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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Request;
trait Props {
* List of exceptional two-segment top-level domain like
* `'co.jp', 'co.uk', 'co.kr', 'co.nf' ...` to parse
* domain string correctly.
* @var \string[]
protected static $twoSegmentTlds = ['co.jp'=>1,'ac.uk'=>1,'co.uk'=>1,'co.kr'=>1,'co.nl'=>1,'in.ua'=>1,'co.nf'=>1,'ny.us'=>1,'co.us'=>1];
* Configured router full class name string from core, loaded in `__constructor()`.
* @var string|NULL
protected static $routerClass = NULL;
* Reference to `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance();`
* @var \MvcCore\Application|NULL
protected static $app = NULL;
* String name or resource for request input stream.
* Example: `'php://input' | STDIN`
* @var string|resource|NULL
protected $inputStream = NULL;
* `TRUE` if PHP `php_sapi_name()` is `cli` and also
* if there is no `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']` defined.
* @var bool|NULL
protected $cli = NULL;
* Language international code, lower case, not used by default.
* To use this variable - install `\MvcCore\Router` extension `\MvcCore\Ext\Router\Lang`
* Or use this variable by your own decision.
* Example: `"en" | "de"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $lang = NULL;
* Country/locale code, upper case, not used by default.
* To use this variable - install `\MvcCore\Router` extension `\MvcCore\Ext\Router\Lang`
* Or use this variable by your own decision.
* Example: `"US" | "UK"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $locale = NULL;
* Media site key - `"full" | "tablet" | "mobile"`.
* To use this variable - install `\MvcCore\Router` extension `\MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Media`
* Or use this variable by your own decision.
* Example: `"full" | "tablet" | "mobile"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $mediaSiteVersion = NULL;
* Http scheme: `"http:" | "https:"`
* Example: `"http:"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $scheme = NULL;
* `TRUE` if http scheme is `"https:"`
* @var bool|NULL
protected $secure = NULL;
* Application server name - domain without any port.
* Example: `"localhost"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $hostName = NULL;
* Application host with port if there is any.
* Example: `"localhost:88"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $host = NULL;
* Http port defined in requested URI if any, parsed by `parse_url()`.
* Empty string if there is no port number in requested address.`.
* Example: `"88" | ""`
* @var string|NULL
protected $port = NULL;
* Parsed server name (domain without port) parts.
* Example: `['any.content', 'example', 'co.uk'] | [NULL, NULL, 'localhost']`
* @var \string[]|NULL
protected $domainParts = NULL;
* `TRUE` if http port defined in requested URI (parsed by `parse_url()`).
* @var bool
protected $portDefined = FALSE;
* Requested path in from application root (if `mod_rewrite` enabled), never with query string.
* Example: `"/products/page/2"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $path = NULL;
* Uri query string without question mark.
* Example: `"param-1=value-1¶m-2=value-2¶m-3[]=value-3-a¶m-3[]=value-3-b"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $query = NULL;
* Uri fragment parsed by `parse_url()` including hash.
* Example: `"#any-sublink-path"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $fragment = NULL;
* `TRUE` if request is requested from browser by `XmlHttpRequest` object
* with http header: `X-Requested-With: AnyJavascriptFrameworkName`, `FALSE` otherwise.
* @var bool|null
protected $ajax = NULL;
* Php requested script name path from application root.
* Example: `"/index.php"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $scriptName = NULL;
* Application root path on hard drive.
* Example: `"C:/www/my/development/directory/www"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $appRoot = NULL;
* Base app directory path after domain, if application is placed in domain subdirectory
* Example:
* - full URI: `"http://localhost:88/my/development/directory/www/requested/path/after/domain?with=possible&query=string"`
* - base path: `"/my/development/directory/www"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $basePath = NULL;
* Request path after domain with possible query string
* Example: `"/requested/path/after/app/root?with=possible&query=string"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $requestPath = NULL;
* Url to requested domain and possible port.
* Example: `"https://domain.com" | "http://domain:88"` if any port.
* @var string|NULL
protected $domainUrl = NULL;
* Base URI to application root.
* Example: `"http://domain:88/my/development/directory/www"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $baseUrl = NULL;
* Request URI including scheme, domain, port, path, without any query string
* Example: "`http://localhost:88/my/development/directory/www/requested/path/after/domain"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $requestUrl = NULL;
* Request URI including scheme, domain, port, path and with query string
* Example: `"http://localhost:88/my/development/directory/www/requested/path/after/domain?with=possible&query=string"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $fullUrl = NULL;
* Http method (upper case) - `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `HEAD`...
* Example: `"GET"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $method = NULL;
* Referer URI if any, safely read by:
* Example: `"http://foreing.domain.com/path/where/is/link/to/?my=app"`
* @var string|NULL
protected $referer = NULL;
* Server IP address string.
* Example: `"" | ""`
* @var string|NULL
protected $serverIp = NULL;
* Client IP address string.
* Example: `"" | ""`
* @var string|NULL
protected $clientIp = NULL;
* Integer value from global `$_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']`,
* `NULL` if no value presented in global `$_SERVER` array.
* Example: `123456 | NULL`
* @var int|NULL
protected $contentLength = NULL;
* Timestamp of the start of the request, with microsecond precision.
* @var float
protected $microtime = NULL;
* All raw http headers without any conversion, initialized by
* `getallheaders()` or from `$_SERVER['HTTP_...']`.
* Headers are `key => value` array, headers keys are
* in standard format like: `"Content-Type" | "Content-Length" | "X-Requested-With" ...`.
* @var array|NULL
protected $headers = NULL;
* Raw request body, usually from `file_get_contents('php://input');`.
* @var string|NULL
protected $body = NULL;
* Raw request params array, with keys defined in route or by query string,
* always with controller and action keys completed by router.
* Do not read this `$params` array directly, read it's values by:
* `\MvcCore\Request::GetParam($paramName, $allowedChars, $defaultValueIfNull, $targetType);`.
* Example:
* `\MvcCore\Request:$params = array(
* "controller" => "default",
* "action" => "default",
* "username" => "' OR 1=1;-- ", // be careful for this content with raw (danger) value!
* );`
* // Do not read `$params` array directly,
* // to get safe param value use:
* `\MvcCore\Request::GetParam("username", "a-zA-Z0-9_");` // return `OR` string without danger chars.
* @var array|NULL
protected $params = NULL;
* Request flag if request targets internal package asset or not,
* - 0 => Means request is `Controller:Asset` call for internal package asset.
* - 1 => Means request is classic application request.
* @var bool|NULL
protected $appRequest = NULL;
* Cleaned input param `"controller"`, containing only chars: `"a-zA-Z0-9\-_/"`.
* @var string
protected $controllerName = NULL;
* Cleaned input param `"action"`, containing only chars: `"a-zA-Z0-9\-_/"`.
* @var string
protected $actionName = NULL;
* Content of referenced `$_SERVER` global variable.
* @var array
protected $globalServer = [];
* Content of referenced `$_GET` global variable.
* @var array
protected $globalGet = [];
* Content of referenced `$_POST` global variable.
* @var array
protected $globalPost = [];
* Content of referenced `$_COOKIE` global variable.
* @var array
protected $globalCookies = [];
* Content of referenced `$_FILES` global variable.
* @var array
protected $globalFiles = [];