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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Route;
trait UrlBuilding {
* @inheritDocs
* @param array $params
* @param array $defaultParams
* @param string $direction
* @return array Filtered params array.
public function Filter (array & $params = [], array & $defaultParams = [], $direction = \MvcCore\IRoute::CONFIG_FILTER_IN) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
if (!$this->filters || !isset($this->filters[$direction]))
return [TRUE, $params];
list($closureCalling, $handler) = $this->filters[$direction];
try {
$req = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetRequest();
if ($closureCalling) {
$newParams = $handler($params, $defaultParams, $req);
} else {
$newParams = call_user_func_array($handler, [$params, $defaultParams, $req]);
$success = TRUE;
} catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
$debugClass = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetDebugClass();
$debugClass::Log($e, \MvcCore\IDebug::ERROR);
$success = FALSE;
$newParams = $params;
return [$success, $newParams];
* @inheritDocs
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request
* Currently requested request object.
* @param array $params
* URL params from application point completed
* by developer.
* @param array $defaultUrlParams
* Requested URL route params and query string
* params without escaped HTML special chars:
* `< > & " ' &`.
* @param string $queryStringParamsSepatator
* Query params separator, `&` by default. Always
* automatically completed by router instance.
* @param bool $splitUrl
* Boolean value about to split completed result URL
* into two parts or not. Default is FALSE to return
* a string array with only one record - the result
* URL. If `TRUE`, result url is split into two
* parts and function return array with two items.
* @return \string[] Result URL address in array. If last argument is
* `FALSE` by default, this function returns only
* single item array with result URL. If last
* argument is `TRUE`, function returns result URL
* in two parts - domain part with base path and
* path part with query string.
public function Url (\MvcCore\IRequest $request, array & $params = [], array & $defaultUrlParams = [], $queryStringParamsSepatator = '&', $splitUrl = FALSE) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
// check reverse initialization
if ($this->reverseParams === NULL) $this->initReverse();
// unset all params with the same values as route defaults configuration
foreach ($params as $paramName => $paramValue)
if (isset($this->defaults[$paramName]) && $this->defaults[$paramName] == $paramValue)
// complete and filter all params to build reverse pattern
if (count($this->reverseParams) === 0) {
$allParamsClone = array_merge([], $params);
} else {// complete params with necessary values to build reverse pattern (and than query string)
$emptyReverseParams = array_fill_keys(array_keys($this->reverseParams), NULL);
$allMergedParams = array_merge($this->defaults, $defaultUrlParams, $params);
// all params clone contains only keys necessary to build reverse
// pattern for this route and all given `$params` keys, nothing more
// from currently requested URL
$allParamsClone = array_merge(
$emptyReverseParams, array_intersect_key($allMergedParams, $emptyReverseParams), $params
// filter params
list(,$filteredParams) = $this->Filter($allParamsClone, $defaultUrlParams, \MvcCore\IRoute::CONFIG_FILTER_OUT);
$filteredParams = $filteredParams ?: [];
// split params into domain params array and into path and query params array
$domainParams = $this->urlGetAndRemoveDomainPercentageParams($filteredParams);
// build reverse pattern
$result = $this->urlComposeByReverseSectionsAndParams(
// add all remaining params to query string
if ($filteredParams) {
// `http_build_query()` automatically converts all XSS chars to entities (`< > & " ' &`):
$result .= (mb_strpos($result, '?') !== FALSE ? $queryStringParamsSepatator : '?')
. str_replace('%2F', '/', http_build_query($filteredParams, '', $queryStringParamsSepatator, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986));
return $this->urlAbsPartAndSplit($request, $result, $domainParams, $splitUrl);
* Compose URL by reverse pattern value, by reverse (fixed or variable)
* sections info, by reverse params info (start, end, length), by given
* params array with final values and by default params values defined by
* route object. Unset all applied params from given `$params` array to not
* render them again in possible query string later.
* @param string $reverse A route reverse string without brackets defining
* URL variable sections.
* @param \stdClass[] $reverseSections Reverse sections info, where each item contains
* data about if section is fixed or not, start,
* length and end of section.
* @param array $reverseParams An array with keys as param names and values as
* `\stdClass` objects with data about each reverse param.
* @param array $params An array with keys as param names and values as
* param final values.
* @param array $defaults An array with keys as param names and values as
* param default values defined in route object.
* @return string
protected function urlComposeByReverseSectionsAndParams (& $reverse, & $reverseSections, & $reverseParams, & $params, & $defaults) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$sections = [];
$paramIndex = 0;
$reverseParamsKeys = array_keys($reverseParams);
$paramsCount = count($reverseParamsKeys);
$anyParams = $paramsCount > 0;
foreach ($reverseSections as $sectionIndex => & $section) {
$fixed = $section->fixed;
$sectionResult = '';
if ($anyParams) {
$sectionOffset = $section->start;
$sectionParamsCount = 0;
$defaultValuesCount = 0;
while ($paramIndex < $paramsCount) {
$paramKey = $reverseParamsKeys[$paramIndex];
$reverseParam = $reverseParams[$paramKey];
if ($reverseParam->sectionIndex !== $sectionIndex) break;
$paramStart = $reverseParam->reverseStart;
if ($sectionOffset < $paramStart)
$sectionResult .= mb_substr($reverse, $sectionOffset, $paramStart - $sectionOffset);
$paramName = $reverseParam->name;
$paramValue = $params[$paramName];
$paramValueStr = is_array($paramValue) ? implode(',', $paramValue) : strval($paramValue);
if (
$paramValue === NULL || (
array_key_exists($paramName, $defaults) &&
$paramValueStr == strval($defaults[$paramName])
) $defaultValuesCount++;
$sectionResult .= htmlspecialchars($paramValueStr, ENT_QUOTES);
$paramIndex += 1;
$sectionOffset = $reverseParam->reverseEnd;
$sectionEnd = $section->end;
if (!$fixed && $sectionParamsCount === $defaultValuesCount) {
$sectionResult = '';
} else if ($sectionOffset < $sectionEnd) {
$sectionResult .= mb_substr($reverse, $sectionOffset, $sectionEnd - $sectionOffset);
} else if ($fixed) {
$sectionResult = mb_substr($reverse, $section->start, $section->length);
$sections[] = $sectionResult;
$result = implode('', $sections);
$result = & $this->urlCorrectTrailingSlashBehaviour($result);
return $result;
* After final URL is completed, split result URL into two parts. First part
* as scheme, domain part and base path and second part as application
* request path and query string.
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request
* A request object.
* @param string $resultUrl
* Result URL to split. REsult URL still could
* contain domain part or base path replacements.
* @param array $domainParams
* Array with params for first URL part (scheme,
* domain, base path).
* @param bool $splitUrl
* Boolean value about to split completed result URL
* into two parts or not. Default is FALSE to return
* a string array with only one record - the result
* URL. If `TRUE`, result url is split into two
* parts and function return array with two items.
* @return \string[] Result URL address in array. If last argument is
* `FALSE` by default, this function returns only
* single item array with result URL. If last
* argument is `TRUE`, function returns result URL
* in two parts - domain part with base path and
* path part with query string.
protected function urlAbsPartAndSplit (\MvcCore\IRequest $request, $resultUrl, & $domainParams, $splitUrl) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$domainParamsFlag = $this->flags[1];
$basePathInReverse = FALSE;
if ($domainParamsFlag >= static::FLAG_HOST_BASEPATH) {
$basePathInReverse = TRUE;
$domainParamsFlag -= static::FLAG_HOST_BASEPATH;
if ($this->flags[0]) {
// route is defined as absolute with possible `%domain%` and other params
// process possible replacements in reverse result - `%host%`, `%domain%`, `%tld%` and `%sld%`
$this->urlReplaceDomainReverseParams($request, $resultUrl, $domainParams, $domainParamsFlag);
// try to find URL position after domain part and after base path part
if ($basePathInReverse) {
return $this->urlAbsPartAndSplitByReverseBasePath($request, $resultUrl, $domainParams, $splitUrl);
} else {
return $this->urlAbsPartAndSplitByRequestedBasePath($request, $resultUrl, $splitUrl);
} else {
// route is not defined as absolute, there could be only flag
// in domain params array to complete absolute URL by developer
// and there could be also `basePath` param defined.
return $this->urlAbsPartAndSplitByGlobalSwitchOrBasePath(
$request, $resultUrl, $domainParams, (bool) $domainParamsFlag, $splitUrl
* Replace all domain params percentage replacements in finally completed
* URL by given `$domainParams` array values. If there is founded any
* percentage replacement which is not presented in `$domainParams` array,
* there is used value from request object.
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request A request object.
* @param string $resultUrl Result URL to split. REsult URL
* still could contain domain part
* or base path replacements.
* @param array $domainParams Array with params for first URL
* part (scheme, domain, base path).
* @param mixed $domainParamsFlag Second route flag about domain
* without value about base path.
* This value contains info what
* percentage replacements was
* contained in reverse pattern.
protected function urlReplaceDomainReverseParams (\MvcCore\IRequest $request, & $resultUrl, & $domainParams, $domainParamsFlag) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$replacements = [];
$values = [];
$router = $this->router;
if ($domainParamsFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_HOST) {
$hostParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_HOST;
$replacements[] = static::PLACEHOLDER_HOST;
$values[] = isset($domainParams[$hostParamName])
? $domainParams[$hostParamName]
: $request->GetHost();
} else if ($domainParamsFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_DOMAIN) {
$domainParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_DOMAIN;
$replacements[] = static::PLACEHOLDER_DOMAIN;
$values[] = isset($domainParams[$domainParamName])
? $domainParams[$domainParamName]
: $request->GetSecondLevelDomain() . '.' . $request->GetTopLevelDomain();
} else {
if ($domainParamsFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_TLD) {
$tldParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_TLD;
$replacements[] = static::PLACEHOLDER_TLD;
$values[] = isset($domainParams[$tldParamName])
? $domainParams[$tldParamName]
: $request->GetTopLevelDomain();
} else if ($domainParamsFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_SLD) {
$sldParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_SLD;
$replacements[] = static::PLACEHOLDER_SLD;
$values[] = isset($domainParams[$sldParamName])
? $domainParams[$sldParamName]
: $request->GetSecondLevelDomain();
} else if ($domainParamsFlag == static::FLAG_HOST_TLD + static::FLAG_HOST_SLD) {
$tldParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_TLD;
$sldParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_SLD;
$replacements[] = static::PLACEHOLDER_TLD;
$replacements[] = static::PLACEHOLDER_SLD;
$values[] = isset($domainParams[$tldParamName])
? $domainParams[$tldParamName]
: $request->GetTopLevelDomain();
$values[] = isset($domainParams[$sldParamName])
? $domainParams[$sldParamName]
: $request->GetSecondLevelDomain();
$resultUrl = str_replace($replacements, $values, $resultUrl);
* After final URL is completed, split result URL into two parts if there
* is contained domain part and base path in reverse, what is base material
* to complete result URL. If there is found base path percentage
* replacement in result url, split url after that percentage replacement
* and replace that part with domain param value or request base path value.
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request
* A request object.
* @param string $resultUrl
* Result URL to split. Result URL still could
* contain domain part or base path replacements.
* @param array $domainParams
* Array with params for first URL part (scheme,
* domain, base path).
* @param bool $splitUrl
* Boolean value about to split completed result URL
* into two parts or not. Default is FALSE to return
* a string array with only one record - the result
* URL. If `TRUE`, result url is split into two
* parts and function return array with two items.
* @return \string[] Result URL address in array. If last argument is
* `FALSE` by default, this function returns only
* single item array with result URL. If last
* argument is `TRUE`, function returns result URL
* in two parts - domain part with base path and
* path part with query string.
protected function urlAbsPartAndSplitByReverseBasePath (\MvcCore\IRequest $request, $resultUrl, & $domainParams, $splitUrl) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$doubleSlashPos = mb_strpos($resultUrl, '//');
$doubleSlashPos = $doubleSlashPos === FALSE
? 0
: $doubleSlashPos + 2;
$router = $this->router;
$basePathPlaceHolderPos = mb_strpos($resultUrl, static::PLACEHOLDER_BASEPATH, $doubleSlashPos);
if ($basePathPlaceHolderPos === FALSE) {
return $this->urlAbsPartAndSplitByRequestedBasePath(
$request, $resultUrl, $splitUrl
$pathPart = mb_substr($resultUrl, $basePathPlaceHolderPos + mb_strlen(static::PLACEHOLDER_BASEPATH));
$questionMarkPos = mb_strpos($pathPart, '?');
if ($questionMarkPos === FALSE) {
$pathPart = str_replace('//', '/', $pathPart);
} else {
$pathPart = str_replace('//', '/', mb_substr($pathPart, 0, $questionMarkPos))
. mb_substr($pathPart, $questionMarkPos);
$basePart = mb_substr($resultUrl, 0, $basePathPlaceHolderPos);
$basePathParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_BASEPATH;
$basePart .= isset($domainParams[$basePathParamName])
? $domainParams[$basePathParamName]
: $request->GetBasePath();
if ($this->flags[0] === static::FLAG_SCHEME_ANY)
$basePart = $request->GetScheme() . $basePart;
if ($splitUrl) return [$basePart, $pathPart];
return [$basePart . $pathPart];
* After final URL is completed, split result URL into two parts if there
* is contained domain part and base path in reverse, what is base material
* to complete result URL. Try to found the point in result URL, where is
* base path end and application request path begin. By that point split and
* return result URL.
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request
* A request object.
* @param string $resultUrl
* Result URL to split. Result URL still could
* contain domain part or base path replacements.
* @param bool $splitUrl
* Boolean value about to split completed result URL
* into two parts or not. Default is FALSE to return
* a string array with only one record - the result
* URL. If `TRUE`, result url is split into two
* parts and function return array with two items.
* @return \string[] Result URL address in array. If last argument is
* `FALSE` by default, this function returns only
* single item array with result URL. If last
* argument is `TRUE`, function returns result URL
* in two parts - domain part with base path and
* path part with query string.
protected function urlAbsPartAndSplitByRequestedBasePath (\MvcCore\IRequest $request, $resultUrl, $splitUrl) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$doubleSlashPos = mb_strpos($resultUrl, '//');
$doubleSlashPos = $doubleSlashPos === FALSE
? 0
: $doubleSlashPos + 2;
if (!$splitUrl) {
$resultSchemePart = mb_substr($resultUrl, 0, $doubleSlashPos);
$resultAfterScheme = mb_substr($resultUrl, $doubleSlashPos);
$resultAfterScheme = str_replace('//', '/', $resultAfterScheme);
if ($this->flags[0] === static::FLAG_SCHEME_ANY) {
$resultUrl = $request->GetScheme() . '//' . $resultAfterScheme;
} else {
$resultUrl = $resultSchemePart . $resultAfterScheme;
return [$resultUrl];
} else {
$nextSlashPos = mb_strpos($resultUrl, '/', $doubleSlashPos);
if ($nextSlashPos === FALSE) {
$queryStringPos = mb_strpos($resultUrl, '?', $doubleSlashPos);
$baseUrlPartEndPos = $queryStringPos === FALSE
? mb_strlen($resultUrl)
: $queryStringPos;
} else {
$baseUrlPartEndPos = $nextSlashPos;
$requestedBasePath = $request->GetBasePath();
$basePathLength = mb_strlen($requestedBasePath);
if ($basePathLength > 0) {
$basePathPos = mb_strpos($resultUrl, $requestedBasePath, $baseUrlPartEndPos);
if ($basePathPos === $baseUrlPartEndPos)
$baseUrlPartEndPos += $basePathLength;
$basePart = mb_substr($resultUrl, 0, $baseUrlPartEndPos);
if ($this->flags[0] === static::FLAG_SCHEME_ANY)
$basePart = $request->GetScheme() . $basePart;
$pathAndQueryPart = mb_substr($resultUrl, $baseUrlPartEndPos);
$questionMarkPos = mb_strpos($pathAndQueryPart, '?');
if ($questionMarkPos === FALSE) {
$pathAndQueryPart = str_replace('//', '/', $pathAndQueryPart);
} else {
$pathAndQueryPart = str_replace('//', '/', mb_substr($pathAndQueryPart, 0, $questionMarkPos))
. mb_substr($pathAndQueryPart, $questionMarkPos);
return [$basePart, $pathAndQueryPart];
* After final URL is completed and if there is contained no scheme, no
* domain part and no base path part in route pattern (or reverse), then make
* checks if it needs scheme part, domain part or base path part by global
* route flag property `absolute` or by given params. Then complete absolute
* part and return result URL as single array record or split result URL by
* base path end point.
* @param \MvcCore\Request $request
* A request object.
* @param string $resultUrl
* Result URL to split. Result URL still could
* contain domain part or base path replacements.
* @param array $domainParams
* Array with params for first URL part (scheme,
* domain, base path).
* @param bool $domainParamsFlag
* Route second int flag value without base path.
* @param bool $splitUrl
* Boolean value about to split completed result URL
* into two parts or not. Default is FALSE to return
* a string array with only one record - the result
* URL. If `TRUE`, result url is split into two
* parts and function return array with two items.
* @return \string[] Result URL address in array. If last argument is
* `FALSE` by default, this function returns only
* single item array with result URL. If last
* argument is `TRUE`, function returns result URL
* in two parts - domain part with base path and
* path part with query string.
protected function urlAbsPartAndSplitByGlobalSwitchOrBasePath (\MvcCore\IRequest $request, $resultUrl, & $domainParams, $domainParamsFlag, $splitUrl) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$router = $this->router;
$basePathParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_BASEPATH;
$basePart = isset($domainParams[$basePathParamName])
? isset($domainParams[$basePathParamName])
: $request->GetBasePath();
// If there is `%basePath%` placeholder in reverse, put before `$basePart`
// what is before matched `%basePath%` placeholder and edit `$resultUrl`
// to use only part after `%basePath%` placeholder:
if ($domainParamsFlag) {
$placeHolderBasePath = static::PLACEHOLDER_BASEPATH;
$basePathPlaceHolderPos = mb_strpos($resultUrl, $placeHolderBasePath);
if ($basePathPlaceHolderPos !== FALSE) {
$basePart = mb_substr($resultUrl, 0, $basePathPlaceHolderPos) . $basePart;
$resultUrl = mb_substr($resultUrl, $basePathPlaceHolderPos + mb_strlen($placeHolderBasePath));
$absoluteParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_ABSOLUTE;
if (
$this->absolute || (
isset($domainParams[$absoluteParamName]) && $domainParams[$absoluteParamName]
$basePart = $request->GetDomainUrl() . $basePart;
$questionMarkPos = mb_strpos($resultUrl, '?');
if ($questionMarkPos === FALSE) {
$resultUrl = str_replace('//', '/', $resultUrl);
} else {
$resultUrl = str_replace('//', '/', mb_substr($resultUrl, 0, $questionMarkPos))
. mb_substr($resultUrl, $questionMarkPos);
if ($splitUrl) return [$basePart, $resultUrl];
return [$basePart . $resultUrl];
* Return `TRUE` if there are any domain params or `absolute` boolean flag
* found in given `$params` array. All those domain params and possible
* `absolute` flag unset from given `$params` array and return it in result
* array as domain params. Keys as param name, values as domain param value.
* @param array $params
* @return array
protected function urlGetAndRemoveDomainPercentageParams (array & $params = []) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
static $domainPercentageParams = [];
$absolute = FALSE;
$router = $this->router;
$absoluteParamName = $router::URL_PARAM_ABSOLUTE;
$result = [];
if (!$domainPercentageParams) {
$domainPercentageParams = [
foreach ($domainPercentageParams as $domainPercentageParam) {
if (isset($params[$domainPercentageParam])) {
$absolute = TRUE;
$result[$domainPercentageParam] = $params[$domainPercentageParam];
if ($absolute) {
$result[$absoluteParamName] = TRUE;
} else if (isset($params[$absoluteParamName])) {
$result[$absoluteParamName] = (bool) $params[$absoluteParamName];
return $result;
* Correct last character in path element completed in `Url()` method by
* cached router configuration protected property
* `\MvcCore\Router::$trailingSlashBehaviour;`.
* @param string $urlPath
* @return string
protected function & urlCorrectTrailingSlashBehaviour (& $urlPath) {
/** @var $this \MvcCore\Route */
$trailingSlashBehaviour = $this->_trailingSlashBehaviour ?: (
$this->_trailingSlashBehaviour = $this->router->GetTrailingSlashBehaviour()
$urlPathLength = mb_strlen($urlPath);
$lastCharIsSlash = $urlPathLength > 0 && mb_substr($urlPath, $urlPathLength - 1) === '/';
if (!$lastCharIsSlash && $trailingSlashBehaviour === \MvcCore\IRouter::TRAILING_SLASH_ALWAYS) {
$urlPath .= '/';
} else if ($lastCharIsSlash && $trailingSlashBehaviour === \MvcCore\IRouter::TRAILING_SLASH_REMOVE) {
$urlPath = mb_substr($urlPath, 0, $urlPathLength - 1);
if ($urlPath === '')
$urlPath = '/';
return $urlPath;