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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Router;
interface IConstants {
* Default system route name, automatically created for requests:
* - For requests with explicitly defined ctrl and action in query string.
* - For requests targeting homepage with ctrl and action `Index:Index`.
* - For requests targeting any not matched path by other routes with
* configured router as `$router->SetRouteToDefaultIfNotMatch();` which
* target default route with controller and action `Index:Index`.
const DEFAULT_ROUTE_NAME = 'default';
* Default system route name, automatically created for error requests,
* where was uncaught exception in ctrl or template, caught by application.
* This route is created with controller and action `Index:Error` by default.
* Default system route name, automatically created for not matched requests,
* where was not possible to found requested ctrl or template or anything else.
* This route is created with controller and action `Index:NotFound` by default.
const DEFAULT_ROUTE_NAME_NOT_FOUND = 'not_found';
* Always keep trailing slash in requested URL or
* always add trailing slash into URL and redirect to it.
* Be absolutely benevolent for trailing slash in requested url.
* Always remove trailing slash from requested URL if there is any and
* redirect to it, except homepage.
* URL param name to define target controller.
const URL_PARAM_CONTROLLER = 'controller';
* URL param name to define target controller action.
const URL_PARAM_ACTION = 'action';
* URL param name to build absolute URL address.
const URL_PARAM_ABSOLUTE = 'absolute';
* URL param name to place custom host into route
* reverse pattern placeholder `%host%`.
const URL_PARAM_HOST = 'host';
* URL param name to place custom domain into route
* reverse pattern placeholder `%domain%`.
const URL_PARAM_DOMAIN = 'domain';
* URL param name to place custom top level domain
* into route reverse pattern placeholder `%tld%`.
const URL_PARAM_TLD = 'tld';
* URL param name to place custom second level domain
* into route reverse pattern placeholder `%sld%`.
const URL_PARAM_SLD = 'sld';
* URL param name to place custom basePath into route
* reverse pattern placeholder `%basePath%`.
const URL_PARAM_BASEPATH = 'basePath';
* URL param name to place custom basePath into route
* reverse pattern placeholder `%basePath%`.
const URL_PARAM_PATH = 'path';