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* MvcCore
* This source file is subject to the BSD 3 License
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE.md file that are distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Flidr (https://github.com/mvccore)
* @license https://mvccore.github.io/docs/mvccore/5.0.0/LICENCE.md
namespace MvcCore\Router;
trait Props {
* Current `\MvcCore\Router` singleton instance storage.
* @var \MvcCore\Router
protected static $instance = NULL;
* Value from `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetRouterClass();`.
* @var string|NULL
protected static $routerClass = NULL;
* Value from `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetRouteClass();`.
* @var string|NULL
protected static $routeClass = NULL;
* Value from `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()->GetToolClass();`.
* @var string|NULL
protected static $toolClass = NULL;
* Reference to `\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance();`
* to not call this very time we need app instance.
* @var \MvcCore\Application|NULL
protected $application = NULL;
* Internally used `\MvcCore\Request` request object reference for:
* - Routing process in `\MvcCore\Router::Route();` and it's protected sub-methods.
* - URL addresses completing in `\MvcCore\Router::Url()` and it's protected sub-methods.
* @var \MvcCore\Request|NULL
protected $request = NULL;
* Global application route instances store to match request.
* Keys are route(s) names, values are `\MvcCore\Route` instances.
* @var \MvcCore\Route[]
protected $routes = [];
* Another application route instances store to match request,
* where are routes stored under key, representing first founded
* word in requested path. Values under every first path word is array.
* Every array has keys as route(s) names and values as `\MvcCore\Route`
* instances.
* @var array
protected $routesGroups = [];
* Global application route instances store to complete URL addresses.
* Keys are route(s) names and `Controller:Action` combinations,
* values are `\MvcCore\Route` instances.
* @var \MvcCore\Route[]
protected $urlRoutes = [];
* Main router strategy boolean. This property is automatically set to
* `TRUE`/`FALSE` in method `\MvcCore\Router::Route();`. By this property,
* there is chosen routing strategy, how to complete requested controller
* and action. If value is set to `TRUE`, there is processed only routing by
* query string variables controller and action. If value is `FALSE`, there
* is processed routing by rewrite routes. This property is possible to set
* manually into any boolean value you want and it will not be automatically
* detected anymore.
* @var bool|NULL
protected $routeByQueryString = NULL;
* Matched route by `\MvcCore\Router::Match();` processing or NULL if no match.
* By this route, there is created and dispatched controller lifecycle by core.
* @var \MvcCore\Route|NULL
protected $currentRoute = NULL;
* Route name or route `Controller:Action` name, matched route by
* `\MvcCore\Router::Match();` processing or NULL if no match.
* By this route name, there is completed every 'self' URL address string.
* This route name record is not changed by any error rendering,
* so in error pages, you could render 'self' links to desired page, but
* not to error page itself.
* @var string
protected $selfRouteName = NULL;
* `TRUE` if request has to be automatically dispatched as default
* `Index:Index` route, if there was no route matching current request
* and if request was not `/` (homepage) but `/something-more`.
* Default value: `FALSE`.
* @var bool
protected $routeToDefaultIfNotMatch = FALSE;
* All request params - params parsed by route and query string params.
* Be careful, it could contain XSS chars. Use always `htmlspecialchars()`.
* Those params could contain additional user params from filter function.
* @var array|NULL
protected $defaultParams = [];
* All request params - params parsed by route and query string params.
* Be careful, it could contain XSS chars. Use always `htmlspecialchars()`.
* @var array|NULL
protected $requestedParams = [];
* Trailing slash behaviour - integer state about what to do with trailing
* slash in all requested URL except homepage. Possible states are:
* - `-1` (`\MvcCore\IRouter::TRAILING_SLASH_REMOVE`)
* Always remove trailing slash from requested URL if there
* is any and redirect to it, except homepage.
* - `0` (`\MvcCore\IRouter::TRAILING_SLASH_BENEVOLENT`)
* Be absolutely benevolent for trailing slash in requested url.
* - `1` (`\MvcCore\IRouter::TRAILING_SLASH_ALWAYS`)
* Always keep trailing slash in requested URL or always add trailing
* slash into URL and redirect to it.
* Default value is `-1` - `\MvcCore\IRouter::TRAILING_SLASH_REMOVE`
* @var int
protected $trailingSlashBehaviour = 0;
* This property allows (by `TRUE` value by default) an auto canonical URL
* redirection. It allows to redirect to canonical URL, if request is not
* an internal and also if request is not realized by GET method. Then router
* try to complete canonical (shorter) URL by detected strategy and if
* canonical URL is different, router redirects to it.
* @var bool
protected $autoCanonizeRequests = TRUE;
* Query string params separator, always initialized by configured response type.
* If response has no `Content-Type` header yet, query string separator is automatically
* configured to `&`. That's why is very important to define response content type
* as the very first command in controller `Init()` method, if you want to send XML content.
* @var string|NULL
protected $queryParamsSepatator = NULL;
* If router has any routes configured in `Route()` function call, this property is `TRUE`.
* If there are no routes configured in `Route()` function call moment, it's `FALSE`.
* @var bool|NULL
protected $anyRoutesConfigured = NULL;
* Custom pre-route matching handler. This handler will be executed every
* time after rewrite routes strategy is chosen, after first word from
* requested path is parsed and before rewrite routes will be processed.
* The handler could be used to fill in routes you need by the first parsed
* word from request path and by completed request object. Given handler
* callable has to accept first argument to be router instance, second
* argument to be request object instance and third argument to be a string
* with possibly parsed first word from requested path or an empty string.
* Handler could return value to be void or anything else, doesn't matter.
* Example:
* `$router->preRouteMatchingHandler =
* function (\MvcCore\IRouter $router, \MvcCore\IRequest $request, $firstPathWord) {
* // load any routes from database here
* $routes = $db->loadRoutingRoutesGroup($firstPathWord);
* // add loaded routes into router
* $router->AddRoutes($routes, $firstPathWord);
* };`
* @var callable|NULL
protected $preRouteMatchingHandler = NULL;
* Custom handler executed before building URL by rewrite routes. This
* handler will be executed every time there is necessary to build an URL
* when there are configured any rewrite routes and when there is no route
* found to do it. Then the handler is executed to load any group of routes
* from database into router instance if desired route is not already there.
* If there is no route found in database, route name to build url is
* marked to not request the database again automatically. Given handler
* callable has to accept first argument to be router instance, second
* argument to be a string with first `Url()` method argument - it could be
* controller and action combination or route name and third argument to be
* and array with params - the second argument from `Url()` method with
* arguments for final URL address. Handler has to return an array, empty
* or array with keys to be route names for each route to merge those new
* routes with already defined routes in router instance in protected
* property `$router->urlRoutes`.
* Example:
* `$router->preRouteUrlBuildingHandler =
* function (\MvcCore\IRouter $router, $controllerActionOrRouteName, array $params = []) {
* // load any routes from database here
* $routes = $db->loadUrlRoutesGroup($controllerActionOrRouteName);
* // return routes in array with keys to be route name for each route
* return $routes;
* };`
* @var callable|NULL
protected $preRouteUrlBuildingHandler = NULL;
* Keys by `Url()` method first argument, when
* it was not possible to found any rewrite route
* to build url.
* @var array
protected $noUrlRoutes = [];
* This boolean property is only cached result from request object method
* `\MvcCore\Request::IsInternalRequest();`, completed always in the
* beginning in router method `\MvcCore\Router::Route();`. It tells router if
* request targets any internal controller action or not, for example packed
* JS/CSS or image in single file mode.
* @var bool
protected $internalRequest = FALSE;