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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Route;
trait Matching {
* @inheritDocs
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request The request object instance.
* @throws \LogicException Route configuration property is missing.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException Wrong route pattern format.
* @return array Matched and params array, keys are matched
* params or controller and action params.
public function & Matches (\MvcCore\IRequest $request) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$matchedParams = NULL;
$pattern = $this->matchesGetPattern();
$subject = $this->matchesGetSubject($request);
$matchedValues = & $this->match($pattern, $subject);
if (isset($matchedValues[0]) && count($matchedValues[0]) > 0) {
$defaultParams = & $this->GetDefaults();
$matchedParams = $this->matchesParseRewriteParams($matchedValues, $defaultParams);
if (isset($matchedParams[$this->lastPatternParam]))
$matchedParams[$this->lastPatternParam] = rtrim(
$matchedParams[$this->lastPatternParam], '/'
return $matchedParams;
* Return pattern value used for `preg_match_all()` route match processing.
* Check if `match` property has any value and if it has, process internal
* route initialization only on `reverse` (or `pattern`) property, because
* `match` regular expression is probably prepared and initialized manually.
* If there is no value in `match` property (`NULL`), process internal
* initialization on `pattern` property (or on `reverse` if exists) and
* complete regular expression into `match` property and metadata about
* `reverse` property to build URL address any time later on this route.
* @throws \LogicException Route configuration property is missing.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException Wrong route pattern format.
* @return string
protected function matchesGetPattern () {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
if ($this->match === NULL) {
} else {
return $this->match;
* Return subject value used for `preg_match_all()` route match processing.
* Complete subject by route flags. If route `pattern` (or `reverse`) contains
* domain part or base path, prepare those values from request object. Than
* prepare always request path and if route `pattern` (or `reverse`) contains
* any query string part, append into result subject query string from request
* object.
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request
* @return string
protected function matchesGetSubject (\MvcCore\IRequest $request) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$subject = $this->matchesGetSubjectHostAndBase($request)
. $request->GetPath(TRUE);
if ($this->flags[2])
$subject .= $request->GetQuery(TRUE, TRUE);
return $subject;
* Process `preg_match_all()` by given `$pattern` on given `$subject`.
* If subject contains higher characters than ASCII, add unicode modifier
* after pattern if necessary.
* @param string $pattern
* @param string $subject
* @return array
protected function & match ($pattern, & $subject) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
// add UTF-8 modifier to pattern if subject string contains higher chars than ASCII
if (preg_match('#[^\x20-\x7f]#', $subject)) {
$lastHashPos = mb_strrpos($pattern, '#');
if (mb_strpos($pattern, 'u', $lastHashPos + 1) === FALSE)
$pattern .= 'u';
preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matchedValues);
return $matchedValues;
* Return subject value scheme, domain and base path part, used for
* `preg_match_all()` route match processing. Check which scheme route
* `pattern` (or `reverse`) contains and prepare scheme string. Than check
* if route `pattern` (or `reverse`) contains domain part with any domain
* placeholders and prepare domain part with the placeholders. Then also in
* the same way prepare base path part if necessary, there is also base path
* placeholder possibility.
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request
* @return string
protected function matchesGetSubjectHostAndBase (\MvcCore\IRequest $request) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$schemeFlag = $this->flags[0];
$basePathDefined = FALSE;
$basePath = '';
$hostFlag = $this->flags[1];
if ($hostFlag >= static::FLAG_HOST_BASEPATH /* 10 */) {
$hostFlag -= static::FLAG_HOST_BASEPATH;
$basePath = static::PLACEHOLDER_BASEPATH;
$basePathDefined = TRUE;
if ($schemeFlag) {
if (!$basePathDefined)
$basePath = $request->GetBasePath();
$subject = $this->matchesGetSubjectScheme($schemeFlag)
. $this->matchesGetSubjectHost($request, $hostFlag)
. $basePath;
} else {
$subject = $basePathDefined ? $basePath : '';
return $subject;
* Return subject value - the scheme part, used for `preg_match_all()` route
* match processing. Given flag value contains scheme part string length,
* which is an array index inside local static property to return real scheme
* string by the flag.
* @param int $schemeFlag
* @return string
protected function matchesGetSubjectScheme (& $schemeFlag) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
static $prefixes = NULL;
if ($prefixes === NULL) $prefixes = [
static::FLAG_SCHEME_NO => '', // 0
static::FLAG_SCHEME_ANY => '//', // 2
static::FLAG_SCHEME_HTTP => 'http://', // 7
static::FLAG_SCHEME_HTTPS => 'https://', // 8
return $prefixes[$schemeFlag];
* Return subject value - the domain part, used for `preg_match_all()` route
* match processing. Given flag value contains integer about which placeholder
* strings the route `pattern` (or `reverse`) contains. Result is only the
* domain part with requested domain parts or placeholders to match pattern
* and subject in match processing.
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request
* @param int $hostFlag
* @return string
protected function matchesGetSubjectHost (\MvcCore\IRequest $request, & $hostFlag) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$hostPart = '';
if ($hostFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_NO /* 0 */) {
$hostPart = $request->GetHostName();
} else if ($hostFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_HOST /* 1 */) {
$hostPart = static::PLACEHOLDER_HOST;
} else if ($hostFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_DOMAIN /* 2 */) {
$hostPart = $request->GetThirdLevelDomain() . '.' . static::PLACEHOLDER_DOMAIN;
} else if ($hostFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_TLD /* 3 */) {
$hostPart = $request->GetThirdLevelDomain()
. '.' . $request->GetSecondLevelDomain()
. '.' . static::PLACEHOLDER_TLD;
} else if ($hostFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_SLD /* 4 */) {
$hostPart = $request->GetThirdLevelDomain()
. '.' . static::PLACEHOLDER_SLD
. '.' . $request->GetTopLevelDomain();
} else if ($hostFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_TLD + static::FLAG_HOST_SLD /* 7 */) {
$hostPart = $request->GetThirdLevelDomain()
. '.' . static::PLACEHOLDER_SLD
. '.' . static::PLACEHOLDER_TLD;
return $hostPart;
* Parse rewrite params from `preg_match_all()` `$matches` result array into
* array, keyed by param name with parsed value. If route has defined any
* `controller` or `action` property, those values are defined into result
* array first, converted into dashed case. If any rewrite param defines
* `controller` or `action` again, those values are overwritten in result
* array by values from regular expression `$matches` array.
* @param array $matchedValues
* @param array $defaults
* @return array
protected function & matchesParseRewriteParams (& $matchedValues, & $defaults) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$toolClass = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetToolClass();
$matchedParams = [];
$router = $this->router;
if ($this->controller !== NULL)
$matchedParams[$router::URL_PARAM_CONTROLLER] = $toolClass::GetDashedFromPascalCase(
str_replace(['_', '\\'], '/', $this->controller)
if ($this->action !== NULL)
$matchedParams[$router::URL_PARAM_ACTION] = $toolClass::GetDashedFromPascalCase(
array_shift($matchedValues); // first item is always matched whole `$request->GetPath()` string.
foreach ($matchedValues as $key => $matchedValueArr) {
if (is_numeric($key)) continue;
$matchedValue = (string) current($matchedValueArr);
if (!isset($defaults[$key]))
$defaults[$key] = NULL;
$matchedEmptyString = mb_strlen($matchedValue) === 0;
if ($matchedEmptyString)
$matchedValue = $defaults[$key];
// continue if there is already valid ctrl and action from route ctrl or action configuration
if (isset($matchedParams[$key]) && $matchedEmptyString) continue;
$matchedParams[$key] = $matchedValue;
return $matchedParams;