If empty (by default), all possible cookies are returned.
* @return array
public function & GetCookies ($pregReplaceAllowedChars = ['#[\<\>\'"]#' => ''], $onlyKeys = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($pregReplaceAllowedChars === FALSE || $pregReplaceAllowedChars === '' || $pregReplaceAllowedChars === '.*') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
$result = array_intersect_key($this->paglobalCookiesrams, array_flip($onlyKeys));
} else {
$result = $this->globalCookies;
return $result;
$cleanedCookies = [];
foreach ($this->globalCookies as $key => & $value) {
if ($onlyKeys && !in_array($key, $onlyKeys, TRUE)) continue;
$cleanedKey = $this->cleanParamValue($key, $pregReplaceAllowedChars);
$cleanedCookies[$cleanedKey] = $this->GetCookie($key, $pregReplaceAllowedChars);
return $cleanedCookies;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name
* @param string|string[] $value
* @return \MvcCore\Request
public function SetCookie ($name = "", $value = "") {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
$this->globalCookies[$name] = $value;
return $this;
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name Cookie string name.
* @param string|array|bool $pregReplaceAllowedChars If String - list of regular expression characters to only keep, if array - `preg_replace()` pattern and reverse, if `FALSE`, raw value is returned.
* @param mixed $ifNullValue Default value returned if given param name is null.
* @param string $targetType Target type to retype param value or default if-null value. If param is an array, every param item will be retyped into given target type.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException `$name` must be a `$targetType`, not an `array`.
* @return string|\string[]|int|\int[]|bool|\bool[]|array|mixed
public function GetCookie (
$name = '',
$pregReplaceAllowedChars = "a-zA-Z0-9_;, /\-\.\@\=\+\?\!",
$ifNullValue = NULL,
$targetType = NULL
) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
return $this->getParamFromCollection(
$this->globalCookies, $name, $pregReplaceAllowedChars, $ifNullValue, $targetType
* @inheritDocs
* @param string $name Cookie string name.
* @return bool
public function HasCookie ($name = '') {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
return isset($this->globalCookies[$name]);
* Get filtered param or header value for characters defined as second argument to use them in `preg_replace()`.
* @param string|string[]|NULL $rawValue
* @param string|array|bool $pregReplaceAllowedChars If String - list of regular expression characters to only keep, if array - `preg_replace()` pattern and reverse, if `FALSE`, raw value is returned.
* @param mixed $ifNullValue Default value returned if given param name is null.
* @param string $targetType Target type to retype param value or default if-null value. If param is an array, every param item will be retyped into given target type.
* @return string|\string[]|int|\int[]|bool|\bool[]|array|mixed
protected function getParamItem (
& $rawValue = NULL,
$pregReplaceAllowedChars = "a-zA-Z0-9_;, /\-\@\:",
$ifNullValue = NULL,
$targetType = NULL
) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($rawValue === NULL) {
// if there is NULL in target collection
if ($targetType === NULL) return $ifNullValue;
$result = is_scalar($ifNullValue) ? $ifNullValue : clone $ifNullValue;
settype($result, $targetType);
return $result;
} else {
// if there is not NULL in target collection
if (is_string($rawValue) && mb_strlen(trim($rawValue)) === 0) {
// if value after trim is empty string, return empty string (retyped if necessary)
$result = "";
if ($targetType === NULL) return $result;
$result = is_scalar($ifNullValue) ? $ifNullValue : clone $ifNullValue;
settype($result, $targetType);
return $result;
} else if ($pregReplaceAllowedChars === FALSE || $pregReplaceAllowedChars === '.*') {
// if there is something in target collection and all chars are allowed
$result = $rawValue;
if ($targetType === NULL) return $result;
settype($result, $targetType);
return $result;
} else if (is_array($rawValue)) {
// if there is something in target collection and it's an array
$result = [];
foreach ((array) $rawValue as $key => $value) {
$cleanedKey = $this->cleanParamValue($key, $pregReplaceAllowedChars);
$result[$cleanedKey] = $this->getParamItem(
$value, $pregReplaceAllowedChars, $ifNullValue, $targetType
return $result;
} else {
// if there is something in target collection and it's not an array
$result = $this->cleanParamValue($rawValue, $pregReplaceAllowedChars);
if ($targetType === NULL) return $result;
settype($result, $targetType);
return $result;
* Clean param value by given list of allowed chars or by given `preg_replace()` pattern and reverse.
* @param string $rawValue
* @param string|array|bool $pregReplaceAllowedChars If String - list of regular expression characters to only keep, if array - `preg_replace()` pattern and reverse, if `FALSE`, raw value is returned.
* @return string
protected function cleanParamValue ($rawValue, $pregReplaceAllowedChars = "a-zA-Z0-9_;, /\-\@\:") {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Request */
if ($pregReplaceAllowedChars === FALSE) {
return $rawValue;
} else if (is_array($pregReplaceAllowedChars)) {
foreach ($pregReplaceAllowedChars as $pattern => $replace) {
$replaceFn = mb_substr($pattern, 0, 1) === '#' ? 'preg_replace' : 'str_replace';
$rawValue = $replaceFn($pattern, $replace, $rawValue);
return $rawValue;
} else {
return preg_replace("#[^" . $pregReplaceAllowedChars . "]#", "", (string) $rawValue);